Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

For me there are two major issues. One is battery life- but i think that the problem is only with standby, when using the phone no difference for me. #2 is email attachments- downloading any file (image, pdf, excel, word, etc) takes ages. Do you have the same? is there any workaround or solution for that?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I jumped into the Windows Phone / Mobile arena again, picking up a Lumia 735. Last night I took the plunge and grabbed WM10 Build 10166. I'm so far impressed with it, as it looks very much like Windows 10 on my PC. There are a few bugs here and there, and I know I'm not on the latest and greatest build just yet as I opted into the slow ring. Overall, I'm liking what I'm seeing and am excited for RTM.

Bye bye Android.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it? UPDATE DONT LIKE IT!

This update is bunk! It bricked my 1020 with a crazy Boot error message. Have to use the phone recovery tool to reinstall Windows on my phone. I love my camera on the phone and like Windows 8.1 but do not like Windows 10 on the phones as it offers no advantage over 8.1 as I had hoped it would.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Been using it extensively on my 930. Slow is the first thing that comes to mind. Need to reboot several times a day. Battery life below par, but I charge every night regardless, so not a huge issue. But, slow. Slow. Slow. Interface not responding to gestures. Works fine after a reboot. Then, slow again.

All that being said, I realize it is work in progress so not complaining.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I installed it on my Lumia 1020 after going back to 8.1. The Loading/Resuming problem with the start screen dissapeared for me and it feels more responsibe on some programs and much slower on others. I also installed the Configuration Update and i have to say that the only major problem, and when i say Major is that you'll have to go back to 8.1 is battery drain. I still can't see what seems to be draining my battery. On normal use on the office seems to work fine, but then when i go out battery drains really fast. Maybe has to be with location service, i dont really know but for example today i had 70% of my battery with normal use four hours since i unppluged it. It went out to lunch, one hour and a half later battery is a 7%. The whole enterprise integration, edge and other new apps like outlook works flaweslly but they need to start to fix this things quickier.
Im excited about Windows 10, but its still not usable at least on Lumia 1020 as a daily driver.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

Lumia 930 / 10526 upgraded from 10512, unfortunatelly much worst than 10512, unstable, android app support simply stopped working, issues with the lock screen, flickering, silend hours 'corrected' function is leading to 'safe browsing options' (???), magic "loading" on 2Ghz processor...and so on, is anybody there testing the build before release??? 10512 had some issues, but I could use it every day, this build was this kind of improvement, that I started to search for android best offers, MS is making one step forward and 3 back, I switched back to 8.1, sadly, because I like the UI improvements, this simplicity and aesthetics, if you will allow additionally the free tiles placement on desktop, the widgets (clock, weather, info) and finally make tiles optional (I am quite old, but I can still hit and see the fg icon), and bring the youth generation some coolnes (full wallpaper was a step in the right direction) then you can still have a chance. Last but not least, hire more developers for this project, 3 of them fixing 3 bugs a month isn't enough to catch android/iphone train.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 635, latest build with the Insider Configuration Update installed. Runs awesome, battery life is stellar.

I get MacRumours T-Mobile iPhone thread updates even though I am not subscribed to that forum, nor do I have an iPhone with Tapatalk installed.
Attaching pictures in Tapatalk does not work.
Other bugs as I find out.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I am facing the error while installing apps.
Error: This app can't install in SD card. In settings > system > storage change the location to your pc or phone.
But the problem is my settings is already in default to app/installations in phone and not SD card.
How do I rectify it please.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have been using this built 10536 as my daily Driver on Lumia 640 XL, So far 40 ~ 60 % Performance is fine. 10 ~ 40 % bugs and Errors
1) Bad battery ( Draining like Android )
2) Sometimes random App Crashes need to Restart the Apps by Force Close ( e.g. groove, gallery & Other Windows Built in apps)
3) Lots of Resuming /Loading issues ( Cannot even Retrieve call logs while i am in hurry to Dial Someone, W10M force me to wait :()
4) Camera HDR mode Taking too long to save pictures
5) Auto rotate Glitch and going back to Start menu Glitch sometimes( Show More Tiles)
6) Tap and Hold on Pictures Glitch/ Multiple Selection of Photos from gallery to Share/Delete 90% Misses touch and need to Re-Select ( Hit and Trial)
7) Custom Ringtones Cannot be Selected
8) Instagram beta / 6 Tag ,Cannot add profile pic from gallery
9) Sometimes Still Lockscreen Time and Date Disappears
10) Cannot Start camera from Whatsapp
11) Personalizing and selecting colors , Often Change with Delay or after reboot from all apps/menus
12) Lumia Camera app photos are still better the Windows camera photos


