Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

works well for me so far
one problem I have
after hard reset I can not install Subway surfers now
and I can not even search for it on the store
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Terrible troubles with Cortana in this build, crashes, asks to try Cortana every time I toggle location and general sluggish usability.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

L830 International unlocked. 10536 works a lot better that 10512 especially with the lock screen delay and the reloading/resuming bug. The only thing that seems to be broken is the WHAT'S NEW page of the PEOPLE hub. It no longer displays updates from Facebook. Facebook doesn't even show anymore in the filter networks settings. I only see my Twitter account there now...
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Running it on a 640 - and I'm surprised to hear myself say this, but I really like it. This is the first build that I've run where I think its finally coming together for WP10.

Everything works great, with the occasional app crash.

Battery life is not as good as wp8.1. On wp8.1 I could go 3-4 days without charge. On this build of Wp10 I can go about 2 days, but I'm sure this will improve.

Edge works well on most sites I visit - they need to get the cross sharing between W10 desktop and WM10 working though.

The OS is pretty fluid and responsive for the most part.

My biggest and only complaint is email - still waiting on that unified inbox.

Playing with my other phone that has 8.1, it really feels 'old' compared to WM10.

Well done Microsoft, looking forward to the next build!
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

This build is amazing...runs very fast on my Lumia 630. Did a clean install from 8.1 to 10536, and its great, very very fast, no crashes ( except zStorage :), and I like design a lot. I don't understand why people complain about design, ux and ui... windows 8.1 mobile looks so outdated compared to this..if MSFT polishes, fixes few bugs and glitches, than win10m is ready for release in less than a month.

Most people have a hard time when it comes to change. I think in the end, most users will come around and end up liking it.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Most people have a hard time when it comes to change. I think in the end, most users will come around and end up liking it.
Yeah, you're right, and people will get used to it. And yes, people indeed have a hard time when it comes to change. I guess that the problem is with average user who doesn't recognize what's new, different and why does it need to upgrade to something newer. Showed some win7,win8 haha even Xp user and Android users Win10 and Win10M and they couldn't find what's new in the OS. At this time Windows Mobile has some powerful and important new features, but the problem is they are under the hood, thus invisible to average Joe.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I rolled back to 8.1 to install this build on my L1520 and a difference was shocking, everything was so huge. I do not like faux realism like iOS used to do or everything pretty pretty like in Android, but this was too Spartan, all those pixels of a full HD screen doing nothing. I like W10 much more, it looks richer without overdoing it.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I just want to be able to create folders again.

Are folders still broken for anyone else?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Installed on Lumia 520. i like this build very much becoz of the UI. but my phone was running too slowly. battery drying very quickly. this is not enough for every day use.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Well... Build 10512 was better then this for my L830. It have more lag, more app crash, the camera apps are unusable, the battery burns. So I rolled back to 8.1, and the speed diffenrence is VERY significant. I think i'll install w10, when it will finished, because it's unusable for me now.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

A bit off topic kind of. But has anyone noticed that you get a notification on the "goodbye" screen? I was using Cortana when my battery died. Instead of "goodbye" I got "don't forget JE birthday" im trying to see if a power off will show this or if it only happens when the battery dies. Anyone else noticed this? Build 536WPM
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

I have 520. not able to download new build.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

A bit off topic kind of. But has anyone noticed that you get a notification on the "goodbye" screen? I was using Cortana when my battery died. Instead of "goodbye" I got "don't forget JE birthday" im trying to see if a power off will show this or if it only happens when the battery dies. Anyone else noticed this? Build 536WPM
It was there before. I didn't know in which build it came but it was there before.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Win Blu HD - installed before MS announced its error in device detection. Runs nicely, albeit slowly at times - there is a small noticeable delay where 8.1 was more instant. Other than that, I'm liking the UI improvements and notifications area
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?


I have a Lumia facing an issue of phone not ringing while person calling getting a ring as if I am not picking up the phone whereas I am not getting anything... also when trying to dial a no... quite often but not always...dialler freezes... a restart only solves this...

Not getting calls is a huge problem m facing..... I installed W10 TP thinking this might help...but W10 also has the same problem....apart from this though W10 was working superb on L830.... now I cant even roll back to 8.1update1...

Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

ummm at risk of sounding like a broken tape recorder.. have you done a hard reset (not soft) after updating to the new build? you could try soft resets first too ofcuz.. and check notification settings for phone
also not sure if its an isue with just your build...

i use a 930.. and havent done a hard reset.. but i do want to.. there are some lags, but overall the performance is better.. battery i think is worse (but then need to hard reset before evaluating).
i'm just holding out on the hard reset since i'll need to do that again when the next build is out.. which should ideally be out tom / day aft. etc..
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Well all input modes on the keyboard/dialer/lockpad except the swipe texting are extremely laggy
Whatsapp picture taking crashes every time
Windows phone central app is slower than a gingerbread android phone
Yes I did a hard reset
No ok not satisfied. Previous builds had other problems which most of them were solved in this one but we are introduced to newer bugs and errors as well which shouldn't happen
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Yeah have tried soft as well as hard reset .... and would like to mention that W10 performs fluidic after hard reset.... however... my issue remain.... and I guess it is not related to W10 as this started from 8.1 update2 only and the reason could be they activated 4g on L830 by this update.... just dont know how to solve this now!
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