No 4G with T-Mobile?


New member
Mar 2, 2013
I updated my Win HD to 8.1 Update 1 via Developer Preview program and I can't seem to get anything higher than 3G.
I didn't find anything I was able to change under the Cellular section of the settings, either. Can anyone with t-mobile confirm?

generally if carriers in your circle or location dont support 4g it wont be displayed in your phone or the option to switch to 4g wont appear.
This phone is not a true 4G one; it uses 3.75G or what operator already call 4G.

But it is not LTE compatible.
Enviado do meu dispositivo m?vel.
Right, but just like my 521 which also is HSPA+, it should also come up as 4G. I have a feeling that it needs a firmware update because the Developer Preview update broke it.
You're on T-Mobile, yes? Pretty sure the article on the Blu HD from last week said the phone would only get 4G on T-Mo.
Under Settings-> Cellular + SIM tap on SIM settings. Make sure Highest Connection speed is set to 4G.

My 1520 on T-Mobile is on the latest DP and gives an H icon where it should,

Have you done a speed test or are you just relying on the icons in the notification bar?
The only connection speed available to select is 3G. It's noticeably slower than my 521, which is also 4G HSPA+.
The 'stock' Windows Phone 3G/3.5G connection speed icons are strings like 3G, H, and H+. However operators can customize the strings to whatever they want.

T-Mobile and AT&T (and maybe others) take advantage of that for marketing purposes, customizing those strings so that 3G, H, and H+ all show '4G' instead. Therefore on your T-Mobile-branded Lumia 521, it is impossible for you to ever see 3G, H, or H+. You'll instead see '4G' for all of those.

Your BLU Win HD is unbranded, and so uses the stock 3G/H/H+ connection speed icons. It is impossible for that phone to ever say 4G. It will say 3G/H/H+ as appropriate.

Bottom line: '3G' or 'H' or 'H+' on an unbranded device like your BLU are exactly the same thing as '4G' on your T-Mobile-branded Lumia 521. Any perceived slowness on your BLU isn't due to "not getting 4G".

Typically you should expect the phone to show '3G' when idle and ramp up to H and/or H+ during data transfers. If your BLU device *never* shows H or H+ then it is not taking advantage of the HSPA+ network, which might explain the slowness. I can't speculate about why that might be happening.
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