Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

This build started out ok for my lumina 640 but about a week later it's the worst. Everything slows down to a crawl. My phone actually froze twice today. I have made my decision to go back to 8.1. To tell you guys the truth I'm going to have to go back to android. I do NOT have any confidence in the leadership and the windows mobile team working on w10m. Windows phone will die and I can't put any of my money towards a new flagship Windows phone. Windows mobile team should be embarrassed especially compared to what Apple put out in a short of time.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

My 640 runs great with the newest build.. The only issues that I have ran into is Messaging Skype Preview sometimes opens slows and disconnects to my Skype every now and then, I can't send contact information through text messaging, #tileart doesn't work still, and moving my tiles sometimes makes tiles disappear and I have to restart my phone aside from that the phone works amazing.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

This build on L630 is one of the worst I've ever had. Loading screens everywhere ! I can't even play music while opening for example OneNote. Resuming screens all the time. FB Messenger can't even load on cellular data. I'm looking forward for new build, because this is really really big step back :/ (sorry for czenglish) ;)
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I'm going back to 8.1 right now... couldn't stand those small/not-so-small issues any more. I truly believe that w10m might be the best OS on the market- but there is still soooo many things to fix. My calendar was going crazy all the time- I couldn't tap any day to add task or sth. My mail took ages to download/upload attachments... No uploads to onedrive!!! Battery drain... continuous waiting for any app to open.... For me those are the most important things if I would like to use it as a daily driver and I couldn't skip it. I tried factory resets, soft resets every morning, being patient...

I'm sure that it is worth waiting for the official build but in my case this must be on 8.1.

Please don't get me wrong- I know this is only an insider preview, not an official OS, so I'm not complaining, only trying to explain why I had to go back.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

This build on L630 is one of the worst I've ever had. Loading screens everywhere ! I can't even play music while opening for example OneNote. Resuming screens all the time. FB Messenger can't even load on cellular data. I'm looking forward for new build, because this is really really big step back :/ (sorry for czenglish) ;)
Funnily enough, my experience has been quite the opposite, I never felt it is worse than 512, as a matter of fact I'm running the latest build on my 930 since day one without any mayor issue, some minor problems with couple of 3rd party apps and inability to select photo from most of them but that's something I can live with as long as everything else perform well..
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I got an update this morning
also got the configuration one a couple of days ago
so this is different
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Forced to switch back to WM 8.1, battery drain is too high, after 4 hours mostly in standby battery level is 25%;
START seems to have drained 46%!

Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I've been using as a daily driver for a couple of months now. this build 10536 is much faster than the last.
I miss the "slide the screen" for option of 8.1. It was one of the "unique to windowsphone" features that set it appart from the rest. is it me or does it seem that at every new software or hardware release iphone steals windows best ideas and, because more people are using iphones, apple get the "innovative" tag? sorry Im scattered, I know. .. and what happened to the DATA SENSE app?! please tell me there will be one for W10M (#dubTenEm)
10536 was great for first few days. After that it started to lag and buggy on my 520. Apps start is rather slow, and randomly refuse to start.
I realy love the new Vietnamese keyboard that auto capitalize the fisrt letter of a new sentence. But I cannot endure the bugs of this build. Planning to downgrade to 8.1 tomorrow or the next.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

i personally like build 10536 on my lumia 535 i can say it isn't quite done yet but it's a preview ,, battery quite good ,, performance very good but it lags at some point,, not so many glitches , crashes and unlock problems really impressed by this build ... only problem is in the store when i try to download it says i need to change storage from sd to phone but when i do it doesn't do nothing / can't download...
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have it on a L920 and a L1520 Both phones are NOT performing well... STEP BACKWARDS for both. Start menu takes forever to load, apps crashing, slow response... I wish I could roll back both phones to the previous build.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have it on a L920 and a L1520 Both phones are NOT performing well... STEP BACKWARDS for both. Start menu takes forever to load, apps crashing, slow response... I wish I could roll back both phones to the previous build. I hope a new build comes out soon.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

A phone reset after the update helps tremendously. I've been using 10636.1004 for weeks, but last night did a RESET.. I couldn't believe the improvements. All of my apps are back on and it all works much better.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 640: Using it as a daily driver since release. Works fine, battery life is great, there are some minor problems here and there, that does not bother me at all. Bluetooth works very nice - frequent use with car bluetooth.

So, I'm generally satisfied, with next 3 large issues that bother me a lot:
- Viber is very slow. If i didn't have so many contacts there, the slowness bothers me so much that I would have switched to WhatsApp.
- Upper menu pulling down behaves erratic. Sometimes is ok (rare cases), sometimes does not pull down so I have to try second, third, fourth time, and sometimes the animation is so slow, like 2 - 3 fps or so.
- Windows store is obviously in pre-alpha, far from beta.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 640: Using it as a daily driver since release. Works fine, battery life is great, there are some minor problems here and there, that does not bother me at all. Bluetooth works very nice - frequent use with car bluetooth.

So, I'm generally satisfied, with next 3 large issues that bother me a lot:
- Viber is very slow. If i didn't have so many contacts there, the slowness bothers me so much that I would have switched to WhatsApp.
- Upper menu pulling down behaves erratic. Sometimes is ok (rare cases), sometimes does not pull down so I have to try second, third, fourth time, and sometimes the animation is so slow, like 2 - 3 fps or so.
- Windows store is obviously in pre-alpha, far from beta.

Did you hard reset?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Using on a primary Lumia Icon. Upgraded from 10166. Upgrade did not work. Took forever to download files, then once I finally got gears, the phone overheated and got into a reboot loop. Recovered to 8.1 using Recovery App. Instead of restoring, just installed basic 8.1 and the insider app. Upgraded to 10536.1004. Once installed, did a Reset and recovered from my last 10166 backup.

Battery sucked initially, due to all of the app installs and the downloading of SMS messages. After a few days, things seem better, but to be honest, I'm always pretty close to a wireless charger (have 5 spread around my home, one on my desk at work, and a wireless charger/phone holder in the car) so I'm juicing up throughout the day.

Some small nits. Going from the lockscreen to the start menu when inputting a PIN, I get a momentary flash of a green screen before the start page loads. If I don't need to use the PIN (not yet timed out) the transition is almost instant.

Cortana sucks at sending texts, now. I have a Ford MySync setup in my car and can call Cortana to have her create texts, read texts, etc. Worked great on 8.1 and 10166. Now, I can call Cortana, tell her to text a person, get her to write the text using voice input, but when I tell her to send, she just closes and never sends. I can say "add more" and she'll listen for me to add to the text, or "try again" and allow me to repeat the input text, but she won't send.

As far as bluetooth goes, this build is miles ahead of what 10166 was. My phone would connect to the car system about 50% of the time, but would usually take up to 2 minutes to connect. With 10536, the phone connects every time and it usually only takes 10 or 15 seconds.

I can't set a custom ringtone, but I believe this is an ongoing issue. Couldn't in 10166, either. I also get random reboots about every other day, but the digitizer has not stopped working, unlike what it did on 10166 all the time.

Overall, I like this update. #SeemsFaster does seem to apply to this build. However, if MS is looking to actually release W10M in 2 weeks, as I have heard rumored a few times, I think they would be expecting a miracle. This build is certainly not ready for primetime, and I think far more than 2 weeks of work is needed to get it there.
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