NO 24-hour heart rate monitoring on the Band

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Why does everyone keep defaulting to the granularity of HRM measurements WHEN SLEEPING. Thank you for pointing out that Band's HR monitor is analyzing HR data at least a few times an hour when sleeping.... I NEVER argued that... my point has (and has always been) that the heart rate monitor is NOT taking my reading consistently throughout the day WHEN I AM PHYSICALLY ACTIVE. I mean heck, I'm no rocket scientist or anything but I would think that a FITNESS TRACKING DEVICE would want to gather heart rate data when I'm most active, no? And to those that think the device is indeed taking frequent pings on my HR throughout the day when I am active, YOU ARE WRONG. How do I know? Because the LED on the optical sensor is NOT ON. Yes, people... if the green LED is not on, the Band is NOT taking any HR readings. Please don't try to say Microsoft has some other magical sensor device(s) that can extrapolate with unique algorithms and obtain an accurate HR WITHOUT the physical optical sensor being activated. Seriously... it's ridiculous. And no, like some people on this forum have suggested, the Band does NOT activate the HRM when you begin to move around (that would be GREAT)... or even move around vigorously... or even move around vigorously for long periods. I can run up and down my stairs 10 times in my home and TRIPLE my resting heart rate yet the HRM will stay OFF. I can sweat and get my body temperature up way high and the HRM will stay still stay off. Dead as a door knob.

I've said it once, twice and will say it a million times... the bias on this forum is deafening.

Dude, you're outta control. Give it up, take the damn thing back and shut up.

It's clear Microsoft made the device smart enough to know when its valuable to track data and when its a waste of resources.

At this point you're just discrediting yourself by trying to continue your argument because it's just a frivolous attack on Microsoft. No one here values your argument anymore, you're just ranting. People made the effort to help you inquire about this and figure it out. But instead of acknowledging that effort and recognizing the reasonable direction MS took, you continue this childish rant.
Dude, you're outta control. Give it up, take the damn thing back and shut up.

It's clear Microsoft made the device smart enough to know when its valuable to track data and when its a waste of resources.

At this point you're just discrediting yourself by trying to continue your argument because it's just a frivolous attack on Microsoft. No one here values your argument anymore, you're just ranting. People made the effort to help you inquire about this and figure it out. But instead of acknowledging that effort and recognizing the reasonable direction MS took, you continue this childish rant.

So much of this^
Dude, you're outta control. Give it up, take the damn thing back and shut up.

It's clear Microsoft made the device smart enough to know when its valuable to track data and when its a waste of resources.

At this point you're just discrediting yourself by trying to continue your argument because it's just a frivolous attack on Microsoft. No one here values your argument anymore, you're just ranting. People made the effort to help you inquire about this and figure it out. But instead of acknowledging that effort and recognizing the reasonable direction MS took, you continue this childish rant.

Ahhh, fanboyism at its finest. No need to get all bent out of shape. You may want to check your stress levels with your new Band. Oh, wait, it doesn't do that even if Microsoft claims it does. Bummer! :grin: I'll have you know I've been a Microsoft guy for eons... own a Surface and Yoga 2 Pro and LOVE THEM. I also have an android phone, a Samsung Gear 2, Mio Alpha, Basis watch and an Apple Ipod (do they make those anymore?). I buy products based on design, functionality, reliability and value. I could care less who the manufacturer is.

I'm here to inform others (and hope for solutions that Microsoft will provide in the near future) that the device does NOT offer CONTINUOUS and 24 HOUR heart rate monitoring as Microsoft claims it does. I will post information from future reviews that will also agree with me... I'm not expecting a Microsoft-centric forum to agree with me... but a lot of people that visit this forum are not regulars. They may be visiting this forum for the first time looking for feedback/help/etc with their Band. Most people won't even register... they will just read the posts. I am happy to share this information with others so people can make INFORMED decisions from HONEST, UNBIASED users. Information and opinions from fanboys is quite frankly, useless. Again, not here to **** on this forum. I'm actually actively engaged in all other threads;; I'm reading all of them. A lot of good feedback and information. Good and bad.

If you don't like what I have to type, you can just ignore this thread. Freedom of speech is something you should learn to embrace.
Ahhh, fanboyism at its finest. No need to get all bent out of shape. You may want to check your stress levels with your new Band. Oh, wait, it doesn't do that even if Microsoft claims it does. Bummer! :grin: I'll have you know I've been a Microsoft guy for eons... own a Surface and Yoga 2 Pro and LOVE THEM. I also have an android phone, a Samsung Gear 2, Mio Alpha, Basis watch and an Apple Ipod (do they make those anymore?). I buy products based on design, functionality, reliability and value. I could care less who the manufacturer is.

