Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

L920, 2 days after hard reset; battery life decreased dramatically, nearing state of being unusable unfortunately :(
Really really hope this is solved in the next 1 or 2 releases, as in my opinion battery life and overheating should have been top priority over any other nice-to have features.. If they can not tackle it, then I fear the outcome for W10M could be fatal. I have strongly believed in this development and have been patient without complaining as of day 1 in terms of participating in the insiders community.... But this is worrying me...
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

10514 and 10536 has been attempting to install for over a WEEK now, download is OK, but preparing
to install dies after 4%. error code 0x800705b4. I'm glad I have a BLU WIN HD LTE running 8.1 which
had a lot of better features then the Windows 10, 10512..
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 1520

I had all kinds of issues until I did a master reset and started from scratch. Loading issues, apps crashing all the time, updates in the store always erroring out, camera not saving photos, photos showing up in the camera history that weren't on my phone anymore. Now that I've done a master reset, everything is working properly now and the only thing that really sucks are that my Domino's app still doesn't work and the battery life runs down really fast. I used to get two days out of one charge, now I get maybe half a day.

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Running a clean install on a Lumia 1020, and so far so good after 3 days. Some lag issues, missing icons, but most apps work well. Bluetooth is working, groove is better. I see an improvement. Good enough for daily driver for me
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

It is BETA firmware!!!
Even beta software gets better each build. This build is trash. How long they been working on 10 mobile? They still have lock screen issues, battery issues,memory, issues, lag issues ,overheating issues ,performance issues, please the list just keeps going. The truth is Microsoft is not putting enough resources into w10m. The w10m team and their supervisors would have been fired if they worked for apple or android. it's alot if money riding on this windows 10 mobile but I can't tell. By the way the new iPhone hit the stores today.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Caved in and installed last night on my 1520. First thing after the upgrade finished I did a hard reset.

Now after a day of setting up and using, I like it. It is a little wonky in places, especially the animations on menus and sidebars, but everything seems to be working reasonably well. Haven't found anything that makes me want to go back to 8.1.

Even though it's only been a day, I am impressed with the battery life over earlier builds. with the screen off it's using around 1.5% an hour, which is actually less than under 8.1 (though I don't have as much installed atm). Screen on, I don't have an opinion yet, will see over the next few days.

But overall, very happy with this build.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Caved in and installed last night on my 1520. First thing after the upgrade finished I did a hard reset.

Now after a day of setting up and using, I like it. It is a little wonky in places, especially the animations on menus and sidebars, but everything seems to be working reasonably well. Haven't found anything that makes me want to go back to 8.1.

Even though it's only been a day, I am impressed with the battery life over earlier builds. with the screen off it's using around 1.5% an hour, which is actually less than under 8.1 (though I don't have as much installed atm). Screen on, I don't have an opinion yet, will see over the next few days.

But overall, very happy with this build.
the longer it's running on your phone the worst it gets. I'm thinking some kind of memory leak.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Installed 10536 on my L830 last night (which took forever!), once up and running I definitely seen "some" improvements over the last build I tried...

Anyhow, slowly toyed with it getting things sorted/setup and trying to figure everything out theeeeeen, I decided to install the English Canadian language (my country), well to say it was an epic fail is being kind, again, took forever to install and what I ended up with in the end was an unusable phone, upon boot-up I was met with a constant "loading"/"resuming" but never did it load the start screen, luckily I was able to access the settings menu and do a reset... Still in progress so not sure what the final outcome will be, probably a revert back to Win 8.1 I'm guessing.

Ok, sure this is beta but just don't understand how it can be sooooo far off considering the closeness to launce (supposedly), comparing it to Win 10 PC betas of the past (which I tried many) it surely isn't going in same direction from my perspective, considering that PC hardware varies infinitely compared to WP and yet here we are with many on similar/same devices having huge differences in the final outcome, absolutely horrible.

And the "install" process for many things which I'd consider minor seems to have gotten complicated and drawn out, would expect it to take time updating firmware/OS but in the case above where I installed a simple language, no. Others can say what they will about the completion but one thing is for sure, they are "getting er done" whilst we are eating their dust, rocks, mud and so one, none of this is making me a proud WP user by any stretch of the imagination.

Soldier on I will but it's unlikely I'll be a happy camper nor will I pretend to be :((

Well that is/was painful, reset phone and did a complete fresh install of W10 which seems somewhat worse than the "upgrade" before it, slow, laggy and just plain no joy to use, finally gave up configuring for my personal use since every action resulted in an adverse reaction, reverted back to my 1020 w/W8.1 Update 2 (a speed demon in comparison to my L830 w/W10M).

