Lumia 950/XL pulled from MS Store?

Cabo Blue

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Apr 22, 2014
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I, too, experienced a 950XL in an MSFT store.
The first thing I did notice was the heat coming from it.
However it didn't seem too much different from my 1520.
Screen response was nearly the same.
Opening apps had about the same time lapse.
Much easier to hold in my hand than my 1520.
Unfortunately, I'll be waiting the Surface phone release.


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Jun 20, 2011
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It would be feign ignorance. Now, before this devolves further, it wasn't feigned ignorance, it was an acknowledgement that I wasn't sure what to make of it.

If you managed to divine the inner workings of MS corporate, fine. I didn't. Because I didn't, I invited others to join in. Simple as that. I don't enjoy making things personal. So you can either relax and participate in the thread or just see your way out. Either way, I don't much care.

Yes a typo. I stand corrected. Also, its not about inner workings of Microsoft. I read beyond the first paragraph. No biggy. Thanks for the typo correct.


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Aug 24, 2014
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I haven't been following the Whirlpool discussion but if you look at the USD cost of the other devices they are selling, like the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book, convert to AUD at about 71c and then add GST the prices are pretty much equivalent. BUT if you do the same with the 950 & 950XL then the AUD prices are $250-$300 more expensive than they 'should' be.

I haven't done the numbers closely myself, but the discussions on Whirlpool sounded about right to me.
That is a fair difference if it works out how you say. But, what can we do, pay the price, wait and hope retailers take some off, or hold out until prices start to come down, however long that takes. I'll be looking at Telstra pricing as my first option, hopefully they get the phone, let alone offer a decent plan.


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Oct 6, 2015
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Microsoft just shot themselves in the foot by showing these demo units in store then pulling them. Now all the tec sights are just going to run with the hardware is faulty crap bla bla bla, Making it even harder for Microsoft to shift phones. I know they think they were doing the correct thing but after all the ribbing they have had over the years they should know better.

Point me to the dozens of news stories about this? The fact is the tech world just doesn't care about Lumia phones.


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Dec 11, 2010
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Have the 950 and 950 XL been approved by the FCC for US use already? If not, then I think that could be one of the reasons why they were pulled out. I don't think it's allowed to accept preorders for devices without first gaining FCC approval. Not sure if they're even allowed to publicly display them.

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