My prediction for the future of windows phones

James Light

New member
Mar 14, 2014
I want to make a prediction. Although soon to judge, but I see the microsoft fails and with w10 for phones and in 2017 to sell the part of mobiles. I hope to refute be wrong but this is my opinion.
What do you think about this guys?
Well I believe a METEOR will strike the Atlantic Ocean where the lost continent of Atlantis lies in 2016 and cause Apple to split itself into two and sell the MacBook brand to Exxon for reasons unbeknownst to us.

btw, regardless, MS kinda needs mobile.
Well I believe a METEOR will strike the Atlantic Ocean where the lost continent of Atlantis lies in 2016 and cause Apple to split itself into two and sell the MacBook brand to Exxon for reasons unbeknownst to us.

btw, regardless, MS kinda needs mobile.

You think wp is good and competitive software?

Posted via the Windows Phone Central App for Android
What's the point in this? You could say it every year until it's true. WP is struggling with an extremely low market share, after all. Betting on its death is quite safe, whereas betting on it becoming dominant and unseating Apple and Google would be laughable.

WP will become more attractive because of W10, when more people take an interest in a shared, cross-device OS, just like the way OSX's rise helped to sell iOS. It'll either have enough of a swell to exist, or not. If it's the latter, I'll buy an Android phone, and maybe scratch my arse.
Windows phone has no future once here drive apps are removed from the store.That will happen when apple buy here.
Ig you think one of the biggest technology companies in the world is going to give up on mobile computing,you're wrong,they'll keep trying till they get it right,it may be a long way down the line,but it will happen
Windows phone competitive advatages is their software support. Unlike other OS vendor MS provide software equally to all devices with long support.

You can't run your old iPhone 4 as good as Lumia 520 Can't you? 520 has personal assistant while iPhone 4 not
I think WP as we know it will eventually die and MS will adopt a forked version of Android that can run Android/Universal Windows apps and MS services. Windows Phone can't last forever with it's current app situation and adopting Androids apps is the only way I can see to change this. Windows 10 will not be the savior for mobile many expect.
I think WP as we know it will eventually die and MS will adopt a forked version of Android that can run Android/Universal Windows apps and MS services. Windows Phone can't last forever with it's current app situation and adopting Androids apps is the only way I can see to change this. Windows 10 will not be the savior for mobile many expect.

On the contrary I fully expect it to continue either as a reasonably solid, if far third place or a limping along third-place for the foreseeable future since MS still have money to burn.

I honestly don't really see Android apps coming aboard, since it hasn't really helped Blackberry become a hit. (which is a lot better than you may think - I'm having trouble deciding TBH) Although I must admit, I'm not sure which platform is better off. The Windows Store seems like the Play Store compared to the BB App World, but then again the addition of an Android app layer that works reasonably well brings its own advantages.
Things look pretty bad. Microsoft sold only 8.6 million Lumia phones in the last quarter. The gross margin felt $300 million, losses must be huge in the phone division.

There's two sides to every story.
Microsoft phones were fun while they lasted :(

Oh wait!
They're still alive and well.
Please disregard...
Things look pretty bad. Microsoft sold only 8.6 million Lumia phones in the last quarter. The gross margin felt $300 million, losses must be huge in the phone division.

Well it's better than what they had in the same quarter last year.
As much as I like windows phone. MS should look at the store and invest in app developers that are keeping this OS alive. Something they are not doing. Apps is what drives the OS into the market and ppl will start having more desire to try out windows phone. Right now we are paying for third party apps and features that are natively free! Only if they invest in these developers and help them. Major third party apps would probably be free by now.
Well it's better than what they had in the same quarter last year.

2012 Q4: 4.4 million units
2013 Q1: 5.6 million units
2013 Q2: 7.4 million units
2013 Q3: 8.8 million units
2013 Q4: 8.2 million units
2014 Q1: 7.3 million units
2014 Q2: ?
2014 Q3: 9.3 million units
2014 Q4: 10.5 million units
2015 Q1: 8.6 million units

I think it's worse because the last quarter Microsoft was extremely aggressive with the prices. The interest in the product is declining, people is asking a bigger discount to buy it.
Windows phone has no future once here drive apps are removed from the store.That will happen when apple buy here.

Wrong, for one, here has already been merged with maps on windows 10, and second, apple and Microsoft have a cross licenseing agreement, which means apple buying here does nothing to Microsoft.
2012 Q4: 4.4 million units
2013 Q1: 5.6 million units
2013 Q2: 7.4 million units
2013 Q3: 8.8 million units
2013 Q4: 8.2 million units
2014 Q1: 7.3 million units
2014 Q2: ?
2014 Q3: 9.3 million units
2014 Q4: 10.5 million units
2015 Q1: 8.6 million units

I think it's worse because the last quarter Microsoft was extremely aggressive with the prices. The interest in the product is declining, people is asking a bigger discount to buy it.

In what alternate reality is 8.6 million units sold worse than 7.3 million? Colinkiama"s statement is 100% accurate even with the numbers you supplied. Your clear and present disdain for anything related to Microsoft is growing old.
I think what has been ironically interesting in the tech pundits' reactions to WP10TP has been a near universal lament for WP's move towards the "universal" UI of top menus and subsuming its unique UI features. Mourning the loss, so to speak, of an alternative UI design that also worked, all the while conveniently ignoring their prior roles in belittling and denigrating the same WP UI - 'cause "Hey, Its Microsoft - They're the past and have nothing of value to offer the future."
In what alternate reality is 8.6 million units sold worse than 7.3 million? Colinkiama"s statement is 100% accurate even with the numbers you supplied. Your clear and present disdain for anything related to Microsoft is growing old.

The perception of the product is worse because Microsoft has to incur in bigger losses to sell a similar number of devices.

The smartphone market has grown at least 30% YoY, Lumia sales increased only 18% YoY and the same quarter last year was weak because Nokia didn't have incentives to invest in the product after they signed the acquisition agreement with Microsoft.
Wrong, for one, here has already been merged with maps on windows 10, and second, apple and Microsoft have a cross licenseing agreement, which means apple buying here does nothing to Microsoft.

That licensing agreement between Apple and MS pertains to patents. It doesn't apply to products and services. HERE and MS have an agreement in place (lasting ten years) which anyone buying the company would have to respect. After that anything can happen.
Anyone but MS buying HERE represents a long term threat to MS' mapping services.

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