Nokia 930 problem with double tap to wake

Can you please explain the steps to actually calibrate the proximity sensor. I mean after you go to test mode and click calibrate proximity sensor. What to do after. Please help as ive had this problem a long time now
OMG OMG OMG! i just pressed on the corner of my Lumia 930...and everything works perfect again! even when i make calls...da screen doesnt turn blank anymoooore!!! youhouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I'm just back from my local "Nokia" care centre. The tech stopped me pretty early in my fault demo and promptly took my phone away to fix it.
He came back and said that they were replacing the screens no questions asked for anyone with this problem.
I can see that they've actually replaced the screen and the metal frame.
Pretty happy with how quickly this got resolved. Fingers crossed that it doesn't come back.
i fixed it! it took 2 minutes! i took off the back cover! then i over-screwed the right top corner of da nokia and it was fixed for ever
Previously I owned a Lumia 1020 and as far as I remember to use double tap, first I had to go with my hand over top sensor to enable glance screen and then to double tap. Anyway, after a long period when double tap is not working, try to move your hand over the top area where are the sensors and then to double tap. It will work, since there is no glance screen it's the same effect when glance should appear and the phone will wake up from "sleep" and will be responsive to double tap. That is why when charging double tap is always working, because also "glance" is enabled always during the charging.
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Have the same problem with top right of the screen popping out 1mm compared to top left corner. Don't use douple tap because of the slow response time of the screen but have problems with black screen in calls and also the new gesture app not working correctly.
Right corner of the screen, I also slightly raised, but everything works well. Double click operates at 99%, the sensor is fine, everything else is good. You complain, or it's not such a big problem ?


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I'm just back from my local "Nokia" care centre. The tech stopped me pretty early in my fault demo and promptly took my phone away to fix it.
He came back and said that they were replacing the screens no questions asked for anyone with this problem.
I can see that they've actually replaced the screen and the metal frame.
Pretty happy with how quickly this got resolved. Fingers crossed that it doesn't come back.

Thank you Mars2003 and the OP. I had assumed poor optimisation in the OS, but will be heading to my nearest care centre.
Had the same problem. Turned out to be the factory fitting of the front screen was defective. Try squeezing the top right corner of the phone between finger and thumb. Will fix it for a short time. Take the phone back. I did. Got a new one, no more problem
Top right corner on my L930 is little raised but everything works well for now. Don't know what to do. I wondering to open it and to try to screw it little more.
I've never had an issue with double-tap, are you guys sure you're keeping the taps to the same area? It has a really narrow focus, I think possibly smaller than previous phones. But I can literally do it 30 times in a row without issue, just tap the exact same spot quick, don't let your finger stray on the second tap. Has to be rapid and focused.
I've never had an issue with double-tap, are you guys sure you're keeping the taps to the same area? It has a really narrow focus, I think possibly smaller than previous phones. But I can literally do it 30 times in a row without issue, just tap the exact same spot quick, don't let your finger stray on the second tap. Has to be rapid and focused.

I can do it 10 times in a row and it works
then 30 times and it doesn't
my screen doesn't look raised
and I have tried the 'glance' over sensor idea mentioned above with mixed results.
in my hand or with phone sitting on a desk/hard surface - same same
v. annoying :cry:
Yeah my point is that it could possibly not be an actual physical issue in general, or sensor wave required, I think the tap requirement is just too specific. I could be wrong, but I'm curious if the other fixes are really just placebos and people aren't tapping fast enough or keeping to the same spot. You have to do both for it to work, and obviously if you're moving this gets trickier, etc.
Interesting. I had a 930 for a few weeks before I returned it. That was a while ago so I don't remember the double tap response or lack of.
I have an 830 for a while now and it's very picky about double-tapping to wake. Has to be two taps, not too fast, not too slow, kind of in the same place.
About 1 1/2 months ago I also got a 920 (new) and it's much more responsive. No double tap problems at all. Double tap anwhere, any speed and it wakes up.
The 920 that I have is much more responsive all around, to everything, than my 830

I have just carried out this procedure; remove the sim-card tray and push on the small nub just inside to release a little of the back cover. Use a pry tool to lever the back away from the frame then you can get a finger nail in there to slowly and gently pop off the rear cover.

Be careful however - the tiny clips are easily damaged. Once removed, gently tighten-up the top-right torx (I went around them all) - and here I think is the problem - it takes very little pressure to wreck the heads, so when installed originally the correct amount of torque was 'off'. You may even have to replace the screw(s) for a better set.

Replace the back - mine will not seat properly at the charger-end, no matter what, those pesky little tabs(!) So far, no problems. Double-Tap works and the screen no longer blacks-out on calls. Fingers crossed...

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