So yes this was pretty abrupt but I see no way on earth it will miraculously go ZOOM ZOOM no matter how long I use it, not finding much to be thankful for here considering, not much use commenting on the pros either since it was such a chore getting through the woes (see what I did there LOL).

My observations after using latest build 10536 on L830 for nearly 3 days, complete fresh install w/o backup and then another full reset afterwards ...

1) UI is more pleasing
2) Quick settings/settings menu additions/design
3) Battery seems to have improved slightly (kind of early to tell)
4) No heating issues... Yet
5) No reboots... Yet
6) Started to like the Edge browse although I'm still on the fence with this one, didn't have mega crash issues either.

1) The constant loading/resuming and overall sluggishness
2) Overall inconsistencies of the OS, each time using it differs
3) Store... lags, slow to load and D/L apps, repeats itself every time you view an app then go back to "My Library"
4) When home screen appears upon boot-up sometimes tiles will take ages to refresh (they start out blank)
5) Lag/stutters on scrolling
6) General app crashing or some fail to work partially or all together, each were freshly installed
7) Glance Screen inconsistencies, sometime items will load while other times they'll be absent
8) MSN Weather on Glance Screen, pretty stark in comparison to Win 8.1s rendering
9) Photo App, what can I say other than it is super slow and not very intuitive and just plain horrible
10) My L830 had touch issues prior (capacitive back button mostly) but now it seems W10M has accentuated it causing the whole screen to feel unresponsive at times
11) Disappointed that there weren't more features added and in actuality, we have less with some being taken away.

So in summary I'd have to say, this build is definitely not a daily driver for me even though we could struggle along if there was no other choice, considering launch is just around the corner and past progressions, I'm finding it hard to believe we'll be ready in time... My predictions is that there will be some sort of delay or, what we get will still be lacking and riddled w/issues.

Update 3:
Looks like it is time to admit defeat and rolled back to 8.1, used my L830 on and off for a few more days whilst switching back and fourth between my L1020, besides the two being night and day in functionality and overall pleasurable experience, W10M seems to be slowly going south.

As many have attested to the "gradually degrading" effect seems to be creeping in, does appear things are taking longer to load, refresh and resume, the two items that tipped the scale is that now I'm getting Micro SD card errors at every boot-up (still accessible and never chose to "fixed") and messages stating my phone is charging slowly, actually began discharging on know good chargers last night.
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

My 521 still can't get the latest build. Gets to about 4% and then errors out, and has been doing so for a week now. I took it back to WP8.1 this morning in hopes of going straight to the current WP10 build.

On my 925, I used this build for a while, but two days ago I gave up and rolled back to WP8.1. The battery life was just atrocious and my phone was running hot as hell! However, the part that has me confused is that now that I'm back on 8.1, battery life doesn't seem to have improved, even with NFC and Bluetooth shut off. Not sure what's going on here. I will likely wait for them to flight a new build of WP10 and then try it again. The sad thing is that the build before this was working really well on my 925.
My 521 still can't get the latest build. Gets to about 4% and then errors out, and has been doing so for a week now. I took it back to WP8.1 this morning in hopes of going straight to the current WP10 build.

On my 925, I used this build for a while, but two days ago I gave up and rolled back to WP8.1. The battery life was just atrocious and my phone was running hot as hell! However, the part that has me confused is that now that I'm back on 8.1, battery life doesn't seem to have improved, even with NFC and Bluetooth shut off. Not sure what's going on here. I will likely wait for them to flight a new build of WP10 and then try it again. The sad thing is that the build before this was working really well on my 925.

Didn't use my L830 long enough to see if there was a change in battery performance, heating up didn't seem to be a trait for me on this build either, besides being lengthy w/both installs (upgrade/fresh) it went off fairly well.

The more I see and experience the more disheartening it becomes sigh!
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

L920 - 10536 was good until the recent CONFIGURATION UPGRADE!
Something was changed and the battery life has been bad ever since that upgrade.

Before that, it was great as daily driver. Battery was okay, not as good as W8.1 but was good enough.
1. Data Sense is not working - I missed that
2. Outlook and Calendar have been great, keep getting better
3. Battery Saver is not able to pin on screen
4. Storage is showing wrong free space on live tile
5. Never seem to get skype to work as default Messaging app
6. Camera is not as good as W8.1, slow, slow, slow
7. Photos app finally get better, but still missing the FAVORITE folder and the ability to rotate FAV in live tile

When is the next build upgrade? Please fix the battery drain problem.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Started over from 8.1, upgraded to 10536 directly but I had to go back home from where I was getting wifi. Now I have dozens of apps to update and download as well as the configuration update and syncing of emails and what not.

