My band 2 is tearing

I ended up selling mine as is for like 90 bucks, tears and all. F it. I'm done with it. In search of something else.
It's too bad because the Band 2 really improved my exercises and workouts and actually motivated me to stay on track.
I wonder if it is a wrist size issue. I wonder if you guys have bands too big for your wrist size and it forces you to pull it tighter than the curvature of the glass? I am 6' 7" and the curve matches my wrist perfectly.
I wonder if it is a wrist size issue. I wonder if you guys have bands too big for your wrist size and it forces you to pull it tighter than the curvature of the glass? I am 6' 7" and the curve matches my wrist perfectly.

That's what I'm thinking. I have a Large and wear it with the clasp all the way down, and still have an index finger to push through. My wife has the medium and she has yet to see a problem. I doubt that when I do take mine in for protection plan service, they will allow me to swap with a medium. Mine has completely torn on the left side like some of these pictures here.
I am on my first replacement band, which is already tearing (less than 60 days). My wife is waiting on her third replacement band, after her second one started tearing (less than 60 days).

We do running and light weight exercises, wear them daily, and sleep with them. Which is kind of the point of having these, there is obviously a design flaw with the rubber on these things.
I am on my first replacement band, which is already tearing (less than 60 days). My wife is waiting on her third replacement band, after her second one started tearing (less than 60 days).

We do running and light weight exercises, wear them daily, and sleep with them. Which is kind of the point of having these, there is obviously a design flaw with the rubber on these things.

This is why I'm looking for an alternative. I"m going to do research this time on band quality, etc. instead of just buying MS because I'm a fan.
I just got my 3rd band replaced for the same issue last night at the local san diego store. I switched from a size L to a M and its not forcing the band to be as tight, so we will see if this lasts. They didnt even hesitate to swap the band for me.
Be sure to leave this feedback at their official UserVoice page.

Brief story about me and my rather new (?) MS-Band2: I live in Argentina, and visited Florida last December, where I bought an MS Band2 in Aventura. 3 months later, the rubber strap began to tear at both sides, and It was rare, because I’ve a sedentary life and used it just to daily count my steps. I contact MS Support online, and they recommended me to take the Band to an MS Store to be replaced automatically (remember, I live in Argentina, and we don’t have any MS Store here). However, my daughter went to Miami by the end of March, and took the Band with her. While being there, she made four different appointments to change the device (1 on MS Store at Aventura Mall, and 3 on MS Store at Dadeland Mall), went to the stores at the right time, and received every time the same silly answer: “Unfortunately, we don’t have the replacement part today. Please make a new appointment tomorrow”. Finally, she came back home with my defective band in her pocket, so I have now a $ 250-electronic-garbage into my nightstand’s drawer. Conclusion: Don’t waste your money (and your time) on this tracker; even if you’re so lucky to get it replaced at the very first time, you have to repeat this procedure every 3 or 4 months, because Band2 has a design flaw that Microsoft doesn’t want to recognize
Conclusion: Don’t waste your money (and your time) on this tracker; even if you’re so lucky to get it replaced at the very first time, you have to repeat this procedure every 3 or 4 months, because Band2 has a design flaw that Microsoft doesn’t want to recognize

Eh, not entirely true. My wife and I both have one. No issues with tearing whatsoever.
I think that's the case for me. I got a medium but my wrists are super thin so even when it's completely closed it's too big. I'm still disappointed though.
I think that's the case for me. I got a medium but my wrists are super thin so even when it's completely closed it's too big. I'm still disappointed though.

My wife and I had the opportunity to try them on first. My B1 was a medium, but my B2 went down to a small. I'm starting to think that all of these tearing "issues" are user induced, by not having the correct size band.
Noticed a crack today. Went straight to local MS store. Guy asked what he could help with, told him got a crack in my Band, he apologized and within 1 minute, had a new one and was out the door. Even though wife bought mine from Amazon.

Guess it depends on the store, but every time I have gone into our 'local' one, they have had outstanding customer service!
Mine is developing a crack in exactly the same place. The material is supposed to be flexible, so this shouldn't be happening regardless of use.

I've had my Band 2 since Oct 31. My Band is sized correctly based on MS sizing guidelines.

I've worn mine for workouts and casual use--nothing that should be considered extreme. I do wear mine when I sleep. And I do wear it face down.

I wear my Band tight during workouts and somewhat loose the rest of the time. By loose, I mean I can just barely get my index finger between bottom of wrist and Band--finger is a very tight fit.

I've noticed there's some flexing at the crack point when I rest my Band on the keyboard wrist pad (a Microsoft keyboard, by the way).

I replaced my Band 1 three times in one year under the original hardware warranty due to crappy materials and engineering. Thankfully, MS never questioned replacing it and they did two replacements with advance exchange via Fedex. The third replacement required a two hour drive to a store. I was willing to give the Band another go because of the outstanding customer service.

I bought MS Complete for my Band 2 because of the glass screen, so I ended up paying nearly $300 for this thing. I expect exceptional service as a loyal Band customer (and did I mention I'm a Lumia owner too). I don't have any reason to think they won't provide good service with this Band, especially since I got Complete. But it's disappointing that they're giving some folks a hard time under the basic hardware warranty.

I was really hoping they'd have the materials and engineering right on this one. While I appreciate their willingness to replace my Band 1 so many times, it got monotonous calling them about every three months. So this Band is better, but Microsoft, I'm really looking for something with about a two year life.

My used $65 Fitbit Charge band is in great shape. I've had it longer than the Band 2 and it sees the same use, just on the opposite wrist. With an Apple Watch, which I don't own, I can at least replace the band. It is is now basically the same price as what I paid for my Band 2, when taking into account the Complete add-on. Obviously, I couldn't use an Apple Watch with any of my Lumia's and I'm sure Apple Care is higher than Complete.

Posting a pic so that others have additional evidence to argue for a replacement under the warranty.

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From NYC here, had a small tear on the side like most. Walked in to Microsoft store and they swapped it out for me, no issues. In fact they said its known problem and the guy before me had the same issue. My band had the screen protector on it, so when they swapped it, they gave me a brand new screen protector for it as well. Really nice of them. As long as it is with in 1 year warranty it wont be an issue. Just go into the MS store vs call in (if you have them) much easier and they swap them on the spot. And register the device with your MS account. Also the replaced device COMES WITH 1 YEAR WARRANTY AGAIN. So if it breaks again, ill just go into the store within a year and have it replaced again.

I had my Original Band swapped out as well once when the battery compartments started to peal from its protective skin. went into a MS store and was within 1 year warranty and they swapped it.
My band has also torn after six months as has every other band in my family (4 bands) all were replaced no problem.

To those who say the problem is users wearing it too tight: In my opinion if the band has the option to be worn on that setting there should be no issues - it is not a valid excuse.

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