Network blocked due to 'Suspicious Activity'?

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WPCentral Question

My 6snap was working pefectly fine and then all of a sudden when I try and refresh it it pops up with 'The network you are connected to has been temporarily blocked due to suspicious activity', I haven't sent anything bad nor have I breached the terms and conditions. This only happens when I'm connected to my wi-fi though, if i use my mobile data then it works, it is just slow... PLEASE HELP!
My snapchat is not working due to the Suspicious activity, can you please help with this, I can't access it anymore, please help no one in my family can't get in to it as well
My snapchat keeps coming up as suspicious activity, I would really like to get back on my snapchat and so would my sisters, we haven't done anything wrong. I really need help on this I have read through all the things I was suppose to do and nothing is working, its still coming up as the same thing, I really need your help please!?
I'm having exactly the same problem, happened about a week ago and it stopped working for two days, tried deleting and reinstalling the app and then forgetting the WiFi and re entering the password but didn't work. Just happened again to me tonight, I reckon I've been hacked so annoying:(
Ever since I have downloaded this 6snap my snapchat hasn't been working properly, the first snapchat I have download I had no problems with it but it had closed down so the only thing I could use to get on snapchat was 6snap. This is the second time it had came up with "suspicious activity" my whole family can't get access to any snapchats, ever since I got this phone and used 6snap I have always had problems with my snapchat, when ever it doesn't work I wait 48 hours (2 day) but it will eventually start playing up again! :angry:
Yeah mine does the same thing, third time it's happened and goes off for 48 hours, don't get why because I've been changing my password a lot more too in case it has been hacked but think it must just be a network problem. Wish they would fix it!!
My snapchat has been blocked since the 7th of August. I've tried to email them a few times asking to unlock it.. In the result I received the same emails about 'your account should be unlocked now' but it has NEVER happened :/
So I got a used Iphone from my Nephew and I created an account for snapchat (my first snapchat acc). It worked perfectly, but I live in Lithuania (Europe whoever doesn't now) I turn on my snapchat, I make a snap send it to my friend, but it shows that the snap failed to send. I tap to refresh it still doesn't work. Then a get a message from team snapchat which said: your account has been locked. So I send an email to team snapchat to unlock it, they email me back saying: your acc should be unlocked. I look: nope, it's still locked. Ok I deleted the app and read re-downloaded it. Still locked. I create a new acc. It lets me send the firs snap and I get the same team snapchat message. Well I thought it's because I got the phone in USA and brought it to Lithuania. But then after half week I try again, but now it says: The network you are connected to has been temporarily blocked because of suspicious activity. But my other apps work. So now I think it's either the network or the Snapchat. I'M REALLY SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG TEXT BUT EVEN IF YOU JUST READ IT I WOULD BE REALLY REALLY THANKFUL. Please help ;(
Its all down to snapchat official cracking down on third party apps like 6snap. I had 6snap as I have windows phone so no official sc and it worked no problem at all until the new update now I blocked aswell same message as everyone else its just bs
couple days ago I've had my Snap hat lock Such as 6snap on my windows Phone Is their anyway I can get back into my account This is my first time when this happened
please read.This could help

Well the same thing happened to around 12:30 after 3 attempts of trying to log back in a gave up. I went to sleep after that and woke up around 5 a.m and the problem still continued. At 12:45 (12hours later) I erased My username and password and Then I logged in using my email and I was Back in. When I say"erased my username and password" I just deleted it because it was automatically there when I logged in. Make sure you erase it go to click out of it then go back in using your email. Please give Feedback
I had the same problem for about 2 days and later i tried this and nailed it.
I used my mobile data to login and later switched back to wifi and worked as charm.
Hope it helps you too. :smile::smile:
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