Master app list!

Band Health Bridge on the App Store
Want to see your Microsoft Band Health information from Apple Health? Now it is easy to import your data directly using this app!
could you please this new game to the list?

Horror Fists For Band

Description could be something like: "Punch monsters using Microsoft Band as a controller"

It's for all Windows 10 devices so it can be interesting not only for Windows 10 Mobile users but for people with Android and iOS which also have any windows 10 device with bluetooth (desktop PCs, laptops, tablets...) (maybe add a new column Windows 10 Universal as opposed to Windows Phone ?)

Oh it is on sale, till Sunday :)
Hey Paolo, Good to see you're still making apps,....I'll have to give it a try. I've added it to the list.
Hey Paolo, Good to see you're still making apps,....I'll have to give it a try. I've added it to the list.

yeah I thought a band enable game on all Win10 devices would have been cool, reception has been good in terms of users feedback but not in terms of sales numbers, so I really think there is not such a great market, and most of all people are not aware that Band can be paired with PCs and tablets... Let's hope things slowly improve because I would have other games in mind if there is some market to justify another hundred hours of sleep lost :D

P.s. I didn't stop making apps, the last one was not for Band though:
MS band data collector
logs data and can export to csv

I'm giving out 5 copies for free let me know if you would like one
I have updated Band Calculator with the latest features provided by the SDK.
Once you've added the 'Band Calculator' tile, you can directly calculate on your Band - at any time, without the app or taking out your phone.

Unfortunately, the Microsoft Band 1 is no longer supported. Please update the list.
This was a great help when I was trying to decide what phone to get to replace my aging Windows Phone. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this list.

Bill B
I just posted about my recently published app - Bing my Band (Beta)

I put it in the Band 2 forum, but it's compatible with Band 1 too, and in fact this is what I personally use it on, along with my Lumia 950.

You can check out the original forum post for more info, or go straight to the download from here:

EDIT: This is for Windows 10 Mobile only. It's not compatible with Windows Phone 8/8.1 and I'm not sure if the SDK with background access to the Band is compatible with this. If it is then it could be ported to WP 8.1 - Also would like to port it over to iOS and Android if the W10M version proves popular.
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The current version of the app live in the store supports Band 1 well. There were some bugs with Band 2 where it got the Band 1 image (so had a letterboxing effect).

I've got a little Fast Ring going for this app and feedback from Band 2 owners has been positive, so the fix for Band 2 should be out tomorrow.

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