Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I was installed lumia 830, I like the new design. Facing issues,
messaging not working.
SD not available error
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 535 - long time insider user, I rolled back because this build was just unusable. I had to do at least 2 reboots daily because of the screen going black, and although you can see the screen turns on (illuminates) it is still black. Force soft reset the only solution. Also, the green screen video streaming is worse in this build. Also, WC app is useless in this build.

Rolled back to 8.1 for obvious reasons.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I'm on a Lumia 830. It seems pretty stable so far... (less than 48 hours) My techiest friend, who is running the same build on the same phone, showed me the new forward facing features like replying to toasts, etc, and how fast his phone if now, and I decided "**** it; I'm in." Since I just installed the build Friday night, I haven't had a chance to experience typical usage battery life, but drain does seem a bit higher than what I'm accustomed to on 8.1. Not alarmingly so--I think it should still make it through most days handily--but it is noticeable.

Word Flow text prediction is a bit more inconsistent, and seems to have forgotten I'm a potty mouth. It's refusing to relearn some of the more colorful words in my vocabulary, which is really annoying...

My other big complaint is that SmartGlass can't find my Xbox 360. I willingly put up with significantly slower download speeds (I have fiber internet) to ensure that SmartGlass works smoothly, and now that's shot.

Apart from those issues, I'm pretty thrilled. I love the speed, I love all the new features...

I especially love Groove Music. Apart from gapless playback (still? Really?), MS seems to have fixed every single gripe I had about Xbox Music. I ended up having to format my SD card to do the install, and I was dreading the clusterf*ck that is trying to redownload several GB of Music Pass content, and was treated to a flawless experience. First off, when I started the app, I signed in and my phone automatically synced my cloud collection. From there, the long press menus are wonderfully complete now, and made downloading my favorite albums fast and painless. What used to be a multi-day ordeal was accomplished with minimal effort over a few hours of Netflix on Xbox.

Overall, I think this build is a huge upgrade over WP 8.1.1, and unless my battery life proves to be completely unacceptable, I will not be rolling back.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

A bit off topic kind of. But has anyone noticed that you get a notification on the "goodbye" screen? I was using Cortana when my battery died. Instead of "goodbye" I got "don't forget JE birthday" im trying to see if a power off will show this or if it only happens when the battery dies. Anyone else noticed this? Build 536WPM

I used to see this since WP 8.1
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

My own experiences with the build, on a Lumia 925:

Word Flow (english) has become worse, not sure how they managed to swing that..
Word Flow (swedish) is about the same as in previous builds, still kinda worthless.

Pinning apps from app list to start screen sometimes lags (can take anywhere from 10 seconds to 2 minutes until the app actually ends up on the start screen. Same thing sometimes happens when making folders. (The two apps disappear for a minute or two, and then the folder magically appears.)

Messaging app (sms) still crashes from time to time, but not as often as on previous builds. Especially crash-prone when trying to attach a picture to the sms.

Live tiles sometimes slow on updating (especially Outlook Mail, which can continue to show the same message for quite some time after reading it).

On the whole this is the most stable build I've tried so far, some of the earlier builds has forced me to restart the phone as often as every 30 minutes while using it.

Battery time on the other hand is abysmal. Started out with 100% at 10:00 today. Out of battery at 13:30, very light use of the phone during these hours.
Going into battery settings shows "Start" as the number one battery drain, hard to do anything about that one...
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

i actually went back to 8.1 so i could get the new firmware for the 930 that activated 4G... if you think that mode is taking more battery or you live in a circle that doesnt have 4G / support the band your phone uses then you can switch to 3G or lower.. in your cellular settings > sim settings
remember there are also options like 4g only / 3g only, that drain battery significantly more and also will lead to more dropped network in poor coverage would recommend letting your phone decide to switch to the optimum network and tech...
on my battery drain, whatsapp is listed as the highest at 31%... but it was always the biggest drainer.. (i have turned off the vibrate for whatsapp messages - these figures are with them off) but now the phone is at 25%.. probably my metal roofing+roaming network causing the device to use more power for cellular network...

my biggest issue has been the app store & camera performance..and how i always have these pesky 4-5 apps that are always on download / fail to update.. i gen uninstall and reinstall them in such cases. (this has been there on the prev builds too for me). the camera takes longer to process and sometimes just gives me a black screen / freezes etc...
Also.had alarm issues in the last build, havent tested that to comment.n really miss the hey cortana feature...n well the photos app still has a bit of a lag..And my album isnt always refreshed, esp while trying to access from other apps..
But overall w10m >>> wp8.1
This build is one of the nicer ones. I have been using Win10 Mobile for about two months. I am downgrading to 8.1 tonight. Too many bugs.

