SO its just the postpro that has bettered, any response from NOKIA on this?
maybe try twitter with screenshots?Zero response from Nokia because they don't know how to turn on "Photo Review" in Nokia Camera and they are totally blind. We should create a YouTube video regarding this problem but unfortunately I do not have a secondary phone for recording.
now I should be jealous of you -_-for me black update fixed the yellow tint/blurred images, will post some more images today when I get back home(will also include some low light images, front facing camera in fluorescent light)
on amber update, if I have a passcode set on my phone ,I could not launch nokia camera app directly,I have to type in my pass code , but with black update they fixed it, I can bypass the passcode and use camera.
ah, apps is not ani problem, they will download automatically, all you have to do is just to relog in to them (apparently for me THIS is a problem because I always forget my passwords) The hardest thing to do is to bring back the design of your previous main I should be jealous of you -_-lol I should try a hard reset....but I've 130+ apps *tiresome*
for me black update fixed the yellow tint/blurred images, will post some more images today when I get back home(will also include some low light images, front facing camera in fluorescent light)
on amber update, if I have a passcode set on my phone ,I could not launch nokia camera app directly,I have to type in my pass code , but with black update they fixed it, I can bypass the passcode and use camera.!3423&authkey=!AE32JNSZBkFmQ7A&ithint=folder,
here are my images some are with flash , auto and some without flash
one can see the caption I have given to images for the lighting conditions I used. will post some day light images tomorrow , its 8:45 P.M here )
For me your pics have the issue (and have a poor quality).
Try to use Nokia Camera, enable the preview option on it, then make a photo and see on you lcd that after 2 sec the postprocessing "destroies" your photo.
If for you is not, take a screenshot with [start button]+[power button] after and before the 2 sec and put here for the comparison.
I definetly doubt that there will be an ultimate fix to address all the issues simply because IT'S IMPOSIBLE
I am using the nokia camera, actually its the default camera , and I don't find any issues ;
It wasn't like this before....if it was we wouldn't open our mouths in the first place :/ I'm definitely gonna switch my phone now =(You're missing something guys, There will always be a difference between pre and post processing since .jpg is a compressed format. that's why 1020's camera has DNG support. I definetly doubt that there will be an ultimate fix to address all the issues simply because IT'S IMPOSIBLE. Therefore, learn about the camera and know in which situations the yellow/green tint is worse you you can fix it with White balance.
Quick tip: I always try to shoot with the white balance going slightly to blue since you can fix that with the "Color Balance" feature on Nokia Creative Studio.
Send the screenshots like I explain and we valide you ;-)
Do you understand my english ? Perhaps you not understand how you should take the screenshots.....