My prediction for the future of windows phones

In the earnings call the CEO disclosed the exact OPEX run rate of the phone division: $2.5 billion. So, the loss of the phone division was $629 million in the last quarter. That's not funny, It's more than 12.5% of Microsoft's income, and It's not sustainable in the long run, at the current valuation that loss stream is worth $50 billion dollars. They don't expect the situation to improve substantially and dropped the guidance of break even for FY16, without a new guidance.

If Windows 10 for phones doesn't take off Microsoft has to start producing Android phones. I think first they will add support for Android apps to Windows and try to build an Android app store, if that works, AOSP, if not, Google Android.

Sad times for us, the end of WP is near.

Ok yes much worse than I thought also... But this includes feature phones etc? I dont think making 3 devices a year in Foxconn and keep developing the phone version of the OS would be that heavy. Will that type of strategy gain market share? Who knows, Apple did it.

Oh man dis Nokia do an amazing deal. They knew exactly that even the feature phones are sinking like a brick. If I ever meet mr. Siilasmaa I will shake he's hand... Well played guys, well,played!
I think Microsoft is unintentionally killing Windows Phone and the small touch PC market. Windows 10 for PC is desktop oriented, and that's all fine until you toss in the touch devices under 10", have you tried 10 on those devices? It's pure crap, I'm a huge Microsoft ******, but the writing is on the wall, Windows 10 for PC will fail on everything but the desktop (they tried this years ago, remember Table PC, or maybe Pocket PC?, yeah, massive fail).

Windows 10 for Phone is going the opposite direction that I would like to see, I wanted them to continue on with live tiles, pivot navigation, data centrix hubs etc. Now they've changed to be some bastardization of iOS and Android. Have you tried Windows 10 on a Phone? It's horrendous, and before you toss out 'It's a technical preview', I get it, but it's not like they're going to toss out the new stuff and go back, and that's very, very sad.

I changed from iOS as soon as the first WP7 devices were out, and have been on board ever since, and loved it, until now. Why would I want an immature version of Android? If I wanted that I would buy a high end Android phone and have a mature OS. It makes absolutely zero sense to me, if it makes sense to you, either you haven't tried WP10, or, you like to be an experiment over and over again.

As a Microsoft ******, they had a huge opportunity, but now, their phone market share will dwindle into nothingness. And it's sad...
Have you tried Windows 10 on a Phone? It's horrendous,...
I actually think W10 works better on a small phone than it does say a 10" tablet.

I for one will miss pure tablet mode from 8.1 on my Thinkpad 10. Even when docked to a 24" monitor, keyboard and mouse I try to avoid Win32 apps if I can and just stay on the "tablet" side. Yes I'm an oddball with a fetish for 100% full screen apps. I really don't care about the taskbar or start menu.
I am glad I think your prediction is BS ^_________^ because it looks like things get better. and it's for sure windows 10 desktop being free and one store and universal apps, will help things grow on phones as well because "no users" will not apply anymore. but honestly, why should I care what negative "Microsoft is dead" people say? my phone will get windows 10 and my desktop too, and that's all I care.
Look, maybe you think they look better. But try it, I think it works like crap.

Fixed for personal opinion instead of speaking like a spokesman. Preview quirks aside, I've been able to transition from a docked Surface Pro 1 to laptop with touch cover to tablet with or without pen during my professional workflow significantly better than before on W10TP than 8.1 alone.
really guys....will window again fail, come on after the dismay with NOKIA, microsoft must have learned something good...

now in India, atleast we are seeing people using microsoft phones after such aggresive marketing plans....why can't WP central innovate like stackoverflow......this is the world of open source....but even closed propiritery like APPLE is needs to pull socks and work hard....
people should be willing to buy after all they have so much information from NOKIA now
James Light, I hope so, I hope this is really raw right now, because Windows 10 for Phone is a disaster, coming from a ******. I think I could really love this (you've probably all seen it before)

Windows Phone 10 - SAM?s Concept |

I've been using the technical preview for about a month straight now (updating recently too) and it's pretty painful, you think there is basic stuff missing right now, with 8.1, holy cow...LOL. You can't even copy an address from a website and paste it in the native Maps application, doesn't work. Nor can you spell check or use word flow in the outlook mail application. You'd surely think that you could open the people hub and touch the alphabet links to jump to a letter,, that doesn't work. I suppose I submit on average three insider reports a day for even just the basics that 8.1 can do now.

I do like something though, like the in toast text reply, that's pretty awesome. And also the ability to attach anything to an email from a file browser, that rocks as well. Oh, and one more, while the app itself is really slow, replying to an email within Outlook Mail app, the rich text capabilities is pretty damn cool, and from an ellipse menu of all things. :-)

So, think what you will, but I'm positive that if you have tried Windows 10 for Phone, you would agree that it's pretty painful if you even try to do anything even remotely considered advanced even from Windows Phone 8.1.
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Well, obviously posting on a forum is my opinion right, of course I THINK, why else would I post? Obviously not a spokesman, perhaps you're being a little aggressive and not really thinking about what you're saying? Anyway, my post was mostly about Windows Phone, I have issues with the desktop/tablet version as well, but not as severe as the Phone version. And it's more than personal quirks, it's about usability. Once you've used a phone and smaller than a 10" panel with Windows 10, come back and we can get your valid opinion.

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