My prediction for the future of windows phones

In what alternate reality is 8.6 million units sold worse than 7.3 million? Colinkiama"s statement is 100% accurate even with the numbers you supplied. Your clear and present disdain for anything related to Microsoft is growing old.

Ha ha exactly! There is something else though that could factor into the equation: virtually all WPs sold in Q1 2015 were probably low end models. A year ago there were at least some recently released flagships like the 1520 and Icon, and others like the 1320. Also, the 925, 928, and even the 920 were probably selling well a year ago since they weren't so outdated then. In the last year we've seen plenty of new devices, but they're pretty much just one bargain model after another.

But overall numbers, yes, it's much better this year! It would be interesting to see how the revenue from Lumia sales for Q1 2015 compares to Q1 2014.

One more thing of interest in the list: over the last couple years there has been little growth in sales. It's bounced around a bit, but for the last 8 quarters (2 years) it's been around 8-9 million/quarter, give or take. Where's this "fastest growing platform?" :wink:
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2012 Q4: 4.4 million units
2013 Q1: 5.6 million units
2013 Q2: 7.4 million units
2013 Q3: 8.8 million units
2013 Q4: 8.2 million units
2014 Q1: 7.3 million units
2014 Q2: ?
2014 Q3: 9.3 million units
2014 Q4: 10.5 million units
2015 Q1: 8.6 million units

I think it's worse because the last quarter Microsoft was extremely aggressive with the prices. The interest in the product is declining, people is asking a bigger discount to buy it.

You are aware that the 10.5 million is during the holiday season correct? Sales/"interest" have increased. You don't measure growth QoQ, you measure it YoY.
You are aware that the 10.5 million is during the holiday season correct? Sales/"interest" have increased. You don't measure growth QoQ, you measure it YoY.


Spectrum90 said:
The perception of the product is worse because Microsoft has to incur in bigger losses to sell a similar number of devices.

The smartphone market has grown at least 30% YoY, Lumia sales increased only 18% YoY and the same quarter last year was weak because Nokia didn't have incentives to invest in the product after they signed the acquisition agreement with Microsoft.

YoY: Year over year.
Lol. Good try by the andromedia boys (who said that Microsoft will close down) but do you realize that your are part of the Microsoft ecosystem? Here is why.

Just consider this. Average number of android phone sales is 7.8 billion units per year, according to Gartner.
Now lets assume, Microsoft decides that they had enough of trying and then they close down all their businesses. And they also lay off all their employees. Lets say they don't even have an office to operate from.
Which means 0 (zero) overheads for Microsoft.

Even then Microsoft will earn good income. Here is why.
Android phones sold per year (as per above) = 7.8 billion units
Licensing fee for Microsoft patents per android phone = $5 (Assumption at a minimum of $5, even though it might be higher)
Total revenue generated without any overheads) = 7.8 billion X $5 = $39 billion.

So androboys will still continue to pay Microsoft, even if we assume that Microsoft will close down all their businesses.

Which means, Microsoft will survive very well even if they close down all their businesses.

So, I think we can stop dreaming of Microsoft closing shop, at any point of time.
The perception of the product is worse because Microsoft has to incur in bigger losses to sell a similar number of devices.

The smartphone market has grown at least 30% YoY, Lumia sales increased only 18% YoY and the same quarter last year was weak because Nokia didn't have incentives to invest in the product after they signed the acquisition agreement with Microsoft.

Going for the gold medal in the backstroke? None of this changes the fact that you presented your own facts and were decisively wrong.
Math doesn't involve context, only integers.

The situation is worse because Microsoft sold the phones under the cost this quarter, the smartphone market is growing much faster then WP and the same quarter of the last year was weak.
Just comparing the numbers can't capture the context. I don't know why you're struggling with this. It's easy to understand.
The situation is worse because Microsoft sold the phones under the cost this quarter, the smartphone market is growing much faster then WP and the same quarter of the last year was weak.
Just comparing the numbers can't capture the context. I don't know why you're struggling with this. It's easy to understand.

Going off on yet another tangent doesn't change the fact that numbers don't lie. Numbers do not rely on any spoken or written language. There is no context to consider, only numbers. You're the one struggling with the fact that you can't admit that you were caught flip-flopping again. Hear my words and take heed, let it go.
If this universal apps with windows 10 doesn't work to bring in the apps, I say allow android apps. I'm tired of seeing ads for apps and games for only apple and android.
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I believe it doesn't matter if Windows phones succeed or not. MS is already being safe and expanding itself everywhere. If Lumias keep giving me what I need, I'll keep buying them, just like anybody else who likes the system. If at any point it's not enough, I'll simply buy an Android phone and use MS apps. Either way, MS users will be well served, own platform or not. I guess what I'm saying is the original question is a moot point. Microsoft won't sell the phone business even if its own Lumias stop selling. They'll just make Android phones full of MS services and apps and probably a WP-like launcher. Either way is fine with me.
That licensing agreement between Apple and MS pertains to patents. It doesn't apply to products and services. HERE and MS have an agreement in place (lasting ten years) which anyone buying the company would have to respect. After that anything can happen.
Anyone but MS buying HERE represents a long term threat to MS' mapping services.

Huh, was it only patents? I thought it extended further than that, welp, nevermind me then.
If this universal apps with windows 10 doesn't work to bring in the apps, I say allow android apps. I'm tired of seeing ads for apps and games for only apple and android.

Now that Windows Phone looks like Android they should totally do it.
Microsoft will invent something really revolutionary in mobile space, something never seen in the eyes of people. Windows phones will begin to sell like warm morning bread with your favorite ingredients.

In near future.

* Applies positive thoughts *
I can hardly wait for Windows 10. Even if nothing else, the wave of new phones will make users of our platform a little more at ease.

Look- it has taken Bing over a decade to show a profit. MS did not give up on search. They needed it to be competitive.

XBOX took about 6 years to show a profit. MS did not give up on gaming, and now it has opened up an entire generation to MS services that otherwise would have never given "My parents Microsoft" a second thought.

For all the talk about the Zune failure, it gave way to a music service that has put MS foot in the door of the multi-media users and XBOX Music is indeed a gateway for users of it's service to it's other billion dollar industries.

NONE of these examples are nearly as important to MS as mobility. I do not think the "doomsayers" understand that Windows phone doesn't need to sell 100-200 million devices to be profitable. If MS can get even to 50-60 million Lumia's sold a year and get users worldwide on their software, all is good. Their determination to get mobility in their back pocket is way more focused than any other market in the last 15 years.

I am going to spin something fun from now until I am proven wrong: The software they have put on Android and iOS will get people using their services and drive them to Windows on phones next. In droves. By the gazillions.

So there. Neener. I even used a made-up number. All sunshine and Palm Trees in my world.

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