Nokia Lumia Icon: Battery drain and phone running hot after Windows 8.1

Welcome to the world of Lumia 920 everyone! I have had to put up with this battery bull crap long before 8.1 was released.
This was a problem for me on my Icon right after I updated, but it seems to have gone away. Wireless charging didn't work at first, either but since is fine. It seemed to correct after a battery drain and recharge cycle.
After updating my 1020 I had the same for a few hours. However, it has gone away by itself. Maybe some background stuff that the upgrade needed to do (re-indexing, sth. like that).
I also have a Icon. I noticed last night mine was getting hot. I rebooted and after a few minutes it cooled down. Haven't had it happen since then. I can live with the slow power button...reminds me of the old android days.
I have the Lumia Icon, after upgrading to WP 8.1 my battery start draining very rapidly. It would go from 100% charged to 40% within minutes and got really hot! I notice several of my email accounts was stuck in syncing. I turned off my phone and turn it back on immediately went into settings and deleted the email accounts. After doing so, I wanted for about 15 minutes; the phone cooled down and battery function returned to normal. I have since added my email account back - after two days phone is still working perfectly.
had the issue for a few days now. i've noticed that in battery saver is says that my phone is using a lot of battery. my guess is that the apn or something isn't working correctly. i've tried hard resetting twice and can't get rid of the issue.

any ideas?
had the issue for a few days now. i've noticed that in battery saver is says that my phone is using a lot of battery. my guess is that the apn or something isn't working correctly. i've tried hard resetting twice and can't get rid of the issue.

any ideas?

Same exact issue, cannot find anyone with an answer :(
If you open battery sense make sure you end task it when done. It seems to have a bug that drains batteries. Ever since I made sure I killed it when done I've been fine. Background tasks on battery saver doesn't seem to be a problem though.
I had the same problem. I got rid of my battery sense app and the problem went away. Apparently it was eating my battery up. Try checking to see if an app is doing it.
i''m having the same problem with my 925. It is warm when idle and blazing hot when I use it.

It lost 35% of its charge in about 45mins.

I don't believe the Battery Saver app gives us any indication of what it might be because that program only tracks app battery usage. Not other usage from wifi/cellular/bluetooth etc.

I have the same phone, but after doing the first update for WP8.1 (released 2 days ago) my phone no longer gets hot & no longer suffer excessive battery drains. In fact I'm very impressed & pleased by the latest update.

Good Luck
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I have the same phone, but after doing the first update for WP8.1 (released 2 days ago) my phone no longer gets hot & no longer suffer excessive battery drains. In fact I'm very impressed & pleased by the latest update.

Good Luck

All About Windows Phone says the battery problems across the board for 8.1 are fixed with the latest update. I'm taking delivery of an Icon on Monday so I am glad to see that that is your experience, too.

Windows Phone 8.1 battery woes - solved!
I've had the same Icon since launch day. I downloaded 8.1 developer preview as soon as it was available. I was having the typical problems people were reporting, faster battery drainage, getting hot while doing anything, start button lag and start screen booting lag, you name it I had it, but the features of 8.1 outweighed the bugs I was experiencing. Then I downloaded the update and everything became much worse. My battery drained 50% in 30 min and my phone was so hot I could barely touch it, and this while it sat idle on my desk at work (with all the things they recommend to turn off turned off). So, I decided last night to bite the bullet and revert back to 8.0 to get the Verizon firmware update (which was installed during the recovery process, thanks nokia), then re-install the 8.1 developer preview. Today I'm having a perfect 8.1 experience. Much improved battery life, my phone hasn't gotten hot once, and once I removed Cortana from my home screen Zero start screen loading lag, the start button does take about 1/2 a second to wake up the phone, but I only have to press it once now.
Interesting side note, I have a white Icon, my mom has a black one and didn't experience any problems....

Anyhoo, that's what worked for me. I'm absolutely loving my Icon.
I've had the same Icon since launch day. I downloaded 8.1 developer preview as soon as it was available. I was having the typical problems people were reporting, faster battery drainage, getting hot while doing anything, start button lag and start screen booting lag, you name it I had it, but the features of 8.1 outweighed the bugs I was experiencing. Then I downloaded the update and everything became much worse. My battery drained 50% in 30 min and my phone was so hot I could barely touch it, and this while it sat idle on my desk at work (with all the things they recommend to turn off turned off). So, I decided last night to bite the bullet and revert back to 8.0 to get the Verizon firmware update (which was installed during the recovery process, thanks nokia), then re-install the 8.1 developer preview. Today I'm having a perfect 8.1 experience. Much improved battery life, my phone hasn't gotten hot once, and once I removed Cortana from my home screen Zero start screen loading lag, the start button does take about 1/2 a second to wake up the phone, but I only have to press it once now.
Interesting side note, I have a white Icon, my mom has a black one and didn't experience any problems....

Anyhoo, that's what worked for me. I'm absolutely loving my Icon.
How do you revert back to 8.0

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