New Dashboard Public Preview Application Now Live

I failed to get the Pre Release Channel. I followed the instructions to get my console registered again so no worries... just have to wait a few more days for it to show up.
Yeah, there's not a lot on the pre release channel just now anyway jchapman01.

I suspect we will get an update on Microsoft's favourite tinkering day. (Tuesday)

Seems to be taking forever to get the dashboard update this year. :(
So has anyone gotten this yet? I'm still waiting on mine but so far nothing yet. I do have the prerelease channel though. Aghhh come on Microsoft.
I know it's taking forever 5tephen, i really thought we would get it yesterday but alas no. All we have to go on was Major Nelson's tweet that he would have some good news later on in the week for us.

Doe's that mean we won't be getting it this week after all ?

Your guess is as good as mine.
Isn't everybody getting this pretty soon?
Yes end of the month or early December I believe Rhody, no official date has been confirmed yet.

Loving the new look, especially the friends list, the avatars jump out LOL
I know, right? This has got to be the latest preview MS has done so far, for the xbox dash. It's normally launched before the end of Nov, lol.
Yes it's taken them way longer to rollout the dashboard than previous ones.

I registered 3 weeks ago.

It's weird i just want to swipe the UI with my hand, it's like a huge WP lol

Very different looking, but as usual we'll soon think nothing of it. :)
I just logged on and got mine tonight. I love it. Wish it had come sooner, actually.
I stopped using the controller to move around the dashboard. Now I just wave my hand and that's it.
How awesome would that be though? Lol

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express

Indeed it would. :)
I still don't have it :-/ I think I screwed up the registration process

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
You did remember to run the registration app after downloading it ? Loads of users failed to do this apparently, so the console isn't registered. (You'll find it in your games list)

Sorry guys & gals if you've already done this. Just thought i'd mention it, just incase. :)
Did you get a email or anything like that to let you know you were accepted into the beta program?
You did remember to run the registration app after downloading it ? Loads of users failed to do this apparently, so the console isn't registered. (You'll find it in your games list)

Sorry guys & gals if you've already done this. Just thought i'd mention it, just incase. :)

Ona side note, they fixed the star counter. Let's see who will get 10 stars between me, you and Self. I got my money on you. LOL!

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