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Holy moley, I just got a email from MS saying I've yet to activate my xbox for the beta. I guess they sent something and I missed it. Oh well, I'm going to update my xbox tonight!
Well, that was a big let down. I downloaded the app and went through the process and nothing happened.
Well, that was a big let down. I downloaded the app and went through the process and nothing happened.
No once you run the app, it registers your console then you have to wait another 2 days till you get the new dash.

Might be quicker now it's closed though 1jaxstate1 but that's how it went originally.
Ohhhh, Ok. It might have told me that during the initial setup. LOL. Oh well, at least I know I'm in.
No once you run the app, it registers your console then you have to wait another 2 days till you get the new dash.

Might be quicker now it's closed though 1jaxstate1 but that's how it went originally.
By the time I actually download this (one or two days?), the real deal might already be out, lol! Unless if MS delays it till Dec (would be a first).
I had problems finding where the app for the beta was at, until I read your post. I don't really do much exploring in the current dashboard, just games and netflix. I'm getting a kinect soon, maybe I'll start exploring then.
Better late than never 1jaxstate1 :) (Still can't get used to where everything is here yet) :(
Ah good 1jaxstate1. I'm sure you'll have the new dash for the weekend. :)

Have you not got the name wrong ? I thought it was called kinectic, must check. ;)
You were spot on, weebear! I was in Ajax's same predicament - no update, got an email from Msoft saying I hadn't done the update, realized I hadn't registered my console. I just ran the app; hopefully I'll get the update soon and get to verify its awesomeness for myself. Wish I had come back to this thread sooner!
You did remember to run the registration app after downloading it ? Loads of users failed to do this apparently, so the console isn't registered. (You'll find it in your games list)

Sorry guys & gals if you've already done this. Just thought i'd mention it, just incase. :)

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
Got the update. Neat looking, that's about it :( But at least it fits with Win8 and WP7 better :)
There's lots of little changes I hate (Friends List) but on the whole it's OK.

Not that we have any choice whether we want it or not jeremyshaw LOL.
Its supposed to make he long recover gamertag process a LOT shorter. History: ms intended the removable hdd to work for portable gamertag (hdd and USB stick both still work for this), however, with the internet, my friends and I normally just recover gamertag. The big support behind roaming profile is MS adding cloud game save support :D

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
Its supposed to make he long recover gamertag process a LOT shorter. History: ms intended the removable hdd to work for portable gamertag (hdd and USB stick both still work for this), however, with the internet, my friends and I normally just recover gamertag. The big support behind roaming profile is MS adding cloud game save support :D

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
Yeah recover gamertag does take forever. :(

Cloud game saving is working well for me, but I always have in the back of my mind 'What If ?' LOL
Hopefully, its like steam. Local saves override cloud. Cloud only for convenience.

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express

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