Update: I restored my phone back to 8.1 and I am so glad I did. Apps run smoother and faster. Settings and options are in spots you think they should be in. Animations and response on the phone in general are working. I think when windows 10 mobile actually comes out (doesn't seem like any time soon), I will hold off on upgrading. As a Windows phone fan that's hard to do, but after trying Windows 10, I think the Windows phone experience is dead.
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

How can they possibly make WordFlow WORSE? It's already abysmal. The one thing I truly miss about 8.0 vs 8.1 is the spell checking. It was SO much better in 8.0.

TBH, I'm saying my goodbyes to Windows Phone. Microsoft has basically ruined what was once a great mobile OS, by trying way too hard to appeal to the Android and Apple trolls. For months I kept trying every build of WP10, and every time, I went back to 8.1. 10 is a trainwreck.
Battery drain is my main issue. It's erratic. Yesterday I was happy with battery life. Doing my same 1 hour commute and blasting my groove music. (full volume) No data. At the end of my commute I auto connected to WiFi and didn't need a charge. Today, same routine but different result. Battery down in 2 and a half hours. This is my biggest gripe.
Someone had mentioned a WhatsApp error previously. I got an email from support and it's a known issue. They have not finished tweaking WA for W10M; but it's being fully worked on. (May I add twitter also crashes and so too tweetium when adding photos) so it may be a w10m problem or just these apps have not been updated to be compatible.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have been having the following Issues on my Lumia 925

1. WhatsApp is unable to open the Camera
2. Screenshot gallery not available when try to open from Whatsapp
3. InstagramBeta was unable to log me in
4. Battery Definitely is draining fast
5. Start Screen notification unable to show whatsapp count of message
6. Email Accounts sometimes do not refresh and looks to be hanging after I installed the Groups
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Everything is working as smooth as butter on my Lumia 920 after upgrading to this build. I did not upgrade from 10512... I rolled back and did a direct update and then did a hard reset of the phone. Everything on the phone works as expected.

Only thing I am unable to do is add custom ringtones. I am unable to set a ringtone that I have saved in the "Ringtones" folder. Not sure if this is a bug in this build that needs to be fixed or this is just my phone.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have been having the following Issues on my Lumia 925

1. WhatsApp is unable to open the Camera
2. Screenshot gallery not available when try to open from Whatsapp
3. InstagramBeta was unable to log me in
4. Battery Definitely is draining fast
5. Start Screen notification unable to show whatsapp count of message
6. Email Accounts sometimes do not refresh and looks to be hanging after I installed the Groups

A hard reset of the phone should fix most of these issues.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

1. WhatsApp is unable to open the Camera
Same here, on both of my devices, 925 & 930, even after hard reset...

2. Screenshot gallery not available when try to open from Whatsapp
Not possible even after latest update, the workaround is to access screenshot folder from file manager or photos app and share to WhatsApp

3. InstagramBeta was unable to log me in
No problems at all, both works, Instagram beta and 6tag (which is quite better solution), try to reinstall it or give a chance to 6tag...

4. Battery Definitely is draining fast
It's kind usual with all TP buuilds, disabling location services and some other background process helps a little bit...

5. Start Screen notification unable to show whatsapp count of message
I had the same issue but now it suddenly started to work and I have my WhatsApp count on lock screen...

6. Email Accounts sometimes do not refresh and looks to be hanging after I installed the Groups
Not using Groups so...
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Unless apps are doing something very naughty it's the OS problem, it should ensure the backwards compatibility. Given its current state it's no wonder there are problems. But it's the app's programmer that gets the blame.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

The problem of unable to pick photos in whatsapp is not at all a major problem.It is because microsoft has implemented a new file and photos picker in win 10 which is not compatible with the available whatsapp.And whatsapp will update it in future.So lets wait.

And i think we are not able to put full image as lock screen or background from the photos app.Its still asking for cropping.It was not there in the previous build .I don't like this cropping thing.
when we put the sample images (default images) as background,there is no cropping. And those images are not shown in photos app or in file explorer.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Is there any way to add your custom ringtones notifications
all I can use now is stock comes with OS
I have put some on the ringtone folder but can not access them
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