Lumia Black and Battery Drain

I noticed mine was horrible at first. I did a soft reset (volume down, power, and camera button). It seems to be much better now. I did have to block a lot of background apps after the update, but after that it was good. I take it off of the charger at 5am and at 9pm I am usually at around 40%. I am a heavy user though. I stream radio for over an hour every morning at the gym. I regularly update myfitnesspal throughout the day. I use the camera a lot for work. I have 6 email addresses. Plus I surf the web a lot.
The problem is, even when on airplane mode, the battery is still draining like as if it is connected to networks. Why so? Something is just not right.
The problem is, even when on airplane mode, the battery is still draining like as if it is connected to networks. Why so? Something is just not right.

If you Oreo is warm, that means the CPU is stuck running something.
Unfortunately, I've been experiencing the same thing. I thought it was background apps at first, and e-mail, but have troubleshot that away. Nothing is allowed to run in background and no "notification apps" are enabled/installed. No push on e-mail...manual sync.

this is from today, I started with a full charge 100% from wall charger. this is becoming a joke, and is unacceptable.

I noticed my brand new phone wasn't holding a charge very well out of the box. Upon setup and getting acquainted my battery power kept dropping in the 25% range remaining. So, I kept plugging her back in via USB. The charge would slowly rise to around 50% but I was using it a lot during charging and thought little of slow charging. Went to bed and charged it all night in 'sleep' mode. At about 9AM today it said the source at 40%. Well, I decided to just let it run out before charging again. It dropped to 28% remaining and said I had 4 hours remaining. Became worried. That was 5 hours ago and now it still says 28% remaining in the battery BUT 11 hours of estimated use...Think there's some breaking in going on but we'll see...
Yes, Phone was fully charged 11.30 PM and not used. I woke up 8 hours later 35% battery left. This happens after lumia black update. Please help.
All u guys who,getting battery drain should format your phone.i did,it and now i get awesome battery life...on,idle its shows 5 days. On,heavy use i get around 20 hours. Medium use 2 days, i have 7 apps active in,background, double tap to wake,glance screen wallpaper and glance screen.
I've noticed that GPS apps are the worst battery drain. I use Amazing Weather HD, and if I don't set it to always use home location, it will use GPS during every update, which will drain the battery quickly. And it updates for the Lock Screen and the Live Tile unless you change it. I also had QuietHours installed and noticed a huge battery drain with it. I uninstalled it, and I could see on the MyBattery app the exact point I uninstalled it because the slope of battery usage over time started decreasing at a lower rate.
All u guys who,getting battery drain should format your phone.i did,it and now i get awesome battery life...on,idle its shows 5 days. On,heavy use i get around 20 hours. Medium use 2 days, i have 7 apps active in,background, double tap to wake,glance screen wallpaper and glance screen.
How do you format this phone?
Settings --> About --> Reset your phone. This will remove all the data too. So backup your photos and other stuff before you do that.
BTW my battery life is much better after the reset(I updated to black and never reset before). Hope to see this camera in a 5" phone with the processor and battery life of 1520.
Until then I will hold on to my 1020.
i have already got a lumia 1020..just realized that battery was %100 when i went to bed at 23:30 pm and it was %94 when i woke up at 8:00am.all background apps was turn off and airplane mode was turn on.any idea.?
mine is good with idle. even with data on, facebook integration and chat, twitter, weather app and 6tag background task is on, 5-8hrs still on 100% overnight, but using it is just the exact opposite, using only twitter and facebook will drain more than 15% in just 5+mins.

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