Microsoft Cheated Lumia Users

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What kind of sick and demented Title is that? Cheated? I have a Lumia 925 and its really not good running Windows 10 mobile. I get it so I have to move on to a new Windows Mobile 10. Right now I'm considering 950 or that Alcatel. I think for MS to continue to support old hardware which were dirt cheap is really not a good idea. The L1020 is quite expensive but it is what it is and I do think moving it to Windows 10 is a bad idea cause the experience is not that good plus what's wrong with it staying with Windows 8.1? Just my thoughts.
The insider program was developed so users could try the 10 mobile OS and give MS feedback.
This is the basis for the decisions that were made.
Some phones did not advance because feedback that reported performance issues were much greater than those that were likely to recommend the OS. What kind of feedback did you give? If users just used and gave no feedback this could be the cause.

It's about stability, performance, and user feedback.. Phone specs has nothing to do with it.
Here is why the Lumia 1020 (and likely other phones) are not getting Windows 10 Mobile | Windows Central
Not sure why people focus on the feedback, the software is developed by Microsoft, if it was not ready or not good enough the problem is their code not the users.
Performance is related to the specifications of the phone, this should be obvious.

Feedback is not the cause, the cause is the bad support from Microsoft, I don't care too much about Windows 10 but this has been the last straw. I had an old tablet with Android and didn't like the OS, so with the phone I tried Windows, the lack of 3rd party support is a big problem, no app for the bank, wanted to buy something on wallapop and there wasn't an app, the other day I saw I could not try the new app from Nintendo, etc.
Ok, this was known but from what I had read I thought Microsoft was going to work hard to bring applications to the platform and to update the phones. What was happened in the last months? The new strategy to bring apps is the windows 10 store, they are abandoning the other plans, no windows 10 update for a lot of people, applications like Health, Food&Drink, Travel, etc are disappearing from my phone, others like Here maps are losing support, I had to uninstall apps like their PDF reader because it didn't work and that's all related to Microsoft . If we count third party applications the store is full of outdated ones, bad copies with low functionality and a lot of them are disappearing like Mix Radio another one that came installed.
But if Microsoft is the first one abandoning their users why should 3rd parties care about their ecosystem?

You can always blame feedback, the reality is that my Windows Phone is getting worse and it probably has the worst support of all platforms or wants to gain that title.
The Lumia 820 is almost 4 years old, a newer phone like a 640 that will get WM10 would be better and cost you like $60.00. I don't understand your frustration.
Could you honestly see Samsung, LG, Google, Sony etc continuing updates and OS releases to devices over 2 years old?? I thought not.

Maybe only the headlines were remembered about win 10. As for cheated. Hell no. I keep reiterating that NO manufacturer is obliged to offer updates beyond security. MSFT DID NOT 'promise' it to all. The statement they released said it was 'dependant on device, carrier, OEM's and OTHER FACTORS'. What are other factors? They could be anything from OS not performing as thought, hardware not performing correctly, or customer feedback. I can't see how a four year old device is obliged to be updated. In a society where most people upgrade every 2 years, 4 is stretching it. That's getting on for 2 upgrade cycles. Why would anyone support a device that old, when most people upgrade their devices (twice in this instance) and spend money on a device. A business is seeing NO return on a device that old hence why support ceases. Android is a prime example, with Samsung updating devices whenever it rains. People buy them(mugs) and they get proper support until the next device appears, usually in 12 months.

Cheated? No. Listened to hearsay? Maybe. Expecting new device treatment for an older device? Yes. Envy rage? Possibly. Low flying toys launched from a pram? Definitely.
Not sure why people focus on the feedback, the software is developed by Microsoft, if it was not ready or not good enough the problem is their code not the users.
Performance is related to the specifications of the phone, this should be obvious.

Feedback is not the cause, the cause is the bad support from Microsoft, I don't care too much about Windows 10 but this has been the last straw. I had an old tablet with Android and didn't like the OS, so with the phone I tried Windows, the lack of 3rd party support is a big problem, no app for the bank, wanted to buy something on wallapop and there wasn't an app, the other day I saw I could not try the new app from Nintendo, etc.
Ok, this was known but from what I had read I thought Microsoft was going to work hard to bring applications to the platform and to update the phones. What was happened in the last months? The new strategy to bring apps is the windows 10 store, they are abandoning the other plans, no windows 10 update for a lot of people, applications like Health, Food&Drink, Travel, etc are disappearing from my phone, others like Here maps are losing support, I had to uninstall apps like their PDF reader because it didn't work and that's all related to Microsoft . If we count third party applications the store is full of outdated ones, bad copies with low functionality and a lot of them are disappearing like Mix Radio another one that came installed.
But if Microsoft is the first one abandoning their users why should 3rd parties care about their ecosystem?

You can always blame feedback, the reality is that my Windows Phone is getting worse and it probably has the worst support of all platforms or wants to gain that title.

So you wanted 10, but as you put it, your phone is getting worse? In what context is it getting worse? Why does it have the worst support? In my dealings with them, all my issues have been sorted in one call.

Maybe it isn't bad coding? Maybe firmware updates have caused problems? Maybe there aren't enough devices left to warrant any further support? I can't see the logic of carrying on with 4 year old devices.

