Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Why can't you guys understand that google and apple already had all their features planned out. Microsoft are letting us give them ideas for features to implement while they are still making the OS. Apple and android were in this state too but no one gets too see that. You just see the final or close to final product. Google and apple give you betas but Microsoft is giving you an alpha. Something that the public almost never have access to.
this ain't no alpha build know what you're talking about before you post please. W10m suppose to be on flagship devices next month.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

this ain't no alpha build know what you're talking about before you post please. W10m suppose to be on flagship devices next month.

Yup, but who said those devices are getting released that month? Everybody knows Microsoft has long delays before a device is released.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

One thing that seems like people are not getting is that Microsoft is rumoured to launch Windows 10 Mobile next month, and you're talking about Alpha's? Really?! This is no Alpha anymore nor it should be a Beta, if they are really considering on realeasing this OS next month then they may just not do it! Are you kidding me?! I think many people are being manipulated by Microsoft and the media, they are telling you that they are putting a lot of work on the OS and that may not be all lies, but they make us feel confortable and secure giving us expectations that the next build will be A LOT better, and then, it just isn't, sometimes it is even worse!
My experience with my 920 has been:
Lock screen issues, performance issues (includes 10 to 30 secons of loading screens when opening and resuming apps, happens with the Start Screen too), battery issues (for how long?), apps crashing whenever they feel like it, the OS just feels very incomplete (example: the Messaging app is still terrible, it takes lots of time to load, loading conversations is a pain, it has no personalization features or even animations like the other apps, Settings takes a bit to load too, crashes as much as any other app, doesn't have animations when backing out, the Store is slow, it is buggy, I can see sometimes the edges of the store screen showing a border line from the apps that I am downloading, not to mention the loading screen where the Store logo just disappears and it's just a blue screen, snapshots of apps when you're not in them are showing incorrectly when resuming and so on...). I mean, I was excited for this OS, and I still am, but Microsoft is stabbing us, Windows 10 Mobile is not what I expected, be real and face the facts, if you could go back to see how Windows Phone 8.1 looked when it was available trough Preview for Developers, you could actually see that it was much more stable!
Now everybody can yell at me saying that it is very hard to make an OS, and I say: AM I MICROSOFT?! A company that is on the marke for more than 3 decades?! Grow up guys, face the facts, if we don't tell them what's wrong and get mad they will just keep doing the sh** they've been doing! Don't get me wrong, I love Windows Phone/Mobile, but it is not nearly good or complete!

Compare build 10536.1004 to 10166 and you'll see little difference in performance.

Well said and I totally agree, now that I'm attempting to get build 10536 setup on my L830 it is apparent that MS has a long way to go if my experience is any indication, haven't even got to the point of actually using the phone for its intended purpose because the "personalization" process has been painfully slow (lagging/resuming/crashes to name a few).

All I can say, when comparing builds 10166 to 10536 is "WHOOP DEE DOO!", very underwhelmed at this point with little in the wind to say that'll change anytime soon, the picture kind of looks bleak to me especially if MS continues their "baby steppin". And to quote WC, "Microsoft has a lot to overcome in the following months", very much understated in my eyes, whether they'll succeed is anyone's guess but at this rate it is not looking too favourable.
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Why can't you guys understand that google and apple already had all their features planned out. Microsoft are letting us give them ideas for features to implement while they are still making the OS. Apple and android were in this state too but no one gets too see that. You just see the final or close to final product. Google and apple give you betas but Microsoft is giving you an alpha. Something that the public almost never have access to.

If what you are saying is that Google and Apple did everything internally w/o "user" input then why is MS so slow at implementing when they essentially have "thousands" more on their team (us beta testers)?

Yes the completion was in that state too but that was way back when, it is now 2015 and MS has chosen the "long route" which ain't helping market shares nor anything else, and as for betas and alphas, I'm sure the masses don't care as they want something that works, is stable and delivered on time, we're getting buried here as I see it.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

One thing that seems like people are not getting is that Microsoft is rumoured to launch Windows 10 Mobile next month, and you're talking about Alpha's? Really?! This is no Alpha anymore nor it should be a Beta, if they are really considering on realeasing this OS next month then they may just not do it! Are you kidding me?! I think many people are being manipulated by Microsoft and the media, they are telling you that they are putting a lot of work on the OS and that may not be all lies, but they make us feel confortable and secure giving us expectations that the next build will be A LOT better, and then, it just isn't, sometimes it is even worse!
My experience with my 920 has been:
Lock screen issues, performance issues (includes 10 to 30 secons of loading screens when opening and resuming apps, happens with the Start Screen too), battery issues (for how long?), apps crashing whenever they feel like it, the OS just feels very incomplete (example: the Messaging app is still terrible, it takes lots of time to load, loading conversations is a pain, it has no personalization features or even animations like the other apps, Settings takes a bit to load too, crashes as much as any other app, doesn't have animations when backing out, the Store is slow, it is buggy, I can see sometimes the edges of the store screen showing a border line from the apps that I am downloading, not to mention the loading screen where the Store logo just disappears and it's just a blue screen, snapshots of apps when you're not in them are showing incorrectly when resuming and so on...). I mean, I was excited for this OS, and I still am, but Microsoft is stabbing us, Windows 10 Mobile is not what I expected, be real and face the facts, if you could go back to see how Windows Phone 8.1 looked when it was available trough Preview for Developers, you could actually see that it was much more stable!
Now everybody can yell at me saying that it is very hard to make an OS, and I say: AM I MICROSOFT?! A company that is on the marke for more than 3 decades?! Grow up guys, face the facts, if we don't tell them what's wrong and get mad they will just keep doing the sh** they've been doing! Don't get me wrong, I love Windows Phone/Mobile, but it is not nearly good or complete!

