Nokia Lumia 625: Error: Unable to find a bootable option. Press any key to shut down.

Conor Mayling

New member
May 15, 2014
I am using the Windows Phone 8.1 Preview for Developers program, and i was just casually using my phone, looking through my flickr central app, then a sudden automatic reboot commenced, and this message appeared on screen: Error: Unable to find a bootable option. Press any key to shut down.
I have tried soft resetting the phone, but that hasn't worked, i tried hard resetting the phone and that hasn't worked either.
I am aware of the bugs and issues that occur in the Preview.

I also tried the Nokia Software Recovery Tool, but that hasn't worked either. I followed the onscreen instructions, connected my phone, downloaded the software package, but it said that my phone was not supported. I have also tried to Nokia Suite software, but i don't know how i can connect my phone to it.

Can someone please help me?
I can't help as I've never seen an app kill a phone like this before. I will say, however, thanks loads for warning us about the Flickr Central app. I shall avoid it. This warning really ought to make it to the WPC front page incase others download this killer app without realising and end up with a bricked phone.
I don't think the problem is with the flickr central app because i did some research into this problem, and found out that a user got the same message from looking at his email, and using the internet explorer app for WPCentral. He was running Windows Phone 8.1 as well.
Even im experiencing the same... Does this rectified now??? So we gonna lost all the data also :(
Really this is annoying
Even im experiencing the same... Does this rectified now??? So we gonna lost all the data also :(
Really this is annoying

Whaaatt, I have a same problem too! :o
It suddendly began today!! I'll try windows recovery tool. Let's see if it helps..

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