Lumia 950 bugged like crazy after last update

Insider builds, normally plagued with issues, (like the one your experiencing), why put yourself in that position? My experience is that Microsoft uses the forums to fix issues etc, I was in this position during windows 8 and 8.1, having to revert to the forums for an answer due to early build/beta testing, I realised I was nothing more than a Guinea pig helping Microsoft iron out their operating system issues. Never again.
I do know what Insider builds are and what to expect from them.
The thing is that "(like the one you are experiencing)" is not a bug, well most likely, because it is that way for like a three Insider builds in a row, well since redstone anniversary update, can't remember which branch actually. So, it is most likely a new change, that makes Glance Screen turn off with Battery Saver on, in this case, I would like if it would be a bug instead of a change, because I really don't like it.
Both glance screen and battery saver are excellent features, would be a shame if they prevented glance with battery saver on, unless you have glance set to always on, it surely can't be using that much battery, having googled this issue its been a constant theme with insider builds (glance screen misbehaving) then successive builds have brought glance back into fully functioning.
Glance on its own works perfectly fine, besides that, that it disables with Battery Saver on, I always have Glance set on 30sec. I do tend to use Battery Saver a lot, specially at night, and now as it is, it prevents Glance at night which is very important, at least to me.
Like the topic says. It's gone haywire, random restarts, automatic brightness doesn't work, keyboard doesn't appear, battery drains like crazy, I charge phone 2 times a day now!! It's slow, whenever I unlock the phone the screen doesn't turn on immediately(only after like 5 seconds) and the same happens with calls, I don't know who's calling me because the screen doesn't turn on. It's just a huge mess. I could do a hard reset without restoring but going through getting all the apps again etc... Don't want to do that.

Lot's of things we don't want to do but doing them in some cases is the solution to the issue/s you're experiencing.
Insider builds, normally plagued with issues, (like the one your experiencing), why put yourself in that position? My experience is that Microsoft uses the forums to fix issues etc, I was in this position during windows 8 and 8.1, having to revert to the forums for an answer due to early build/beta testing, I realised I was nothing more than a Guinea pig helping Microsoft iron out their operating system issues. Never again.

So if no testers then hoping you accept bugs/issues with OS when no-one with multiple devices report issues experienced. MS has never forced anyone to be a tester so I'm glad they have that because there's no tech at MS who will use each eligible device that's out the same way as those(consumers) who're reporting the issues.
I notice my phone takes long to unlock after i press unlock/power key at side,takes about two-3 seconds then screen shows up,on production build.
Upgrade to latest build this morning production build .321 ,not having issue anymore, did it help anyone else?

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