Compare build 10536.1004 to 10166 and you'll see little difference in performance.

You are using an L920 ... what more do you expect!! ... This OS is not designed for the older hardware. I have a L920 and a L1520 and there is no comparison ... Agreed that the OS is buggy, but come on its not released yet. You are complaining that Apple puts out perfect OS's but try and put IOS9 on an iPhone3G and see how it behaves ... wont be pretty. Microsoft has released preview builds for a reason, get feedback on how you want the product to be, Apple and Android does not do this... If you are going to complain about preview builds, don't download them and wait for the RTM, if you don't like it then, then you can start complaining.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

You are using an L920 ... what more do you expect!! ... This OS is not designed for the older hardware.

Going by your logic my L830 is close to be designated "too old" to run W10 M and it just may be if MS continues at this pace, since my Ativ S and L1020 (2 gigs ram) have same/similar hardware as L920 guess I can forget about them ever getting it or it running decently. Seems to me I've read many a posts that touted how WM OS was soooo much better than the competition because, hardware wasn't as much of a factor so we didn't need that BIG cpu, mega ram and so on, guessing you're not one of them or are you?... Apple supports devices as far back as 2011 (not saying it works great), yet with your analogy we're going to be lucky to have anything older than 2014 officially supported.

Agreed that the OS is buggy, but come on its not released yet.

And there lies the problem, it is supposedly just around the corner and looking at the latest build (10536.1004) on my L830 and I'm like "Whaaat, are you kidding me!", see very little that is going to light that fire if this is what is to be expected, obviously many don't share my opinion but on the other hand, many do. :-)

You are complaining that Apple puts out perfect OS's but try and put IOS9 on an iPhone3G and see how it behaves ... wont be pretty.

OK did I miss something or was it just that you couldn't resist the urge to diss the competition? I don't think anyone in their right mind would state there is a "perfect" OS and that it doesn't have its share of problems, no such beast exists.

Microsoft has released preview builds for a reason, get feedback on how you want the product to be.

Well you'd think with all the extra "free" help they are getting it would speed up the process, obviously that isn't the case.

If you are going to complain about preview builds, don't download them and wait for the RTM, if you don't like it then, then you can start complaining.

It is human nature to complain, put that together with MSs "one step forward two steps back" approach then the hackles begin to rise... I'm not sure if you are aware but there is more at stake here than the OS itself, if it fails to spark interest then the WP ecosystem loses as a whole along with the consumer, being a WP user and fan since 2012 (before that too but not pertinent here), I know all too well the frustrations in trying to get a WP, apps, accessories and so fourth, sure there are other avenues to say purchase a WP but not everyone wants to go those routes nor has the choice. I'm sure many loyalist are cringing seeing how things have played out in the past couple of years, it's assured most thought we'd be at a much different point of the game compared to were we sit now, in my opinion if this launch of W10M and the new handsets are a fail then there is only one thing to do, "FIRE THE COACH!" ;-)
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

If what you are saying is that Google and Apple did everything internally w/o "user" input then why is MS so slow at implementing when they essentially have "thousands" more on their team (us beta testers)?

Yes the completion was in that state too but that was way back when, it is now 2015 and MS has chosen the "long route" which ain't helping market shares nor anything else, and as for betas and alphas, I'm sure the masses don't care as they want something that works, is stable and delivered on time, we're getting buried here as I see it.

One day, the OS will be feature locked and will look more and more like the Android and iOS Betas, for now, Microsoft are still adding features so expect bugs. Lots and lots of bugs...
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

One day, the OS will be feature locked and will look more and more like the Android and iOS Betas, for now, Microsoft are still adding features so expect bugs. Lots and lots of bugs...

For me it has nothing to do with how similar or dissimilar we are to Android/IOS OSs nor just the "bugs", it more has to do with our status in the market place, what will result in the short term, and what negative impact W10M has caused to stunt the growth of WPs. Yep that's what I said, negative, it stand to reason that another revamp is going to cause skepticism amongst many, add in some of the other hiccups that happened in the past year or so and people are going to think twice before coming onboard, me thinks we will be feeling the negative effects looong after the event bugs or no bugs.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Well you'd think with all the extra "free" help they are getting it would speed up the process, obviously that isn't the case.
This is likely a popular misconception. The insider preview program doesn't make MS any faster. Very much the opposite actually.

