New Fuze Owner


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Jan 8, 2009
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A friend of mine just got a Tilt2 and is shipping me his Fuze (for FREE! I offered, he declined) I'm familiar with WM, having had a BJII for the past year (and I like it). The touch screen will be new to me, however.

Do I need to do anything to finish wiping out "his stuff" - ie a cold reset? He deleted contacts, etc already, and I'll be using my own SIM card.

I'll be checking the XDA links above for the new ROM - probably better if I put that on before I start installing everything.

I've got my list of apps to update (pockettwit, kimona free, skyfire, google stuff, laridian)

Any words of advice?


It is best to do a clean install of the ROM...if you are comfortable with it, go here and check out the available Windows 6.5 ROMS:

It may be confusing at was for me but before long, you will love flashing your phone. The Fuze is an excellent phone...


New member
Mar 14, 2005
A friend of mine just got a Tilt2 and is shipping me his Fuze (for FREE! I offered, he declined) I'm familiar with WM, having had a BJII for the past year (and I like it). The touch screen will be new to me, however.

Do I need to do anything to finish wiping out "his stuff" - ie a cold reset? He deleted contacts, etc already, and I'll be using my own SIM card.

I'll be checking the XDA links above for the new ROM - probably better if I put that on before I start installing everything.

I've got my list of apps to update (pockettwit, kimona free, skyfire, google stuff, laridian)

Any words of advice?


Ya hard reset when you get the phone.

Pull out the stylus
With the device turned on, press and hold the VOLUME DOWN and CENTER buttons, then press the RESET button with the stylus tip.
Continue pressing the RESET, VOLUME DOWN and CENTER buttons until you see this message on the screen: This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default. Press VolUp to restore manufacturer default, or press other keys to cancel.
After seeing the message, press VOLUME UP like it says to confirm the delete request and to start the operation.

Then run the hard spl from xda while the phone is connected to the pc via data cable. Then flash the ROM of your choice. Then hard reset again. This is per the recommendations from the hacking experts at xda.

Personally I think it is best to wait a few weeks before flashing a hacked ROM. Get use to the device for a bit before taking big risks and changing everything about it.


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Nov 25, 2008
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My thoughts after using it for a bit over a day: mixed, with a fair amount of disappointment.

The screen isn't too much bigger than the screen on my BJ2, although the orientation can flip when I turn the phone. I'm going to go look at the TP2/Tilt2 screen this evening, see how much bigger it is (specs say 3.6"). For comparison, iphone is 3.5" and Storm is 3.25" - I think I want a bigger screen for a touch-screen phone.

I realized that it's a lot harder to use this keyboard one-handed than I could the BJ2 - but OTOH for two-handed typing the Fuze is nicer.

The real killer was how finger-unfriendly WM61pro is - I "knew this" but I didn't really have much experience. I don't want to use a stylus, I used one with various Palm devices. My BJ2, flashed with WM61standard, was the first serious mobile device with a keyboard but no touch screen. I actually am pretty comfortable with it in spite of the limits. WM65pro is more finger-friendly, and there are ROMs available for the Fuze, but it's still a small screen.

It could grow on me ... but for right now, my SIM's back in my BJ2. I'm thinking of returning it to the friend that gave it to me, and going with TP2 instead. I'll also be looking at switching networks - ATT to Verizon probably - so I may wait until the Storm2 and new Android phones are in stock at Verizon.

Thanks to all that helped!


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