Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?
I'm on a Lumia 830. It seems pretty stable so far... (less than 48 hours) My techiest friend, who is running the same build on the same phone, showed me the new forward facing features like replying to toasts, etc, and how fast his phone if now, and I decided "**** it; I'm in." Since I just installed the build Friday night, I haven't had a chance to experience typical usage battery life, but drain does seem a bit higher than what I'm accustomed to on 8.1. Not alarmingly so--I think it should still make it through most days handily--but it is noticeable.
Word Flow text prediction is a bit more inconsistent, and seems to have forgotten I'm a potty mouth. It's refusing to relearn some of the more colorful words in my vocabulary, which is really annoying...
My other big complaint is that SmartGlass can't find my Xbox 360. I willingly put up with significantly slower download speeds (I have fiber internet) to ensure that SmartGlass works smoothly, and now that's shot.
Apart from those issues, I'm pretty thrilled. I love the speed, I love all the new features...
I especially love Groove Music. Apart from gapless playback (still? Really?), MS seems to have fixed every single gripe I had about Xbox Music. I ended up having to format my SD card to do the install, and I was dreading the clusterf*ck that is trying to redownload several GB of Music Pass content, and was treated to a flawless experience. First off, when I started the app, I signed in and my phone automatically synced my cloud collection. From there, the long press menus are wonderfully complete now, and made downloading my favorite albums fast and painless. What used to be a multi-day ordeal was accomplished with minimal effort over a few hours of Netflix on Xbox.
Overall, I think this build is a huge upgrade over WP 8.1.1, and unless my battery life proves to be completely unacceptable, I will not be rolling back.