I'll tell you guys what worked for me. Try it if you want or don't. Before my 1020 I had owned an 800 and two 920's on two separate occasions. Never had battery problems for the short while I had the 800 but my two 920's were terrible. At the time, background tasks were new to WP and, coming from Android, I figured I would preemptively block background apps to save myself some juice. Both times, I could barely get my Lumia 920's to the 5hr mark. Same thing would happen in airplane mode. When I got my 1020 I was concerned and, although it was better, it still was prone to quick drain. After a bit of research I came across someone who suggested two things. 1)If you have gmail, switch to outlook. Gmail has, in my experience, a lot of sync issues. I've noticed this on my WP, Android and even my wife's iPhone. Gmail will often get stuck in a sync loop which absolutely kills the battery. 2) don't block anything from running in the background. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but I currently have nothing blocked, LTE on, no battery saver and I'm getting better battery life than I've ever gotten on my Lumias. I've yet to not make it 15hrs with my usage patterns (which I would assume are average). It's like there's something in the OS that although you block the apps from running, they still try to sync or run, get stopped and keep trying (I have no evidence of this, it's just an idea) It's up to you guys to try it but it works for me.