NO 24-hour heart rate monitoring on the Band

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LOL. Yes my initial reaction was a bit emotional because I was realllly looking forward to having continuous HR monitoring. This is coming from a guy that's owned every HR device you can buy over the last 20 years. So yes, not the norm. Also felt duped by Microsoft regarding their marketing.

In any case, I'm really just looking for solutions. I can't get my HRM to activate without doing it manually during the day. I originally came here asking around to see if I was just doing it wrong. Instead the response has been "well, if you don't like it just return it and stop whining". I don't give up that easily.

We're saying that because we have already explained to you what it should be doing. And you keep insisting its not which means yours is either defective, or you don't know what you're talking about.
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I can't wait to hear the response after this. And no, the sites are not doctored. Those are screenshots. You can visit those sites now and see for yourself. First inflammatory insults toward me in 3... 2...

"I can't wait to hear the response after this"

When you say something like this, it means you don't care about good accurate discussion. You're just getting a high off the argument for sake of argument.

Your entire attitude in this thread has been bullish and insulting. Ranting on and on, despite our efforts to solve your issues. But please, get yourself off and keep push this argument. At this point it's just entertainment.
My air conditioner continuously keeps my apartment at the 70 degree temperature that I want it to be. Does that mean it runs 24/7? No.

If my air conditioner doesn't keep it at the right temperature, you know what that means? It's broken.

Same applies to this Band
"Continuously 24 hours"
Well, if it can record even once per hour for first 24 hours and then to next 24 hours, then it's continuously.
If it can record once per 6 hours for first 24 hours and then to next 24 hours, then it's still continuously.
Even if it track only once per 24 hour and then to next 24 hours, it's still continuously.

So your "continuous" means? once per minute? once per second? or once per millisecond? or you want faster? For whatever speed, you will still find a way to rant about it. Just admit that you're being angry because no one think the same with you here. And seem like others just use it just fine with "health" aspect.

Per your first comment, you wanted it to monitor your heart rate 24 hours and I can see people here provide screenshots of it working 24 hours with full information.
Then you rant about it should keep "continuously" track your heart rate when you're exercising. Did you read this comment from Daniel? You should try it
But correct, it is not monitoring/displaying 24/7 when not exercising. Once put into Running or Exercise, it seems to go into a 'live' mode where the display and HR stay on.

And yes, you already knew that you couldn't get supported comments in this forums, yet you keep posting in it, do you want to prove something? Want supported comments? Just post this to Microsoft-hate-forum and you'll be praised for this discovery.

We here all respect feedbacks to improve something, but keep ranting about it without even listening to people here is kinda unpleasant, don't you think :3
Ahhh, I really thought it was 24 hours a day.. I wonder if the new Fitbit is really capable of that now..
It's plastered everywhere on Microsoft's website. And if you look at tech/fitness sites that provided information about the Band's release (information they took straight from Microsoft), you will see the term "continuous" used ubiquitously.

It was nowhere on the Microsoft Band website, but I see you gave links where they talked about continuous monitoring elsewhere. So congratulations?
my hear rate seems to be monitored every time i look at my watch, and when i look at my step stats is shows my HR is being recorded as well.
it does check continuously. i'm guessing the intervals aren't narrow enough for you. perhaps you're a hypochondriac. who knows.

healthwise, your heart rate is not supposed to widely fluctuate under normal circumstances. it changes based on oxygen demand so it changes the most during exercise, a disease state, or severe stress/duress. why would you need it to check every millisecond when you're just sitting there? under those conditions, your heart rate should be stable.

I found the heart rate meter to be continuously checking my heart rate. Maybe it's not every millisecond but it's good enough during rest. Ad when you do exercise, it narrows the interval. So what's the issue? The intervals are narrow enough for exercise and narrow enough for rest.

the true usefulness of these monitors isn't the absolute number, it's the trend the number indicates. if the person are truly under duress, you'll see it all over the person. it won't take a monitor to tell you the person is in trouble. he'll be sweating, have a feeling of heaviness, cloudy mind, etc. whether your monitor says your baseline is 70 and your HR increases to 200 or whether your monitor says your baseline is 80 and increases to 210 says the exact same information. It's the trending that's most important.

And when you go to a doctor. He doesn't look at a single number. He looks at a trend. If you're doing a stress test, he's looking at the plasticity of your heart and how well it recovers after the exercise is completed. If you're just doing a normal checkup, he's taking your value and seeing whether you're progressing or regressing, healthwise, against your chart history. He's not going to measure your heart rate for 20 minutes every 30 seconds.

