M8 owners persuade me

Nov 20, 2012
Alright M8 owners answer a question for me.....

How good is the Front Facing Camera? I briefly only had a short time to play with the phone and truthfully I easily discovered that the M8 camera on the back sucks in comparison to my Lumia's. I didn't get the chance to play with the M8 camera too much on the front. My bf, friends, and I were out taking pictures on his M8...it sucked so we switched to my Lumia and all was well.

Since the M8 is coming to Att next week, I am slightly considering it. In truth, I'd Never be silly enough to replace my Lumia with the M8 for my daily driver. That'd be ridiculous of me. But at the same time, while my Lumia 1520 is perfect, I've also had this phone for nearly a year this November and I am growing bored and I'd like something new/different to play with for awhile.

I'll be using Att next to get it.

So how good is the camera for this phone on the front? Most pictures I've seen are usually the back camera.

That said I maybe won't get it....I'll have to think on it. I'll probably get the Lumia 830 since it is a Lumia still and different enough and still has a quality camera(more so than the M8 but less than my 1520).

But I am curious. Besides if I get it, I can definitely silence people telling me since I don't own the phone I can't criticize it :P

Then I am also looking at possibly being a dual OS user and getting another iPhone as my 2nd phone and using it as my main driver and delegating my 1520 to Camera status and keeping up with Windows Phone news.

So idk yet. But I am curious about this FFC on the M8.

Personally, I find it hard to support HTC by any means since they don't support the platform much really. I'd much rather a Lumia 730 over the M8 but ehh I digress. Microsoft really dropped the ball with releasing that phone.

So it's between an 830(Maybe), IPhone 6 plus(Maybe), or sigh...the M8(ehh unlikely but you never know).
Well it is a 5mp shooter! I'm not a big selfie person, but the front camera is a very good one.
Best FFC on a phone, but not being into selfie's myself I really couldn't care less. By the looks of your avatar tho....Hmmmm, I'd say you probably were a selfie guy. I gotta say tho superboy, the way you have been talking down the M8 I'm a bit surprised you'd risk being seen with that android "hand me down".. Maybe if you had one of your own to spend more time with you'd appreciate it's abundance of good qualities.Well, except for the gimmicky speakers of course. :wink:
As far as I hear, it's anywhere between on par with the 730 FFC and somewhat better.

That said, the back camera is good if you prefer to focus on a lot of things in a single moment.
Best FFC on a phone, but not being into selfie's myself I really couldn't care less. By the looks of your avatar tho....Hmmmm, I'd say you probably were a selfie guy. I gotta say tho superboy, the way you have been talking down the M8 I'm a bit surprised you'd risk being seen with that android "hand me down".. Maybe if you had one of your own to spend more time with you'd appreciate it's abundance of good qualities.Well, except for the gimmicky speakers of course. :wink:

As I said it would be a secondary phone lol I would never replace my 1520 with this phone lol I am too dedicated to Lumia. That said this would be a decent phone to take out when I go out with friends or at parties.but yes the fact it is a hand me down, is definitely a con.
Actually, your wrong. Well, so it seems. With HTC Advantage they'll update to the latest OS version by 90 days, guaranteed. The One M8 for Windows has Advantage so it will get updates relatively fast.

Don't believe me? Go to HTC Software Updates | HTC United States then pick carrier, Verizon (as the AT&T & T-Mobile versions don't have the Windows M8 listed yet), then click the One M8 for Windows, and you'll see the steps in which the latest OS to release is at.

HTC is really trying to be a phone company that provides fast updates, especially with their flagship phones, which this phone falls under. No reason that the One isn't up to standard as the Lumia's. Heck, the Lumia Icon on Verizon STILL don't have WP 8.1 and Cyan.
Actually, your wrong. Well, so it seems. With HTC Advantage they'll update to the latest OS version by 90 days, guaranteed. The One M8 for Windows has Advantage so it will get updates relatively fast.

Don't believe me? Go to HTC Software Updates | HTC United States then pick carrier, Verizon (as the AT&T & T-Mobile versions don't have the Windows M8 listed yet), then click the One M8 for Windows, and you'll see the steps in which the latest OS to release is at.

HTC is really trying to be a phone company that provides fast updates, especially with their flagship phones, which this phone falls under. No reason that the One isn't up to standard as the Lumia's. Heck, the Lumia Icon on Verizon STILL don't have WP 8.1 and Cyan.
I guess this is one of those I will have to see it believe kind of things :) meaning for now it is all talk but I'm welcomed to being surprised :P
I guess this is one of those I will have to see it believe kind of things :) meaning for now it is all talk but I'm welcomed to being surprised :P

Hey, so guess what? On my HTC One on T-Mobile I just got build 14203.306! That's the current build on the developer preview! Guess HTC is bringing out updates faster than Microsoft, Superboy! ;)

You could say "Pursuaded AF!"
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This is good to hear. I'm in the same boat. I have a 1520 and its badass. That being said it is a 6in phone and I was checking out possible "co-phones" whatever the hell that means. The HTC one is sweet. The screen is awesome. I have heard that HTC are not very durable. Anyone have any info to contribute on that? Thanks.
im on the same boat, had the 1520 since November last year and i am bored to tears with it. It pains me to think that i may have to wait untill 2nd quarter of 2015 for a new phone. Making this the longest I've used a phone...ever...i tend to buy and sell them every 4-6 months.
Hey, so guess what? On my HTC One on T-Mobile I just got build 14203.306! That's the current build on the developer preview! Guess HTC is bringing out updates faster than Microsoft, Superboy! ;)

You could say "Pursuaded AF!"

Lol that's cute. Hit me up when your oem actually cam release a major os version within at least 2-3 months ;) the 8x and 8s owners would like a worrd with you haha. Hence my original post :)
Lol that's cute. Hit me up when your oem actually cam release a major os version within at least 2-3 months ;) the 8x and 8s owners would like a worrd with you haha. Hence my original post :)

They don't got HTC Advantage unfortunately. The One series get first priority from them. Bet it'll be less than 3 months when a major OS update is released. And it will be cute, just like it is now :)
They don't got HTC Advantage unfortunately. The One series get first priority from them. Bet it'll be less than 3 months when a major OS update is released. And it will be cute, just like it is now :)
The one android series* gets priority. You've yet to see them release a major one for the windows.

Honestly ddespite the delusions and perceptions of some m8 owners, its not that I am afraid of the m8 and HTC being better with their phones(they are not imo) and or updates. It's just they have given no one any faith that they will do better. Lol kudos for this little firmware update.
The one android series* gets priority. You've yet to see them release a major one for the windows.

Honestly ddespite the delusions and perceptions of some m8 owners, its not that I am afraid of the m8 and HTC being better with their phones(they are not imo) and or updates. It's just they have given no one any faith that they will do better. Lol kudos for this little firmware update.

Nope its all One series phones. Windows included. I'm sure will see a major update released as fast as their Android phones are when it comes time.

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