1) Microsoft is Doing Great on verge of Improving and making End user friendly OS to use
2) MS should think in mind that Windows phone has never been primary choice in Mobile OS. they need to think to adopt the features more rapidly
3) only a Month Left for Final W10Phone ( End of OCT). features are Missing

Lastly All the Best to hardworking Employees of MS, May They Make a difference by Producing a refined OS in coming months
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Hi All.

My big problem is that I cannot install Viber at all. Did a hard reset after upgrading, so I had to reinstall of all my apps. Originally I told the phone to install every app on thr SD card instead of the phone. Viber cannot do that. Which wouldn't be a problem, but it still tell me it cannot be installed on an SD card, even after changing the setting back to phone option. Restarted the phone, nothing. Aborted the installation in the Store, started over, nothing, I cannot install it to SD card. I'm not trying to dumbass.

Otherwise, it seems much better then the previous builts (Lumia 820), no battery drain after HR either.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

, is anybody there testing the build before release???

You are kidding right? You are in the beta program. That means every (and I mean every) built will have problems. Some more than others, some hardware more than others. You are the one that is testing the builts and you are the one who needs to inform Microsoft about things that work, do not work, could get better and you like. Only that way Microsoft can fix things and know people like the new stuff in it.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

It passes as a daily driver on my 640xl. Not seeing too much issues with it. Great update so far.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Been using it extensively on my 930. Slow is the first thing that comes to mind. Need to reboot several times a day. Battery life below par, but I charge every night regardless, so not a huge issue. But, slow. Slow. Slow. Interface not responding to gestures. Works fine after a reboot. Then, slow again.

All that being said, I realize it is work in progress so not complaining.
strange because on my 930 everything is much smoother after the upgrade... haven't rebooted myself because something went wrong actually.

Battery, I agree... OK, I'm using Bluetooth all day long with my Band & Fitbit connected and in my car connected to the car system. I also charge every evening so can live with that for now but would like to see some improvement over time there...

I do noticed that after the most recent update to Windows Insider configuration (early this week) my phone rebooted by itself a couple of times out of the blue... Regardless of what I was doing.

But all things aside, I'm happy with this build as my daily driver. Especially happy that wifi connections are very stable compaired to the previous build where my phone would lose connection with wifi and needed a soft reset to get it back.

Now let's just hope MSFT won't wait another month for a new build :) can't wait :)
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

I don't feel like being in beta program. Sorry, but it looks more like alpha at the moment. Maybe it's kind of kidding, but I would expect after one month from the previous release some progress.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

I don't feel like being in beta program. Sorry, but it looks more like alpha at the moment. Maybe it's kind of kidding, but I would expect after one month from the previous release some progress.
how and why? Bringing some arguments could shed more light on what you are experiencing...
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Oh, forgot about bluetooth....not working very well either. Frequent disconnects where I have to disable and enable bluetooth to make it work. Have seen random reboots when doing that as well.

But I still use it as my daily driver, so how bad can it be :-)
That's just me being lazy though. Too lazy to embark on the rollback to 8.1 train ...

Hoping for a solid build the next time around. They are running out of time ..
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Have you noticed a change on your battery life? I too have the Lumia 1520 but my battery actually drains too quickly. By the afternoon, normally I would have at least half a battery left. Now I get the battery charge notification.
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