I'm here to inform others (and hope for solutions that Microsoft will provide in the near future) that the device does NOT offer CONTINUOUS and 24 HOUR heart rate monitoring as Microsoft claims it does. I will post information from future reviews that will also agree with me... I'm not expecting a Microsoft-centric forum to agree with me... but a lot of people that visit this forum are not regulars. They may be visiting this forum for the first time looking for feedback/help/etc with their Band. Most people won't even register... they will just read the posts. I am happy to share this information with others so people can make INFORMED decisions from HONEST, UNBIASED users. Information and opinions from fanboys is quite frankly, useless. Again, not here to **** on this forum. I'm actually actively engaged in all other threads;; I'm reading all of them. A lot of good feedback and information. Good and bad.

If you don't like what I have to type, you can just ignore this thread. Freedom of speech is something you should learn to embrace.

Fanboyism? It's called ******* logic man. Get over yourself. This thread is getting locked pretty soon, so no one will be able to do anything in this thread anymore, including you.
I haven't read every last comment on this but I would have thought that in the context of this device "continuous" would mean that it takes readings at various intervals throughout the day without the need for manual intervention from the user. Not that it will monitor your heart rate every minute of every day. This is a consumer oriented device. If you want or need real time monitoring for serious health issues or high level athletic performance management I doubt very much that you would be considering one of these band type devices from MS or anyone else. There are other more focused products available for this.
Fanboyism? It's called ******* logic man. Get over yourself. This thread is getting locked pretty soon, so no one will be able to do anything in this thread anymore, including you.

Why would it be locked? Does this forum allow hot-tempered posters to ruin it for the rest of us? I never told anyone to "shut up". That's just rude and obnoxious. If anything the moderators should just delete your posts. I think this is an informational thread to at least some people.

Further, my arguments have been 100% factual. You make opinion-based statements like "It's clear Microsoft made the device smart enough to know when its valuable to track data and when its a waste of resources".

Please try to control your temper and allow people to speak their honest opinion without being so rude and obnoxious. Thank you.
I am personally not a ******, if I was I wouldn't have an iPhone.

It seems like a sensible use of resources to me to turn up the sampling rate when there's value in higher resolution and to turn it down when there isn't.

Variability in resting heart rate is relatively minimal, unless you're getting up and moving there's no reason to be firing that sensor off multiple times a second to continue getting redundant data points. Clearly the resolution tunes up higher when its needed during exercise or when any change is detected through the accelerometer.

That is good engineering. If you are not happy with that decision you should return the device, because all the bellyaching in the world is not going to make them reverse course on it. Even if they had better batteries available to them there's still no value in firing that sensor more often during rest periods, they'd still use that same system to just extend the life of the device further rather than to needlessly increase resolution in scenarios without any real advantage.
I am personally not a ******, if I was I wouldn't have an iPhone.

It seems like a sensible use of resources to me to turn up the sampling rate when there's value in higher resolution and to turn it down when there isn't.

Variability in resting heart rate is relatively minimal, unless you're getting up and moving there's no reason to be firing that sensor off multiple times a second to continue getting redundant data points. Clearly the resolution tunes up higher when its needed during exercise or when any change is detected through the accelerometer.

That is good engineering. If you are not happy with that decision you should return the device, because all the bellyaching in the world is not going to make them reverse course on it. Even if they had better batteries available to them there's still no value in firing that sensor more often during rest periods, they'd still use that same system to just extend the life of the device further rather than to needlessly increase resolution in scenarios without any real advantage.

You should read every post I made instead of going off the conclusions by some of the posters here. I AGREE that the HRM does not need to be taking measurements every second of every day. I stated that most people are only active (i.e. not in a physical resting state) maybe 4-5 hours a day max. That's when the HRM should be operating. But on the Band, the HRM does not activate regardless of your activity level and input from the gyroscope or accelerometer or temp sensor. If it did I would be VERY HAPPY.

All the hate on this forum and not one person can tell me how often through an active day the unit is measuring your heart rate. For me, I am yet to see the LED optical sensor activate EVEN ONCE without me manually pressing the big button or starting an exercise session.

Can anyone out there get the optical sensor to activate without pressing the big button or starting a session? Anyone???
Sounds like you have a defective device; hopefully a replacement will work correctly. Keep us posted. Cheers.

Does your optical heart rate sensor activate (during the day while active) without the need to do it manually?
I'm trying to read your posts but it's difficult to get past the histrionics.

LOL. Yes my initial reaction was a bit emotional because I was realllly looking forward to having continuous HR monitoring. This is coming from a guy that's owned every HR device you can buy over the last 20 years. So yes, not the norm. Also felt duped by Microsoft regarding their marketing.

In any case, I'm really just looking for solutions. I can't get my HRM to activate without doing it manually during the day. I originally came here asking around to see if I was just doing it wrong. Instead the response has been "well, if you don't like it just return it and stop whining". I don't give up that easily.
I'm here to inform others (and hope for solutions that Microsoft will provide in the near future) that the device does NOT offer CONTINUOUS and 24 HOUR heart rate monitoring as Microsoft claims it does.

