Not ready for WP yet, going for iphone for now.

I had Rhapsody with my iPhone a few months ago and I streamed my music everytime I was driving, I would stream the music I wanted to listen to. Never went over 2 gb. Once I got to my destination, 9 times out of 10 I didn't listen to music at all or I'd listen to music I've downloaded/purchased or used wi-fi access. It can be done, people just need to take advantage of wi-fi. And I drove around a lot and I need music everytime I'm in the vehicle. Now that I have Zune I can actually download things and load it onto my phone
I'm not sure what file type and bit rate rhapsody streams. Appear and oranges.

Also depends what else you do on your phone apartment from the streaming.

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Rhapsody is 160 kbps. Zune is 190/196 (can't remember which one) kbps. I don't believe that difference should make somebody go over 5 GB. If I'm wrong then I'll admit it, but right now I don't see it especially being that I listen to music all the time
I think it's worth pointing out that Nokia's music streaming service is also free to Nokia WP's.
I completely understand where the OP is coming from. I'm happy with WP7 for now because it's a great OS and I have an iPad for the games that I miss from when I had my iPhone and the few apps that there's no WP7 equivalent for. I'm not bothered at all about the look of the OS - for every person who says iOS is just a grid of icons, I can find a person that says WP7 is a grid of simple blocks of colour with a lot of wasted black (or white) space. A friend of mine - who likes WP7 - describes it as "Lego like". Truth is, both points are valid, but also there's lots more to like about both - no design will suit everyone. You just have to look at Android and see how many launchers there are, and how many themes you can get for jailbroken iOS devices, to see how much people like to low-level tinker with phones to make them truly theirs.

I'm currently thinking 6 months or so ahead about what phone I might go for next. I *was* thinking I may upgrade sooner, but the Focus S isn't quite what I'd hoped (the screen being PenTile is a real shame) and the Nokia 800 is just a little too pricey for what it is. So I think if Nokia don't pull out something like the 900 or HTC come out with something a little smaller than the Titan but less "meh" than the Radar, I'll be holding out for the inevitable iPhone 5. In the meantime though, if anyone asks me for advice I'll be steering them one of two ways - iOS or WP7, depending on what suits. Because I genuinely think Android is a step back to the days when computers were fussy and awkward, spec bumps replaced tight programming, cusomizability was used as an excuse for poor, inelegant core design and people had to buy the most powerful thing going just to get something useable.
I completely understand where the OP is coming from. I'm happy with WP7 for now because it's a great OS and I have an iPad for the games that I miss from when I had my iPhone and the few apps that there's no WP7 equivalent for. I'm not bothered at all about the look of the OS - for every person who says iOS is just a grid of icons, I can find a person that says WP7 is a grid of simple blocks of colour with a lot of wasted black (or white) space. A friend of mine - who likes WP7 - describes it as "Lego like". Truth is, both points are valid, but also there's lots more to like about both - no design will suit everyone. You just have to look at Android and see how many launchers there are, and how many themes you can get for jailbroken iOS devices, to see how much people like to low-level tinker with phones to make them truly theirs.

I'm currently thinking 6 months or so ahead about what phone I might go for next. I *was* thinking I may upgrade sooner, but the Focus S isn't quite what I'd hoped (the screen being PenTile is a real shame) and the Nokia 800 is just a little too pricey for what it is. So I think if Nokia don't pull out something like the 900 or HTC come out with something a little smaller than the Titan but less "meh" than the Radar, I'll be holding out for the inevitable iPhone 5. In the meantime though, if anyone asks me for advice I'll be steering them one of two ways - iOS or WP7, depending on what suits. Because I genuinely think Android is a step back to the days when computers were fussy and awkward, spec bumps replaced tight programming, cusomizability was used as an excuse for poor, inelegant core design and people had to buy the most powerful thing going just to get something useable.

Agreed. My wife and I just left BB. She got the I-Phone 4S and I got the Radar. She loves it - but I honestly see it as a bit dull. I', happy with the Radar - just need to work out some Outlook questions.
Point is if you don't have regular access to wifi 2 hours of zune pass streaming a day can be 3-3.5g of data over a month.

If you have wifi half the time... do the math.

Hats why I said the point is clear.

Even half of that will have most people getting charged for overages on at&t or Verizon with a 2gb data plan.

I see sprint customers racking up 6-8gb if data use in a month due to nsessive streaming (music and video).

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

Again. You can download as much music for offline listening as you want from ZunePass.
Again. You can download as much music for offline listening as you want from ZunePass.

That brinfs us back to point one. The terrible storage on the devices. I am a zines pass subscriber with an HD7. I had to buy a 32 GB iTouch to Hold my music due to the low storage.

Personally I don't stream much. I simply buy the music/albums I like unstressed. 320k MP3s are much bigger than the DRMed Zune Pass files, which are approximately half.that bit rate WMAs.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Well now that the Titan's release date has been announced you can wait to check it out before jumping ship to the 4S.
Pear Phone Blues....

Grid Central, hunt and peck, hunt and peck LOL!

Yup, a big bummer on the iPhone, you can't buy an iPhone with a dedicated keyboard!
Not even the iPad has a dedicated keyboard. Of course, if you don't mind packing around a keyboard, you could allways do the Blue Tooth keyboard route, but gosh darn it, some times lugging the accessories around you just as well bring your laptop with you, rather than lugging all the extras... Kinda like my friend with a laptop that has 5 external hard drives, wireless mouse, wireless keyboard, speakers, etc. Sure, it's so darn portable... About as portable as a DEC VAX complete with 15 line-printers, tape backup, and drum hard drives! Save the trouble and get everything you need in the phone to begin with...
Do any 2nd Gen WP have physical KB? Apple simplifies their forms. One button on mice, one button on phone.
One button on mice? That'd be why my Apple mouse has 5 then.

I think you're about 10 years behind here!
show me this 5 button apple mouse please.

I have an Apple mighty mouse I got with my iMac - it's a few years old and not sold now (i think).

It has left click, right click, squeeze click, mouse ball click. Actually, that's four isn't it? Anyway, that's still three more than one and the mouse ball is more use than a scroll wheel - and OS X supports mice with more buttons too.
I do not consider the right and left to be "buttons". The entire shell is the large single button. Due to the construction pressing different areas of the shell makes the mouse do different things. May be getting into semantics I guess.

As stated apple is definitely about form well before function. But their stuff is beautifully simple and elegant because of that.
I do not consider the right and left to be "buttons". The entire shell is the large single button. Due to the construction pressing different areas of the shell makes the mouse do different things. May be getting into semantics I guess.

As stated apple is definitely about form well before function. But their stuff is beautifully simple and elegant because of that.

The thing is that mouse does more than my standard MS windows mouse, what functions exactly are they missing? If anything they have more.

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