New member
- Sep 16, 2015
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at least they can give us wm10 with reduced functionality. but they not even did that too. i loved the windows phone but now i'm really sad and am thinking to move to android
It is rather sad to see the Microsofts apologists try to create an alternate universe where Microsoft didn't deceive its customers.
I can recall minimum requirements for new versions of Windows. Why is this different from a pc that couldn't upgrade?
If you were MS, what would be your preference? Put it on machines and have a herd of people complaining about the upgrade, or confine it to machines that meet minimum standards to run it effectively?
Since you asked. My Samsung Focus came off contract September of 2014 from the Canadian carrier Rogers. My options at the time were the old 1020, or wait month for a 830. The 1520, Icon, 930 and M8 never made it to Canada. Microsoft in their wisdom canceled the Maclaren to focus on low end devices. A 512mb 635 went on sale in December so I paid out of my own pocket instead of wasting my business upgrade.I do find it strange how many people there are on here with years old (often low end) devices are suddenly going to go out and buy the latest greatest on another platform. All of a sudden spending big bucks on a new device is no longer an issue....
Except.. Nokia is now owned and operated as Microsoft's Mobile division.. AWKWARD!I repeat once more: Google is updating only Nexus. Huawei doesn't update anything older than 2 year. Local Android OEM (OPPO,Xiamoi, etc.) have to rewrite their own custom Android s.o. if they want to upgrade
U guys are killing me with the crying
The x2x phones are over 3 years old, they were only guaranteed 36 months support long before windows 10. U knew this years ago.
The m8 and the icon I believe has something to do with Verizon so maybe they got rid of the m8 because of the carriers holding up (especially Vzw and att) updates.
They had said a year ago some devices might not get the update, and they PLANNED on getting the update out. Stuff happens it's life. Insiders complained about those phones performance issues so they dropped the phones 90% of u guys it was time for a upgrade anyway
Either way it goes u guys can STILL put insider on your phones, and STILL use the same .164 everyone else is using and possibly up until Redstone Is released and still use the new apps.
Wtf are u complaining about u still have time to get a new phone while using windows 10
Sent from mTalk
Except.. Nokia is now owned and operated as Microsoft's Mobile division.. AWKWARD!
Except.. Nokia is now owned and operated as Microsoft's Mobile division.. AWKWARD!
Apple has been supporting the 4S and above for years beyond it. They have IOS9.
Not totally true. They have something called 9 but that is actually nowhere near as good as what a 6 has on it. They get a watered down version of 9 that is missing any of the features that a 4 cannot handle. On top of that, a 4 that has been updated has gotten noticeably slower with every version update. Yes they have "9" but it isn't truly 9 and it comes with a performance price.
reduced functionality? = 8.1at least they give us reduced functionality. but they not even did that too. i loved the windows phone but now i'm really sad
reduced functionality? = 8.1
Several years passed and 512 MB devices are definitely outdated, if you are so eager and want W10M join Insider, you won't be happy because device will hold you back. Decision was confirmed and made from community that tested stuff, and 512 MB is not enough for a W10M.
Creating an account and making these absurd statements with foul language won't impress and change anything, it is just wasting time, while you could earn some extra coin and get yourself a brand new capable device, instead of moaning.
Microsoft allowed anyone to join the insider program an test there devices with Windows 10 Mobile. I have a Lumia 1020 and a Lumia 950. The 1020 is not up to running Windows 10 Mobile as a daily driver.
I'm not even going to bother to read beyond the first post. Look guys, Microsoft NEVER explicitly promised to update all Windows phones to Windows 10 Mobile. They said their GOAL was to update all Windows phones, but this is what they get for telling us anything. Because they were cautiously optimistic long before they had any concrete answers about what would be possible, half the Windows world is yelling and whining because they think they were cheated. Microsoft did exactly what was expected of them and it's a whole lot better than a lot of other companies. They said they'd TRY to update as many phones as humanly possible, than let us all have VERY early access through the Windows Insider program, and carefully and meticulously evaluated the performance and reliability of every phone that joined the Insider program. After months of testing and developing it became clear that some Windows phones CANNOT run Windows 10 Mobile safely. So Microsoft, intent on providing the best experience possible, has to take all these hits because people don't understand that, sometimes, three year old phones can't run the latest software. Microsoft never made promises, they made optimistic hints that they would do their best, and they did. They sure did a lot better than anything but a Nexus device on Android, and Android Central even took note of that, if no one noticed that happened. You know what? Well done Microsoft. You're taking a hit for no reason, but well done. The update is going much smoother than most people expected, even if it's apparently just not good enough.