Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Estimated time left is based on what you've been doing the 15 or so minutes before. What is important is your actual drainage.

You may be right, but it still is concerning. I was doing much with my phone at the time. I had just woken up and took it off the charger and looked at it. Perhaps if I practically ignore my phone all day today, Ill get longer than the said 10 hours. But if I do much with it, Ill get less than that. Its more bothersome when I read people do a laundry list of things with their phone, and get much longer time out of it, as well as people that actually see the phone say 1 or 2 days left.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

You may be right, but it still is concerning. I was doing much with my phone at the time. I had just woken up and took it off the charger and looked at it. Perhaps if I practically ignore my phone all day today, Ill get longer than the said 10 hours. But if I do much with it, Ill get less than that. Its more bothersome when I read people do a laundry list of things with their phone, and get much longer time out of it, as well as people that actually see the phone say 1 or 2 days left.

Thing is the estimated times always suck on any mobile/laptop/tablet, they are just estimates. We do not know the algorithm used so we do not know how it is changing with use. 1 hour ago I had 1 day and 5 hours estimated remaining, then I did some texting/general screen on and now it is down to 20 hours. If I would game for 10 min it would be down to 10 hours.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I hate to mention Android, but I wish there was an ability to have an App like I had on Android. I dont remember if it was a stock App, I dont think it was. But it was a type of Battery/Process Monitor. You could see what Apps have used most CPU, you could see how many minutes/hours the screen was on. You could see what really used the battery most. There is nothing like that for WP7 or 8, as far as I know. Are so many things so locked down in this OS, that we cant even have an App like that?

An App like that would be extremely useful. The only reason I could think that no App like that exists is because of lock downs MS has in place in the OS, which really is a shame. Probably one of the most frustrating/annoying things about WPs is how locked down it seems to be and how this prevents devs from being able to give us more features and functions that they would normally have the ability to do.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

- I turned off automatic skydrive updating and I got 10% fall every 6 hours with no phone usage( almost standby)

- I turned off 3G, and now what is interesting is; Fall rate is %10 every 24 hours! (with almost no usage)( I have wi-fi open all time, at home and office)

If I go with this result phone will live for 3-4 days minimum with small usage of phone. Some few calls and sms.
I hope there is no problem reading battery voltage, as I'm schoked with this result, how it is possible to get 10% for 24 hours.
By the way, battery economy is not open. I cant thnik of if I turn it on.

Maybe it is also an update issue of nokia or microsoft . Because whenever I open some applications, every minute I was loosing %1. Now it does not fall that speed.
Problem is; it really dont fall down. :) I hope it is not a bug with the phone or WP8

I love my phone, was formerly an iphone4 user. Now I see iphone like as a toy for childs :)
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Last night, I noticed that my Lumia 920 was draining my battery pretty fast. I did nothing, but the full charge dropped to 70% after 6 hours of complete inactivity.

Before this, I was having a good battery performance. I had problems with my battery for the first 10 days or so. I was worried about this and had a factory reset about one week ago. That solved everything. After the factory reset, one charge was going up more than 24 hours with light use.

Last night, the only thing I did was installing gMaps pro from and several updates from the Store app which includes Nokia's extra+ app. (I do not remember the details.) I suspect something is running in the background. By the way, Nokia drive beta had been off from running background. NFC had been off too.

I had a soft reset to see if that clears up anything running in the background. I am going to see if this helps with my battery charge level.
I have had 2 megadrains and I now know certain that Gmaps caused mine, even though I had the backgrouding and Latitude disabled!! So we have another test case for people with battery drains... do you have Gmaps installed?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues


Hi Guys,

In addition to my previous email. My phone was %96 and it was charged up %97 automatically.
Check the graphs, it was 100% from 01:00 to 16:00 clock. I thought there were somethnig wrong, then shutdown and reopen the phone.
It goes to 96%. Still a perfect value for me. But one hour later it goes up tp%97. See the curve in the graph ir goes up.

Can it be charged with Wi-fi energy automatically, or is this a bug?
I will keep you update time by time, meanwhile I wont charge it.
Do you guys suggest a hard reset to solve the battery issues? My battery lasts around 8 hours before battery saver kicks in, then I get around an hour and a half. Only aop in background allowed is weather.other than this issue, I'm in love with it... thanks in advance
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

This is my first smartphone, so I didn't really know what kind of battery life to expect. It definitely doesn't last as long as my old flip phone. My experience thus far has been pretty inconsistent, but the life seems to be improving a bit. Right now, my phone is showing 70% & 2 days 17 hours remaining, and 1 day and 3 hours since my last charge. Under heavy use, such as continual web surfing, I have drained it completely within 8 hours. I haven't been doing much with my phone this week, and I have pretty much everything turned off right now except for location services.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Strangely, I used up all my phone's battery until it died. Plugged it in to the wall charger and 10 minutes later it was at 80%.
Top 10 method to increase Battery Life for Lumia 920

I had been reading numerous reports and complaints about the poor battery life on the Lumia 920, despite the larger battery capacity it has. Although, I did not own a Lumia 920 (waiting to own one in singapore), I think I can help those who are experiencing poor battery life on 920. Below are the 10 methods I have come up so far. For potential owners and fresh-owners of Lumia 920, read no.10 first.

