This build is amazing...runs very fast on my Lumia 630. Did a clean install from 8.1 to 10536, and its great, very very fast, no crashes ( except zStorage, and I like design a lot. I don't understand why people complain about design, ux and ui... windows 8.1 mobile looks so outdated compared to this..if MSFT polishes, fixes few bugs and glitches, than win10m is ready for release in less than a month.
Yeah, you're right, and people will get used to it. And yes, people indeed have a hard time when it comes to change. I guess that the problem is with average user who doesn't recognize what's new, different and why does it need to upgrade to something newer. Showed some win7,win8 haha even Xp user and Android users Win10 and Win10M and they couldn't find what's new in the OS. At this time Windows Mobile has some powerful and important new features, but the problem is they are under the hood, thus invisible to average Joe.Most people have a hard time when it comes to change. I think in the end, most users will come around and end up liking it.
It was there before. I didn't know in which build it came but it was there before.A bit off topic kind of. But has anyone noticed that you get a notification on the "goodbye" screen? I was using Cortana when my battery died. Instead of "goodbye" I got "don't forget JE birthday" im trying to see if a power off will show this or if it only happens when the battery dies. Anyone else noticed this? Build 536WPM