Nokia 930 problem with double tap to wake

No need for any procedures on my side, it works most of the time. When it doesn't seem to work at first attempt it's usually during the night and all that's needed then is to hover your hand in front of proximity sensor, just like with glance. Then it works.
Well, 24hrs later and it's back to square-one. So no amount over-tightening or fiddling with torx screws fill fix this problem. A light wipe over the sensor area brings it back just the one time; a long, heavy press on the right-hand corner seems to fix it for hours-on-end. I can only assume all the pressure exerted from the back with the cover off had the same effect as pressure on the front.

When I clean the entire screen using relative pressure, the double-tap also fails - so the screen may lifting a fraction during this process... of course once the double-tap fails the blacked-out call screen emerges also... :angry:
Most of the time it works, sometimes it dosn't but at the second time it is work.
Not smooth like G3/G4
Oh, scratch my previous post. It seems like suddenly it's broken. Most of the time the way to fix it is to press on the right side of the screen. Therefor it seems like the screen lift/proximity sensor issue everyone else having.
Turned my 930 into warranty repair today due to screen lift. Guy from NCC had no problems with accepting warranty claim. I explained the issue, told him that the proximity sensor issues such as doubletap and dim screen after calls are random and depend on the level of lift. They said that I'll probably end up with a new display, guess they don't like saving money @Nokia, since this could easily be solved with exchange of that double-sided adhesive. Will update when it comes back from repair.
double tap works for me 99% of the time, so doesn't bother me. Hey cortana will not wake my 930 up tho
Oh, scratch my previous post. It seems like suddenly it's broken. Most of the time the way to fix it is to press on the right side of the screen. Therefor it seems like the screen lift/proximity sensor issue everyone else having.

I just or the first time experienced this. Pinching the top right of the screen fixed it for now, and I put a TPU case on that holds the screen down.
Phone came back with... hardware reset. "Phone works correctly". Lady from Nokia Care Center was ok with it, said that I might try re-sending it in a month if the issue pops back again. She said that they might have actually done something other than that but I doubt. The only hope is that the service center in Poland - Regeneris, will soon lose its license soon and all warranty repairs will be served by Microsoft service center in Bulgaria.
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hm, that's strange... For me it just downloaded the package, you have to do it in "Online Mode" and the Phone has to be on 8.1 WITHOUT the Update 1

View attachment 76973

This was the result of my test

Could you help me? because I never realized before this test

Which version of Nokia Care Suite allows you to download the test package? I'm using version and it won't allow me to go online to download the missing test mode package

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