Facts -
Fitbit Surge provides 720 HR data points per hour for 5 days straight
Basis Peak provides 3,600 HR data points per hour for 4 days straight
Microsoft Band provides 6 HR data points per hour for 2 days straight
Of course the engineers at both Fitbit and Basis (i.e. Intel) must be complete morons, right? I mean why would they need such a high HR sampling rate because all it does is kill the battery and serve no real value to the user, right? Look at those battery stats. The HRM on the Peak and Surge must be killing their batteries... that's why they last 2-3X longer than the Band's? LOL
The Band is a poorly designed fitness tracker with laughable heart rate accuracy, gimmicky "24-hour" HR monitoring, abysmal battery life all in a bulky, uncomfortable easy-to-scratch and unattractive product. In fact it's so bad, Microsoft doesn't even want to bundle it with their own phones - they're using the Fitbit instead. What does that tell you?
Check out all the other threads destroying the accuracy of the Band's HRM. And sorry, despite what you think, I didn't start those threads. There are many others out there that share my sentiment.
Remember, no personal attacks. Keep it clean. Just stating the facts.