Not able to download new languages (Speech) after update to 8.1 DP

I just hope this issue won't effect us in receiving the next Developer Preview update.

As since the Keyboard & Speech Languages seems to come under the update Section's functionality, I just hope the update process hasn't been broken in some way..

I hope not; don't have the time/energy to flash back to an old OS again. After GDR1, there are some changes to the update process (now you can see update details etc. before downloading the update) and it seems the speech updates are not compatible with this OS version.
As downloading from the store still works perfectly, it's just downloading backend services/functionality which seems to be the problem.
Yeah hopefully it's just backend servers and compatibility that just needs to be updated and resolved on Microsoft's end as the latest Developer Preview works flawlessly well besides this current issue.
I have the same problem on my 1520. Tried everything possible. Rebooting, resetting, going back to 8, restoring. Nada
Me too.. I understand it being a developer preview but when they release Cortana in alpha for select countries , why would they not test if that is working or not? Do they really do software testing for WP? At times , i wonder if they consider WP as some hobby project..smh
There is a long workaround. But it involves is going back to 8, then updating to cyan. Downloading the uk speech them became possible. Then go on updating by installing dp
There is a long workaround. But it involves is going back to 8, then updating to cyan. Downloading the uk speech them became possible. Then go on updating by installing dp

In my case, Cyan for 920 is already available via data package manager and Nokia recovery tool, so don't have to downgrade to 8 anymore, just flash back to Cyan directly.
Yes, I done the same and used the recovery manager.

As I couldn't wait to see when the issue might get fix.
Lost my game data but, at least now I can use Cortana.
I'm Also facing the same prob.. after the 8.1.1 update not able to download speech language.. need a fix .. i'm not able to use cortana in India..
I can confirm the same issue on AT&T Lumia 1520, and French CV Lumia 920. Both have latest DP updates. I found this out by flashing my 920 to Cyan since it was stuck on DP and Black. Good thing it's now just a secondary, developer only device and the 1520 is obviously already English US. Just wanted to add to this forum.
Same issue, both Speech and Text Predictions. Started since flashing the latest Cyan update and updating via DP before trying anything else.

Update 1: Reverted back to Cyan via the refurbish process. Will now try to download speech and predictions before the DP updates.

Update 2: Can confirm speech and text recognition download works well before the DP update.
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Same issue, 920 running Cyan unbranded Australian variant + Update 1 DP. Other phones on the same network don't have the same problem, so it's not a speed or connectivity issue. Recovered to Cyan, can install extra speech languages no problem. But if I factory reset after updating to the DP the problem reappears.
Facing the same issue on 620 Indian Varient
Flashed to cyan via NSRT..
Updated to update 1 through PFD..
cant install speech/keyboard
Nd thus cant use cortana.. Surprisingly my cortana shows as Beta in India.. Any way i cant use it as i dont have speech installed
Why wpcentral is not making any post regarding this issue? I had tipped them yesterday!

Simple. We don't do articles on every single bug or issue some users are experiencing. That's not what our front page is for, as Microsoft and Nokia read and use our forums too. We are also talking about the Preview for Developers, which is known to have bugs and a few issues. That's the risk you take when you signed up for it.

If and when we get a lot of tips, or a flood, we can do an article, but so far this is two pages of a handful of users.

I get it. Your problem is the most important it should be elevated to the highest status on our front page and Joe Belfiore should personally address it on Twitter, but I have other considerations to take into account, including getting Microsoft's feedback on the issues and seeing how widespread this really is ;)

Like all items, it is something we are looking into.
For any complaints I use the rate us feature under settings menu. I hope they read all these comments I posted already.
Simple. We don't do articles on every single bug or issue some users are experiencing. That's not what our front page is for, as Microsoft and Nokia read and use our forums too. We are also talking about the Preview for Developers, which is known to have bugs and a few issues. That's the risk you take when you signed up for it.

If and when we get a lot of tips, or a flood, we can do an article, but so far this is two pages of a handful of users.

I get it. Your problem is the most important it should be elevated to the highest status on our front page and Joe Belfiore should personally address it on Twitter, but I have other considerations to take into account, including getting Microsoft's feedback on the issues and seeing how widespread this really is ;)

Like all items, it is something we are looking into.

Its a widely affected Bug Daniel.. Just see the discussion in Microsoft forum..
> language download not works in wp 8.1 update 1 (dev preview) - Microsoft Community
>HI... Speech language isn't downloading in windows 8.1(lumia - Microsoft Community
>Cannot download new Speech Languages after updating to OS - Microsoft Community
>Couldn't download speech language - Microsoft Community

and many counting.. Nd iam pretty shour that this bug comes in 8.10.14157.200 OS Version
No need to disable preview for developers. I can confirm that Microsoft seems to have fixed this issue on their servers and I can now download speech languages with 8.1.1 and preview for developers enabled.

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