My 1020 got so much attention

TALK ABOUT GETTING ATTENTION! - Store staffs going crazy at Telenor's Office over my white Lumia 1020.

2013-08-13 18.23.56.jpg
Samsung is more like the copyborg. They assimilate your technology and then destroy you with their marketing beam.
Once again, my 1020 got lots of attention!

Once again, my 1020 got lots of attention!

Went downtown Vegas with wife and her coworkers. It was awkward at first, because this was the first time most of us met. And when I pulled out the camera to take pictures, the phone became an instant ice breaker!

"Is that that new camera phone?"
"How many megapixels does it have?"
"That's so nice!"
"Take more pictures of us!"

The bartender even started a conversation with me when she saw the phone as I was taking pictures of our shots of liquid cocaine. "That's such a cool phone. I want to get one, but I'm married to my iPhone. How do you like it? I really want one."

Level up: social status! LOL
Re: Once again, my 1020 got lots of attention!

Meh, that 41MP camera on the back is nice crowd pleaser, but you guys just wait when I will get that 6-inch screened, bright yellow Lumia this year. Ain't nobody not noticing that phone! ;)
They need to make a Phablet with the 41mpx camera!

And it should transform into a robot. In the Transformers movie they said that Nokias make for some crazy beasts.
Just had a pleasant conversation with my TGIFridays waitress. She was really interested in getting a 1020 so she asked me questions about it and I gladly showed her pics and how awesome the zoom feature is. She asked how much and I told her, but also added that Amazon is probably cheaper, or she could ask about the next plan. Lots of options. I think she was on the edge with upgrading and I just pushed her over. She said she has Sprint and is not happy with it. I hear that a lot here in Vegas. I told her that I have no problems with ATT coverage here. I have a feeling the 1020 may become the most successful WP8. Never had this much attention with my previous WPs.

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