Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have done little experiments on my 920 and identified some apps that drained my phone battery. What I did is installs an app one-by-one and monitor heat and battery usage. These apps heat up my phone IMMEDIATELY after installed and the heat was gone after I uninstalled it.

Nokia Drive + (well-known battery drainer)
Facebook with toast notification (without toast notification worked fine)

I'm not claiming this as a fact and it might be unique only to my phone.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have done little experiments on my 920 and identified some apps that drained my phone battery. What I did is installs an app one-by-one and monitor heat and battery usage. These apps heat up my phone IMMEDIATELY after installed and the heat was gone after I uninstalled it.

Nokia Drive + (well-known battery drainer)
Facebook with toast notification (without toast notification worked fine)

I'm not claiming this as a fact and it might be unique only to my phone.

I have all four of those and no battery drain.

Draining for me was whatsapp which i eventually removed and for some odd reasonj imgur uploader. This app doesn't even run in background, once i dled, it drained the **** out of my battery on standby like 20% in 1 hour. so i removed, battery back to normal.

I have battery status, paper shuffle and weather running in background 3 emails with one as it arrives
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My 920 battery just doesn't last very long compared to my wife's 920. It doesn't matter what my settings are or what apps I have installed. I can turn everything off and she can have everything on and her phone will still outlast mine everytime. She actually uses hers throughout the day for her job, and I don't. Both are white and purchased at the same time.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

No matter if your battery is very good or bad, GPS nav apps will demolish it very quickly. This phone is very inefficient when it comes to sat nav. None of my previous phones - iPhone 5 or Galaxy S2 was using so much battery in so little time, when using sat nav.

In fact, it uses around 12% in 20 minutes which is a bit ridiculous if you ask me considering, that my screen is set to auto with min as a preset...

I am a bit dissapointed with this phone when it comes to battery life and my battery is fully settled after 2 weeks of use. I have no battery draining problem, though.

I didn't see any battery drain in Nokia Drive. I left in the morning and had charged the phone previous night. I used Nokia Drive for 3-4 hours. Maybe 2+ hours voice only, and 1+ hour with maps on. Couple of short phone calls during the drive. I don't remember exactly how much battery I had after I arrived, but I remember I was surprised how little it was after hearing some stories about Nokia Drive. 'Battery saver' kicked in about 10pm after some heavy browsing in the evening and showing off the phones features to my sister. I found that pretty decent..
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

This is normal for me, and somewhat sucks.

Bluetooth = OFF
Brightness = AUTO
Touch = OFF

So far today:

0 Calls
0 Texts
6 Received Emails, 1 Sent
20 Minutes of Streaming iHeart Radio (1310 The Ticket)
15 Combined minutes of Internet

Background Tasks:

USA Today
WP Central
Amazing Weather HD
The Daily Beast
iHeart Radio (this comes back on each time I use it)

Battery Screen Shot.jpg
Battery life is a mixed bag for me.
Yesterday I was getting close to 12 hours from fully charged to 13%.
Today I'm at 36% after 5 hours.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

This is normal for me, and somewhat sucks.

Bluetooth = OFF
Brightness = AUTO
Touch = OFF

So far today:

0 Calls
0 Texts
6 Received Emails, 1 Sent
20 Minutes of Streaming iHeart Radio (1310 The Ticket)
15 Combined minutes of Internet

Background Tasks:

USA Today
WP Central
Amazing Weather HD
The Daily Beast
iHeart Radio (this comes back on each time I use it)

View attachment 24697

See if you can get a replacement unit.

Early in this thread I complained about my batter, did this..did that...sold my first born for $1 and nothing helped the battery life!

So I sent my unit another one and I been happy (relatively) every since

A few days ago, I read a MS/Qualcomm engineer talking about how the wifi being on had very little effect on battery life and I poo-poo'ed it because this thread is filled with advice about turning everything off. So I figured I just leave my wifi-on to prove him wrong and guess what? The affect on my battery life was negligible. This was an unscientific test of course, but I had expected my battery to be drained after 8hrs of being on looking for a connection. I have wifi at home but not during 8hrs of work + commute times
I only searched b/c my cousin just bought her a 8X and I was testing out her Data Sense app as I don't have it on AT&T and I was surprised that she only consumed 38MB in 12days. So I asked her how is that even possible and she told me that she just left her wifi on all the time. From there I just started googling about the power consumption of the wifi chip and...

I say just get another unit if possible as the quality control in somebody's department in not up to speed.
Just wanted to say, I called AT&T Warranty Support and after about twenty minutes, I had a replacement 920 on the way. Three days later, I had my replacement and after a few days of use on it I can say that the difference is night and day. Excellent battery life, easily a day of use if not more on a single charge running the same apps, Bluetooth disconnections don't cause it to reboot, and the volume controls work as expected. It's literally like a new experience all over again. I definitely recommend calling and getting a replacement if you're having to charge your hone throughout the day versus waiting for your local store to get your color of choice.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues the article, dude.

Byzantium, I must say that wasn't helpful advice. I found in this thread was one link to another thread that just repeated the advice but no explanation of why uninstalling an re-installing specifically had any beneficial effect.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I just hope Nokia and MS are paying close attention to what's going on here. I had yet another rapid battery drain this afternoon. This after the first time I've actually used Skype in weeks. (I may have used Facebook, too, but I'm not sure I haven't used it at other times in the past couple of weeks.)
Bottom line:
It is just plain wrong for users to have to sift through the options and apps they have installed and turned on to ferret out the cause of battery problems or any other device problems for that matter.
Nokia and MS should be very vocal about what is going wrong and what THEY are doing to fix the problem.
but . . .
Kudos to all of you who are making the effort to figure out what the root problems are.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

While they sort out the problem, people might try rebooting their phones if they see faster than usual battery drain in progress. Don't just watch it drain helplessly. It's not a permanent solution but it might unwedge things so you can avoid getting stuck with a brick early afternoon.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I've created a plot of a typical day of battery drain during the work week for me using the 'Battery Tile and Log' app. There seems to be an issue when I get home that drains the battery very quickly. If I turn Airplane mode on, the drain stops. There's obviously something going on with the radio or wifi. NFC is off. I usually get no LTE at work so maybe that has something to do with it. No background tasks besides Amazing Weather and the Battery app and I wasn't using the phone at all during the drain. I also notice my location symbol is on a lot. It was even on when in airplane mode. I'll try to further figure out what's going on this weekend by selectively turning off services during a drain.

920 battery.JPG
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Now it's the weekend this is how my battery is doing. I don't understand it. From crap to amazing.wp_ss_20121223_0001.jpg
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

im on my 3rd 920 and this one was shipped to me straight from nokia. its brand new and was perfect until the updates last week. now my battery is draining out quicker than my 2 previous ones. If i leave the phone alone in idle it last forever but once the screen turns on now matter what im doing it drains. i could be stairing at the home screen and drain drain drain. Dont ask whats on because everything is OFF. no background apps either. I already emailed macy from nokia and Elop. it was a long and *****y email.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

im on my 3rd 920 and this one was shipped to me straight from nokia. its brand new and was perfect until the updates last week. now my battery is draining out quicker than my 2 previous ones. If i leave the phone alone in idle it last forever but once the screen turns on now matter what im doing it drains. i could be stairing at the home screen and drain drain drain. Dont ask whats on because everything is OFF. no background apps either. I already emailed macy from nokia and Elop. it was a long and *****y email.
What do you mean by drain? Maybe you could use that battery log app I mentioned to quantify it.

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