Oddly, my FedEx Delivery Manager says the Band 2 is still stuck in China awaiting clearance, while it's also been seen in Japan, and supposedly in Memphis, TN. I am beginning to worry if all the parts will arrive by today at 10:20.
11/02/2015 - Monday
7:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
7:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
10/30/2015 - Friday
7:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
7:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
3:58 am International shipment release - Import MEMPHIS, TN
2:36 am In transit SENNAN-SHI JP
2:21 am In transit SENNAN-SHI JP
1:17 am International shipment release - Import MEMPHIS, TN
12:27 am Arrived at FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
10/29/2015 - Thursday
8:34 pm In transit SHENZHEN CN
8:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
8:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
8:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
7:12 pm In transit SHENZHEN CN
6:46 pm International shipment release - Import SHENZHEN CN
10/28/2015 - Wednesday
10:17 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
7:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
10/27/2015 - Tuesday
7:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
7:00 pm Clearance in progress SHENZHEN CN
10/26/2015 - Monday
10:27 am Picked up ZHUHAI CN
Future delivery requested
10/25/2015 - Sunday
6:46 pm Shipment information sent to FedEx
Not sure what is going with FedEx and the Band 2 shipments. I pre-ordered on Oct 6th and received shipment info last Sunday (Oct.25) stating delivery 11/02 by noon. 12pm has come an gone with no sign of it. At noon the tracker removed the "delivered by 12pm" but kept the 11/2 delivery date. highly doubt it will arrive this week as the tracker states "international shipment release - import" in Shenzhen.... really disappointed, are they waiting for the Nov.20 retail launch date and holding shipments until then?
In short, FedEx doesn't care about your piddly little watch.lol it is funny how their system, which should only update when labels are scanned, can somehow show a shipment on one continent and go, oh ****. wait. nope its still on the other side world. my bad.
I'm not holding my breathe on this arriving before the 20th. At Best Buy Canada they are still only accepting pre-orders so I am SOL until FedEx decides to deliver it or the 20th rolls around and I buy one from there and return the pre-order.
Here's an update on the China/Japan/Memphis mystery. I called customer service, and the agent said it looks like it will be delivered tomorrow (Tuesday). She didn't have a reason for why China supposedly keeps scanning it days after it allegedly left Asia.
Looks like all Canadians are in the same boat. It was held up at customs in China for three days.
The guy I spoke to said it is in Tennessee and should arrive Tuesday, unless it gets held up by Canadian customs... Sigh
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