Ok, here's one for you....You get a shiny new win10m .164. It doesn't work as you expected? What do you do? Complain? Moan that it is rubbish? The thing is, that's as far as you would go anyways. Are all and sundry going to moan then that they arent getting Redstone build??
I'm not even switching off .164 on my Lumia 1520 to get an "official update" because as soon as I do I'd go right back to preview for the last build and then I'm not official again.

What's the point? Just keep up with the latest preview builds and your not missing out assuming your phone can run 10 smoothly to begin with.

Um, there will be no more preview builds for non supported phones. The .164 version is the last.
Your phone is 3 1/2 years old...that's a stellar run for any device. Yeah, they tried to squeeze an OS onto technology that is obsolete and it didn't perform. Time to upgrade.
My iPad mini is more than three years old. It just got the lasted iOS upgrade. As much as I dislike Apple, they know how to please their customers and retain them. Microsoft doesn't.
The Lumia 820 is almost 4 years old, a newer phone like a 640 that will get WM10 would be better and cost you like $60.00. I don't understand your frustration.

Lumia 640 in my country are sold for 700. Not everyone lives in the US you know.

I actually have no problem using 8.1, as long as all the apps still works. But most likely it on.
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I this so Serious, Microsoft keep promising from the earlier release of windows 10 mobile, saying all lumia will get the windows 10 mobile OS for compulsory update.

Is that correct? I don't follow Windows 10 Mobile news as closely as I am sure many do but I don't recall seeing anything where Microsoft said ALL Lumia phones would get Windows 10 Mobile. Do you have a link to corroborate your claim of what Microsoft "said?"

My iPad mini is more than three years old. It just got the lasted iOS upgrade. As much as I dislike Apple, they know how to please their customers and retain them. Microsoft doesn't.
...then I'm sure you've heard it doesn't run great on some of the older devices and has even bricked some iPad2's
I know this will not be a direct comparison, but it just occurred to me...and I'm on the side I agree with Microsoft's decision, my 1020 did not run even the most recent build of 10 to an acceptable quality, but here is my thought:

Microsoft says the product is not good enough to release to our standards, so we won't release it, and the internet explodes in anger...

Someone like Blizzard for gaming says we're cancelling a game (Titan) that we've been developing for years because it's just not good enough, and for the most part the internet gives a silent thumbs up for sticking to their guns on quality and not releasing a sub-par experience.

Just a funny comparison, as it's all a matter of perspective.
I installed .164 (from 8.1) on my Lumia 1020 two days ago, as I figured I'd find out what all the fuss is about. Before doing so, I deleted all the apps I haven't used for 6 months or so, and I know I won't use. No hard resets. It took about 2 hours to "settle down" doing updates to all the apps and the two installs of W10, but after that, it is running really smoothly, and has been for the last day and a half. It's more responsive than 8.1 -- far fewer resume screens. And the new Outlook is a dream. Feels like I have a much more powerful phone, and I haven't had a single app crash on me. The only downside is the battery lasts 70% less than under 8.1. No surprise really given that the OS is capable of much more now. The real surprise is that the phone feels so much more responsive now than under 8.1. I was expecting lockups, instability, apps crashing, the way people talk about it. Those of you who are complaining, but haven't tried it via the Windows Insider app, I urge you to have a go (set the Insider app to Production Ring). You're getting the released version, and you might be pleasantly surprised.
Right now I'm considering 950 or that Alcatel. I think for MS to continue to support old hardware which were dirt cheap is really not a good idea. The L1020 is quite expensive but it is what it is and I do think moving it to Windows 10 is a bad idea cause the experience is not that good plus what's wrong with it staying with Windows 8.1? Just my thoughts.

I just upgraded from a 920 to a 950, and I love the new machine. Given the current discount, I'd go for it.
My iPad mini is more than three years old. It just got the lasted iOS upgrade. As much as I dislike Apple, they know how to please their customers and retain them. Microsoft doesn't.

There's a difference. Apple has a closed ecosystem, and that would seem to make it far more manageable.

Was really a Windows phone until now. Buy a Lumia 1020 just to have it abandoned with the new Windows 10 mobile update. I was really disappointed to ee that the update was not available to ALL Windows Phones since I was really looking forward to it due to the facts that the 8.1 platform is completely bugged. Last time I settle for a Windows Phone.
I don't care if Microsoft does not put Windows 10 Mobiles on all Windows Phone 8.1 users but the Windows 10 Mobile is really unstable and unreliable.
Is that correct? I don't follow Windows 10 Mobile news as closely as I am sure many do but I don't recall seeing anything where Microsoft said ALL Lumia phones would get Windows 10 Mobile. Do you have a link to corroborate your claim of what Microsoft "said?"


Microsoft did it many times, including multiple presentations. They also announced it via Twitter:

I've got an HTX 8x (shafted by HTC and broken by Microsoft) and a Lumia 1020. The 1020 is on build 10586.164 and it works great not sure why people were complaining. I've got better battery life on the 1020 now than I did before. Of all the older devices the 1020 has 2GB of ram so lots of room for Windows 10. This is an extremely frustrating move by Microsoft as it's now 3 devices I've owned that have been abandoned (also had a Samsung Focus - yes I know why Windows Phone 7 devices were abandoned but they were still abandoned).
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