Let me use it for a few days before I give the verdict on battery life which was the reason I restarted the process of upgrading
Lumia 1020
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Even beta software gets better each build. This build is trash. How long they been working on 10 mobile? They still have lock screen issues, battery issues,memory, issues, lag issues ,overheating issues ,performance issues, please the list just keeps going. The truth is Microsoft is not putting enough resources into w10m. The w10m team and their supervisors would have been fired if they worked for apple or android. it's alot if money riding on this windows 10 mobile but I can't tell. By the way the new iPhone hit the stores today.

I agree. Microsoft understates windows10 M development . There aren't sufficient resources dedicated to development with the result that progress is slow and low quality. It seems that the battery consumption don't interests Microsoft. Even in wp 8.1 many apps are not optimized and consume much more power than necessary. In Google or Apple could not be tolerated a set development management in this way.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Because of a lot issue on this build, I choose stay in Insider Slow and never have any problem again except the lockscreen issue.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I agree. Microsoft understates windows10 M development . There aren't sufficient resources dedicated to development with the result that progress is slow and low quality. It seems that the battery consumption don't interests Microsoft. Even in wp 8.1 many apps are not optimized and consume much more power than necessary. In Google or Apple could not be tolerated a set development management in this way.
Why can't you guys understand that google and apple already had all their features planned out. Microsoft are letting us give them ideas for features to implement while they are still making the OS. Apple and android were in this state too but no one gets too see that. You just see the final or close to final product. Google and apple give you betas but Microsoft is giving you an alpha. Something that the public almost never have access to.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 925 here, like many of you, this build was good for a few days, and that was about it.
Phone was fine till Uber app got stock updating, since then the lock screen crap, the start screen takes forever to load, the messaging and phone app will sometimes takes 20-30 seconds to load, same with most apps, battery drain crazy, it can last a full day or 2 hours, seems like system and start will kill battery and overheat the phone point too hot to touch. Im not sure how this was ever allowed to be pushed out. 1 month of internal testing and this what they send out> wtf? This build big time regression from previous ones, whatever microsoft doing seems to be going backwards. Finally time to put the phone to rest and get a Moto X.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Nokia 530, Won't install on the phone, it's been attempting well over a week now, given error code
but seem no body is attempting to fix the problem. Soft reset doesn't help, I have done a hard
reset on the phone before to fix a problem months ago when I was at Rice University and it took
about 3 hours to load. The college WiFi is quite faster then the one I have here at home. So
I'm hope the builds can be fixed and re-deployed and I don't have to do a hard reset.
Months ago I had a problem with outlook mail, and it was fixed remotely by Microsoft, I don't mind
if the builds are fixed by them.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

One thing that seems like people are not getting is that Microsoft is rumoured to launch Windows 10 Mobile next month, and you're talking about Alpha's? Really?! This is no Alpha anymore nor it should be a Beta, if they are really considering on realeasing this OS next month then they may just not do it! Are you kidding me?! I think many people are being manipulated by Microsoft and the media, they are telling you that they are putting a lot of work on the OS and that may not be all lies, but they make us feel confortable and secure giving us expectations that the next build will be A LOT better, and then, it just isn't, sometimes it is even worse!
My experience with my 920 has been:
Lock screen issues, performance issues (includes 10 to 30 secons of loading screens when opening and resuming apps, happens with the Start Screen too), battery issues (for how long?), apps crashing whenever they feel like it, the OS just feels very incomplete (example: the Messaging app is still terrible, it takes lots of time to load, loading conversations is a pain, it has no personalization features or even animations like the other apps, Settings takes a bit to load too, crashes as much as any other app, doesn't have animations when backing out, the Store is slow, it is buggy, I can see sometimes the edges of the store screen showing a border line from the apps that I am downloading, not to mention the loading screen where the Store logo just disappears and it's just a blue screen, snapshots of apps when you're not in them are showing incorrectly when resuming and so on...). I mean, I was excited for this OS, and I still am, but Microsoft is stabbing us, Windows 10 Mobile is not what I expected, be real and face the facts, if you could go back to see how Windows Phone 8.1 looked when it was available trough Preview for Developers, you could actually see that it was much more stable!
Now everybody can yell at me saying that it is very hard to make an OS, and I say: AM I MICROSOFT?! A company that is on the marke for more than 3 decades?! Grow up guys, face the facts, if we don't tell them what's wrong and get mad they will just keep doing the sh** they've been doing! Don't get me wrong, I love Windows Phone/Mobile, but it is not nearly good or complete!

Compare build 10536.1004 to 10166 and you'll see little difference in performance.
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