I agree @1jaxstate and @weebear. I was taken aback by how little has changed - and it seems like some things, like MSNBC and NBC news have been removed but I'm guessing those will be coming back. I got he Kinect the other day and the search and navigation features were a welcome addition, though I still felt like I was missing out on whatever extra newness the update was supposed to bring for Kinect.
In the next update, I'd like to see support for streaming podcasts and other online video (similar to what's present in Windows Media Center. Apparently MS approached TWiT about getting their content on the xbox), subtitles in Netflix (weren't we supposed to be getting this) and some type of picture-in-picture or background media/app functionality - it's frustrating that everything is so siloed and that you have to interrupt media viewing to use the twitter so, for example.
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