Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I'm in the latest preview build 10536, its better then the previous build but it takes a hell load of time to even open windows central app, am not sure why. Even my battery drains much faster and heats up the back of the phone, what should I do? hard reset? its 920
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I'm in the latest preview build 10536, its better then the previous build but it takes a hell load of time to even open windows central app, am not sure why. Even my battery drains much faster and heats up the back of the phone, what should I do? hard reset? its 920
The windows central app is by far the worst perforing app on this build.loading...loading...loading....

some other apps have it a bit but not as bad
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

I started a thread a few weeks ago saying how I'd gone back to 8.1 for good til it was officially released.. and guess what? The geek in me was lured back by the talk of how good 536.
But it's not. At least on my 925 which is showing its age now. It's worse than the last build with things like ringtone personalisation gone too. It's unworkable for me so now I have DEFINITELY gone back to 8.1 til I get a 950XL.
I'm not ready for the disappointment of the sloth and unfinished functions of 10 Insider and I want to like it.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

Running it on my Lumia 640. So far has been working better than 10512. One thing that really bugs me is that typing in the PIN feels slow and "sticky".
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

What I want is kill all apps button and a ultra battery saver mode.
On my L735 the new build sucks loading screen appears sometimes and continue for 3min.Lock screen very bad.Battery draining.
This build sucks.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Overall, I really liked build 10536. I did notice some lag/perf issues on my 1520 with some apps - most notably the Windows Central app, unfortunately. I rolled back to WP 8.1 when I found that the game that I play most commonly, Age of Empires: Castle Siege, still has substantial touch-related problems. Ah well. I'll keep trying builds until I find one that works (or if the AoE:CS team fixes whatever is causing that obnoxious touch-interface problem).

I hope that this build treats others quite well, though!
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 730 DS, in one word horrible.

It resets every dozen of minutes. It doesn't show the on screen keyboard, and you can't add a new language for keyboard.

All in all these two things make it completely useless. Though I am sure that the first thing was behaving the same on the previous build, but couldn't go into the OS as I was locked in the pin screen. I am unsure if the pin screen problem is fixed, I didn't want to risk and I have just removed the pin password before updating.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Mine, on L830, everything looks quite better (most of it). But to talk about real smooth performance, it's not there yet. I mean for who into gaming. For gaming, stay with 8.1
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

So its the app,? not the build? or its my phone?

Could be any of these.For me the build is
Fairly good as a daily driver.Windows central app is the worst for loading and resumming.Probably due an update.The store is another one with lots of loading
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

My 920 was running like a dog. Found that I had 6 apps waiting to be installed, 4 of them errored out and the other two just sitting there. I reset all of them and performed the downloads later one at a time. Once those were installed, the phone began running nicely. Delays are gone. Even the slow lock screen response is much better. Now it feels like a phone I would buy (if I didn't already own it).
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

Guys, need your help! My Lumia 630 is still on 10149.0 and it doesn't want to update. What should I do?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Has anyone tried installing Android apps on this built?
Apps installs ok for me but does not start, lumia 830
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

I started a thread a few weeks ago saying how I'd gone back to 8.1 for good til it was officially released.. and guess what? The geek in me was lured back by the talk of how good 536.
But it's not. At least on my 925 which is showing its age now. It's worse than the last build with things like ringtone personalisation gone too. It's unworkable for me so now I have DEFINITELY gone back to 8.1 til I get a 950XL.
I'm not ready for the disappointment of the sloth and unfinished functions of 10 Insider and I want to like it.

Not been my experience at all with the 925, it's pretty smooth and stable on mine and most builds have been. Ringtones are annoying, but no other issue is a showstopper for me. Seems to be a lot of variation in similar devices judging from the 1520 owners threads.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

can anyone confirm that pin on lockscreen is working without issue?
wanting to turn the pin feature on but wanted to see if others have and what the experience was like.
I know there were issues in previous builds with lock pins.
L928 Build 10536
so far am liking the build but not using it as my daily yet.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

Guys, need your help! My Lumia 630 is still on 10149.0 and it doesn't want to update. What should I do?
I'd suggest using the Lumia Recovery Tool to roll back to 8.1 then upgrade directly to 10536.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I'm having problems with the Wifi Hotspot. I think it does not support multiple users. Will try to go back to 8.1.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Its working well for me with a Lumia 635. Only problem that I am having is when a calendar appointment has an address. Before Cortana would notify me when it was good to leave with a map of traffic. Now i get no notifications if it has an address, but all other appointments display notifications.
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