I've seen patients demanding antibiotics. Demanding a CT scan. Demanding a mammogram. All when their cases don't warrant it. Testing more often doesn't fix the problem. A CT scan has 600x the radiation of an X-ray. You shouldn't be testing on a whim. If your doctor is telling you to get these scans all the time, you should check his credentials. A good doctor wouldn't overprescribe broad spectrum antibiotics either. A good doctor would use a narrow spectrum antibiotic if the situation demands it or start off with a broad spectrum and dial down as the offending organism is deciphered. Mammograms haven't show to decrease death rates at all. Isn't that the point of testing? To decrease death rates, increase health indices, etc.? The point of testing isn't to just test.
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FYI guys...

This guy registered just 3 days ago and both his threads are ******** about this HR ****.
What a tiresome thread over a word..
(I binged it...)

Continuous indicates duration without interruption.
Or is it..
Continual indicates duration that continues over a long period of time, but with intervals of interruption

whichever it is, I hope the Band comes to my part of the world... I'm getting it.
Honestly, my five cents to this - as I am hoping to get this in about ten days when in the US - is that if indeed the HRM system does not turn on automatically when getting up from the couch or chair and starting to walk briskly, without this being a part of an exercise routine, there is a problem. If it is possible, as has been said to run ten minutes up and down the stairs, without it registering any particular increase in your heart rate readings over the day, either the band is broken or there is a serious problem in design.

I am mainly considering this as an exercise band with great interest in accurate variations of my HR over 24 hours, including the specific times that I am training, but also those when I am working, getting up, walking briskly, taking stairs, running after a bus etc. I thought it would give me this data based on the blog of the team which developed this and the articles written about it including the actual product site. Even if it doesn't talk of continuous, and we can argue ad infinitum how many times an hour would be sufficiently often, I expect better than say every ten minutes on regular intervals irrespective of activity level.

Why is it so difficult to tell how many times it measures the HR/hour on average and whether or not this changes as the activity level changes and other sensors light up? Is it that we don't have the information or is it because we find the answer embarrassing?
Couldn't agree more here. I purchased this because I thought it would tell me if I burned "30 extra calories" if I decide to exclusively use the stairs for a day. Personally, I think it is tracking heart rate more often than the app shows. If you look at the sleep chart, the heart rate updates a lot more frequently than the day view. How accurate these readings are is another story.
I ddon't understand why this matters.

I think he's pointing out potential bias by OP, who was conversely accusing others of bias. I noticed that OP also had a similar diatribe against the Samsung Gear 2 on Android Central, complete with the "false advertising" and "you all are fanboys" schtick. His participation in Mobile Nations is heavily weighted toward an interest in debunking the accuracy and usefulness of newly-released heart rate monitors. My money's on someone who has an interest in a competing product or perhaps just a plain agitator. Regardless, what started off as a decent point devolved into a complete and utter loss of credibility on the part of OP when he started attacking people and engaging in histrionics.
I think he's pointing out potential bias by OP, who was conversely accusing others of bias. I noticed that OP also had a similar diatribe against the Samsung Gear 2 on Android Central, complete with the "false advertising" and "you all are fanboys" schtick. His participation in Mobile Nations is heavily weighted toward an interest in debunking the accuracy and usefulness of newly-released heart rate monitors. My money's on someone who has an interest in a competing product or perhaps just a plain agitator. Regardless, what started off as a decent point devolved into a complete and utter loss of credibility on the part of OP when he started attacking people and engaging in histrionics.


Notice he's made a bunch of references to the Mio product in this thread (basically promoting a product the is solely dedicates to HR monitoring)...
View attachment 86111

Google "DCRAINMAKER MIO ALPHA" and you will see a review on a now nearly 2-year old product. He has achieved up to 30 hours of nonstop continuous HR data collection. I attached a graph of what continuous heart rate monitoring looks like. That is a run. Notice the granularity of the data points? This is very critical for anyone into fitness and training.

Also above you'll see a snapshot of my recent jog. That is only 5 minutes of data. Again, the Mio will record real time every second HR data for up to 30 hours on one charge.

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The guy clearly has an agenda
If you want constant monitoring for some reason (heart condition maybe) then turn on a basic workout and don't turn it off. Just don't complain when you don't get a full day of battery life.
I thought he had a medical condition, I had worked out a couple of diagnosis but thought it best to keep them to myself for fear of upsetting folks :smile:

I think they've done a good enough job of compromising to extend battery life as well as getting a good "snapshot" of your HR. I know that when I'm running that band is taking a lot of samples so that's good enough for me. Today when I was doing yard work and moving stuff around and building my shed it was right there when I checked.

I'm sure as they collect more data and see how people are using their bands the software updates will help refine it some more
FYI guys...

This guy registered just 3 days ago and both his threads are ******** about this HR ****.

I am seriously getting a good laugh off of your comments. Best one yet was your air conditioning/compressor cycling analogy to heart rate monitoring. Classic.
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