@Big D5,
Now that this forum is starting to pickup, we really should be getting additional help. Any nominees?
Now that this forum is starting to pickup, we really should be getting additional help. Any nominees?
I hardly ever poke my head in over here.
I've been spending most my time over at Treo Central / P|C.
I'm still using a Treo Pro.
I can swing by more often.
I don't think we need any help, the forum is barely hitting 200 posts a day and we have loads of staff who simply just don't login. Should maybe get them logging in more often or I'll begin purging so we know where we're at, staff wise.
I'll begin purging so we know where we're at, staff wise.
Yeah, agreed. I'll ping Dieter to let him know what we plan to do then perhaps you take on the Moderator primary/secondary and I'll to the same with inactive members with Admin access?I think this needs to be done there is a long list of Mods and Admins that have not logged in, in 2 to 3 years. If everyone agrees? Then either you or I can do it but I think it needs to be done sooner than later. Hopefully with all the development going on and the addition of Mango later this year these forums will see a user jump.
Yes please...
Dieter is sick?
@RichEdmonds: Can you tell me who you are purging before you do that? Just want to know. I am really for looking for active moderators, hence my question. The spam level is annoying. We need a more directed approach with these spamners.
I will.
I just got myself an Inspire, so you'll see me over at A|C more often also.
I don't understand how half these members don't have a single post.