Nokia Lumia 620 AMBER Update India released Now

I got an email from Nokia telling me that an update is available for my 620.

But checking on my phone says its up to date

i too received an email but it was an auto generated mail. Had got the same when the firmware update for 920 & 820 was available. Waiting game is still on... 😞😞
terrible updating system

Very true...what does it take for update to be available on all L620's at once..??
I don't quite understand updates rolling out in batches...according to device firmware No.s or configuration bull **** form Nokia....& even more form MS....
the update is out since thursday but still nothing on my the updated settings on friday!!
Guys same problem here...been trying for a it is operator specific u say? Anybody who uses idea got the update? BTW the update can be downloaded from mobile internet right?
For gods sake pls understand, IT is got NOTHING to do with ur operator. Every 620 in india have same operator config it ONLY depends on ur product id and product config....
And no u cant download it through mobile network its an update of around 500mb and strictly needs wifi network to update.

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