Just the people MS have assigned to evaluate and organize the largely low quality feedback are likely quite a drain (depending on how seriously they take it). Two weeks ago the team had to focus on getting a build out to frustrated insiders, requiring them to implement fixes specifically for the insider preview... time the team could instead have spent on real features. Currently the team is working on a way to allow HTC 8x users to recover their devices which the insider preview bricked... more work that wouldn't be necessary if the insider preview didn't exist. Also consider the gazillions of additional hours MS has spent testing preview builds on every model variant, to ensure they are suitable for release. That's a lot of additional work that would be unnecessary without the preview program.

All the while, MS also employs their own professional testing staff. These are the guys that deliver most of MS' testing feedback. In no way does the community reduce the effort MS must expend on professional and automated testing, as that is required regardless.

By the end of this year, the W10M insider preview program will have cost MS at least a few million. It is anything but free!
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

For me it has nothing to do with how similar or dissimilar we are to Android/IOS OSs nor just the "bugs", it more has to do with our status in the market place, what will result in the short term, and what negative impact W10M has caused to stunt the growth of WPs. Yep that's what I said, negative, it stand to reason that another revamp is going to cause skepticism amongst many, add in some of the other hiccups that happened in the past year or so and people are going to think twice before coming onboard, me thinks we will be feeling the negative effects looong after the event bugs or no bugs.

Negative? What's wrong with having a revamp?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Was running 10536 on my Lumia Icon since release as my Daily Driver. Over time battery got better but overall performance got worse. As of yesterday I went back to my Backup Icon running Win8.1 and will probably stay there until the 950 is released with Win10.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Why is everybody complaining? If you want a stable OS, use 8.1. Nobody is obliged to use 10 yet. If you are getting frustrated by non-stable builds, just sit back and wait for the commercial release of W10 mobile.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 930 here, and I love this version. The only crash I've had is the camera app. I take a photo, then try to view it: That's when the app closes......Then there's the minor lag on the lock screen, and the Outlook tiles 'refreshing' every now and then. Other than that, it's a very pleasant experience. Sorry to all those that are experiencing issues that are not present on my device. The ONLY thing I could wish for is custom email sounds for each individual mailbox, but that will come in time I'm sure :)
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 830 here.
Been a long time MSFT fan but this OS is really testing my patience.
It seems to be getting worse with each build.

The 10536 seemed ok at the start, and then performance of apps got very bad - 20 secs resumes as reported by others.
The photo app sucks - you take a photo and it's not available to use in any apps.
Bluetooth gone again. Battery life sucks.

The camera button broke during the week and a trip to the MSFT store was light years behind the experience at apple.
It's like these guys do not want to keep existing business. (Can't blame 10536 for this!) Sorry sir, you'll have to take that up with nokia.....

These are basic basic issues, and it baffles me that some very basic testing is not finding these.
I know these are preview builds, but they are only damaging their brand shipping junk like this.

How they think this will be ready for an Oct 5 presentation is beyond me.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

So yesterday, my 925 that I had this build on and then reverted back to WP8.1 had to be charged twice... and then was 100% dead by midnight. Odd that the bad battery life of this build persisted after I flashed the phone back to WP8.1. Any ideas on what I could try to correct it? Nothing obvious shows as far as background apps, so I'm not sure what's going on. The problem started with the 10536 build, and apparently a good number of 925 users have reported it. I thought going back to 8.1 would be the solution, but nope.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

First few days after flashing let the phone compile,things in background and do the stuff. After few days battery life is always better.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

The build has a major bug is why it won't install on several phones, without user intervention of having
to do a hard reset in order for it to install. What I read on Windows Central, I'm better off with build
10512 then 10536. I had to do a hard reset once to get a build to install and it took over 3 hours to load
then I could get the next build with took 2 more hours. I really don't want to have to hard reset again
just for a build to install, Microsoft needs to correct their mistakes to the build will install correctly.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

This build 10536 gave me mixed feelings after about nearly 2 weeks.
- pros : One-handed mode , Mobile hotspot and no blinking , better performance and Folder in Photos app .
- cons : Random reboot about 3-4 times a day ( I did go from 10512 to 8.1 then up to 10536.1004 and hard reset right after ) , some apps start very slowly and Microsoft Edge still crashes frequently .
Overall a great build but that Random reboot need fixes soon since it didn't happen before
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I've thrown in the towel and gone back to 8.1 having been a tester for a long time now.
See u guys on the full release version, but not worth the number of hard resets for me to continue down this road.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Even beta software gets better each build. This build is trash. How long they been working on 10 mobile? They still have lock screen issues, battery issues,memory, issues, lag issues ,overheating issues ,performance issues, please the list just keeps going. The truth is Microsoft is not putting enough resources into w10m. The w10m team and their supervisors would have been fired if they worked for apple or android. it's alot if money riding on this windows 10 mobile but I can't tell. By the way the new iPhone hit the stores today.

I don't care about Crapple and why do we keep crying about every BETA! build just be happy Microsoft let us be testers and you know before installing your phone will become unstable.
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