MSN Movies App


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I was just browsing the Marketplace, when I came across this nice app by the MS Corp. called MSN Movies.

As a long time "Flixster," user on Android and early adopter on WP7, I was pretty confident this app would be on I place on my phone and then uninstall after awhile due to low usage. I was suprised though. A nice amount of information all in one place, times, theatres, reviews, synopsis, and even links to related content, like Daniel Day-Lewis playing Abe Lincoln in a new Speilberg biopic (stoked).

The only gripe I have is the inability to add specific theatres of your choosing to the list that pops up, but you can still check out info on other locations by simply typing them in. So Flixster has the ability to favorite theatres and also rotten tomato intergration, which are really it's only two stronger points. Otherwise, I actually prefer MSN Movies, coupled with IMDB on the device.

Give it a try!
All the movie apps are nice. The MSN is actually surprisingly minimalist and sharp, but I like Flixter's Rotten Tomatoes integration.

All depends on how much/little info you need. If you just want movie times, locations and some trailers, MSN is great.

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