Nowhere on Microsoft Band website could I find the "continuous" statement. It says only 24 hour monitoring, which I agree is a bit misleading. I guess they just mean that it is automatic, you don't have to turn it on and off.
I'm here to inform others (and hope for solutions that Microsoft will provide in the near future) that the device does NOT offer CONTINUOUS and 24 HOUR heart rate monitoring as Microsoft claims it does.

Can you please share the link or the materials were Microsoft specifically says the word "CONTINUOUS" with regards to the 24 hour heart rate monitoring. I am unable to find any wording like this.

The Band page on the Microsoft site says:

24-hour heart rate tracking

Monitor your heart rate 24 hours a day so you can perform at your best.

And their fine print even says: "Microsoft Band estimates your steps, heart rate, and other data."
I think you can quickly check your heart rate . Press a button and it will calculate your hr over a brief period(maybe 30-60 seconds). This was mentioned somewhere. Someone please confirm?

You're 100% correct. There's no need to know your hr for every single second of every single day. I can't imagine what I would need that information for.
Can you please share the link or the materials were Microsoft specifically says the word "CONTINUOUS" with regards to the 24 hour heart rate monitoring. I am unable to find any wording like this.

The Band page on the Microsoft site says:

24-hour heart rate tracking

Monitor your heart rate 24 hours a day so you can perform at your best.

And their fine print even says: "Microsoft Band estimates your steps, heart rate, and other data."

band microsoft 3.jpg

band microsoft 2.jpg

band microsoft.jpg

I can't wait to hear the response after this. And no, the sites are not doctored. Those are screenshots. You can visit those sites now and see for yourself. First inflammatory insults toward me in 3... 2...
Nowhere on Microsoft Band website could I find the "continuous" statement. It says only 24 hour monitoring, which I agree is a bit misleading. I guess they just mean that it is automatic, you don't have to turn it on and off.

It's plastered everywhere on Microsoft's website. And if you look at tech/fitness sites that provided information about the Band's release (information they took straight from Microsoft), you will see the term "continuous" used ubiquitously.
You should read every post I made instead of going off the conclusions by some of the posters here. I AGREE that the HRM does not need to be taking measurements every second of every day. I stated that most people are only active (i.e. not in a physical resting state) maybe 4-5 hours a day max. That's when the HRM should be operating. But on the Band, the HRM does not activate regardless of your activity level and input from the gyroscope or accelerometer or temp sensor. If it did I would be VERY HAPPY.

All the hate on this forum and not one person can tell me how often through an active day the unit is measuring your heart rate. For me, I am yet to see the LED optical sensor activate EVEN ONCE without me manually pressing the big button or starting an exercise session.

Can anyone out there get the optical sensor to activate without pressing the big button or starting a session? Anyone???

I have observed mine turning on, on its own, at least 3 times today. That's when I was paying attention. It happened when I was actively moving - not necessarily exercising but not sitting around doing nothing
I've said it once, twice and will say it a million times... the bias on this forum is deafening.

Thank you for a great conversation. I have no more technical comments as clearly you wish to play the argument game rather than a knowledge one and unnecessarily attacking on grounds of unfounded bias.

I have been trying to tell you how continuous has multiple definitions depending on application, gave you so many example but rather than discussing and debating science you are hell bent on asking for a -- constant-on -- device, which everyone told you it is not. What you are asking is a constant-on device, not a continuous. Continuous is a subset of constant-on in this case. It is clear you refuse to learn. There is no shame in learning something new and feeling good about it. If you walk into a EE department, even sophomore students would tell you the difference between constant and continuous and how it related to duty cycle/sampling rate (samples per time interval). Of course one does not expect consumers to know that, but since you brought up the debate of "continuous", I gave you my perspective as an engineer.

Have a good day and I hope you enjoyed your brief time with the MSFT band. I will be happy to forward your want for a constant-on device to MSFT band team when I send my feedback. A constant-on device would be cool and I would love that as well, but for different reasons.
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You should read every post I made instead of going off the conclusions by some of the posters here. I AGREE that the HRM does not need to be taking measurements every second of every day. I stated that most people are only active (i.e. not in a physical resting state) maybe 4-5 hours a day max. That's when the HRM should be operating. But on the Band, the HRM does not activate regardless of your activity level and input from the gyroscope or accelerometer or temp sensor. If it did I would be VERY HAPPY.

All the hate on this forum and not one person can tell me how often through an active day the unit is measuring your heart rate. For me, I am yet to see the LED optical sensor activate EVEN ONCE without me manually pressing the big button or starting an exercise session.

Can anyone out there get the optical sensor to activate without pressing the big button or starting a session? Anyone???

Everyone else is saying it does. So clearly you have a defective device. Take it back for an exchange.

At this point you're just ranting and ignoring everyone else's statements. Mine should be delivered Tuesday next week and I will keep an eye on it.
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