1. Spam the Back button (till no further changes on screen)
Doing this will close the app completely that you are currently using. Spaming the back button will help to close multiple apps that you have open. Occasionally, the app will not close even if you press the back button several times, the app will prompt you to close the app through pressing an in-app exit button.

2. Turn off Near field communication (NFC).
There are some people who suggest the NFC was the one of the main culprit of draining the battery life. Thus, they advised you to turn NFC off.

3. Turn off 4G/3G/WiFi/Bluetooth when you don't need it
This one of the common methods of extending battery life.

4. Turn off High Contrast mode, switch to low brightness and black background.
Another common method of extending battery life.

5. Turn off Sensitive Touch
I believe that turning off this will increase battery life. I think turning it off will reduce the power consume by the display so as to reduce sensitivity.

6. Black Wallpaper Lockscreen and turn off Live Lockscreen
This is one of my super-battery saving technique that I implement one my Lumia 900. I think this will increase the battery life slightly.

7. Reduce the amount of Live tiles on your Start Screen
I believe live tiles updates itself by syncing infomation from the app, this turns on part of the app, even if you close the main one. Therefore, draining battery life. I feel sad about this as I love having Live Tiles.

8. Turn on the Battery Saver Mode feature everytime (if you can)
This is self-explanatory.

9. Turn off your Phone
Again, this is self-explanatory.

10. On your first Charge, charge you phone for twelve hours.
This is a myth? Or not? Most of the people said that by doing this, will decrease the rate of battery degradation and improve daily battery life.

Try these and post your results. If you have a better battery-saving method, post yours also.
Re: Top 10 method to increase Battery Life for Lumia 920

#1 way to save battery.......Dont use your brand new phone! :p
Re: Top 10 method to increase Battery Life for Lumia 920

hitting back does nothing. turn off unnecessary background apps will though
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I was getting 12 hours at most for the first week I had the phone. My daily use: 1 hour Bluetooth, wifi always on, accuweather only background app, texting all day and about an hour of web browsing. I'm connected LTE all day at work, but use wifi, message status set to offline. I let the phone shut itself off last night, plugged it in, fully charged this morning. I am now 9 hours since last charge and 1 day estimated time remaining @ 87%. Looks like the cycling others have stated did the trick.
update on my case:
since I let the phone shutoff and fully recharge, the battery is working normal and better than my focus. My latest charge went for 44 hours. Hopefully this is solved for me.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I started having battery issues too, it's lunch time and almost down to a quarter, it also felt hot in my pocket all morning.

I think some music apps leave the wifi on and somehow that just sucks out the battery rapidly. If any app runs hot don't leave it in the background.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Haha, I think the OS is just not aware of just how much juice is left in the battery, that is fixed by running it flat and then charging it full.

this is what i think it is. i think the OS has some sort of bug with the battery indicator that it's giving inconsitent readings for everyones phone. right now i have 3 days and 4 hours remaining at 82%. some ppl cant get more than 12 hours at 100%. those ppl at 12 hours max could only be getting their battery halfway charged due to the OS bug. this is just speculation but makes some sense.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

update on my case:
since I let the phone shutoff and fully recharge, the battery is working normal and better than my focus. My latest charge went for 44 hours. Hopefully this is solved for me.

I'm going to try this today and let ya'lls know what happens. I currently get 14 hours with moderate use... maybe a little more than moderate.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Weird. First one I had had crap battery and got hot. Then it just died. The replacement one has what I consider wonderful battery life (often still has some charge by bedtime). My girlfriend just got hers mailed to her from AT&T and her battery life is HORRIBLE and it gets hot. I think there is just a bad batch. We are going to exchange hers this weekend.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Another day, another weird battery moment. This time a positive thing luckily. I took it of the charger at 23.30, I slept pretty long.... and this is what it said at around 12:00:


I had it connected to cellular (2G) with WIFI and location services on. It really is all over the place, one night you lose 1 percent per hour, the other night almost 5 percent per hour and now only 2 percent in 12 hours. Or the OS/apps are still full of bugs, or the battery indicator is just completely off and living a life of its own.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

lmao 25 days? yeah right...

here is mine right after a full charge wp_ss_20121201_0001.jpg
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

lmao 25 days? yeah right...

here is mine right after a full charge

I really envy some of you. When I wake up, I find my phone 100% charged, and 9 - 10 hours remaining. Dismal. Ive never seen it over 11 or 12 hours, no matter what is turned off/disabled.

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