Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Two Surface Pros spotted in this wild this week. I also heard the chime of a Windows Phone in public, lol.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

The girl who issued me a gas mask yesterday had a Lumia 928. Seemed like it had seen better days though, based on the shattered screen.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Yup..i also see more and more wp's in India everyday!! Getting more and more popular by the day!! :)
Well, my mom just told me she's sick of Apple, and is intrigued by Windows Phone, based on my app I've developed that I showed her. She's a journalist, so the Lumia 1020 may be her next phone!
I have a 1020, wife has a 900 (upgrade in April), friend's wife has a 920 then there are two co-workers with 900s, two co-workers with 925s one co-worker with a 920 my boss's daughter has a 1020 and one contractor we work with at the office has a 920. Also saw an 8x in the possession of a contractor at a branch office.

So... 11 in total. Not to mention several during commutes that I have spied from afar.
One guy I work with has one. That's out of about 30 people. I've never seen one elsewhere. I'm in Canada.
I have seen plenty of Lumia phones here in Kolkata India. Not as popular as android but still i spot them often
I've seen about 10 people in the last 3 months with WP in my city, so there's something. The majority still have iPhones and Galaxy S2/3s, but hey, it's a start.

I have a L820. My gf a 520. My dad a 900. My mom looks enticed by a 625. Also converted a friend with a 720 and another one with an 8X.
At work I saw a girl with a red Lumia. I think it might have been a 1520 but I'm not sure. It was sticking out of her back pocket. It was like halfway out of her back pocket so I think it was the 1520!

Plus one day a guy came to fix our computers and I heard the windows phone text message sound come from him. I was surprised. A majority of the people I work with have iPhones and a couple with galaxies.
My ex has a 920, mother has a 710, my father a 521, brother an HD7, friend and his sister a 521, and a manager from work has an 8x. I see Windows Phones quite a lot in my city, but obviously not as much as iOS or Android devices. Sorry if improper punctuation by the way with all the commas.
Well.. Let me first say.. That i know hell lot of people who have made the #Switch..
It all started a few years ago when Nokia released the ever wonder Nokia N9.. My friend was bonkers over this as he at that moment was using a N800.. Another masterpiece.. I was using a Samsung star (java phones.. With something called midship 2.0.. I could get games and the phone became bareable.. Then again it was the cheapest touch screen phone that just released).. Im going outta topic.. So ya.. The N9's beauty and the Symbian masterpiece was something we wanted but couldn't get a piece.. Then we came across the WP 7.. That too was spectacular.. Luckily for me.. The Samsung Star (used almost 2 years) finally gave in and never even came back on.. (the last 4 months only half the screen worked.. But yea I'm a rough user),.
So when my phone died out,. I had an option of getting a new phone.. Feasted my eyes on Windows Phone (was a bit worried because I did own an HTC which ran Windows Mobile, and that wasn't my cup of tea)
The Nokia Lumia 800 stole my breath.. The colours, the easeness, fluidity, the CBD.. And yes the curves from N9.. Even still I wanted an android (most ppl had it.. And i was really good at using it and never failled me) But the WP7 with all it s fb integration and live tile.. Everything actually made it so easy for me that i never bothered to open the apps..
But price issues I settles for the Nokia Lumia 710.. Other than shape and the memory size (8gb) it wasn't much different.. It worked amazing.. I had no regrets.. And soon gave up using all the android phones lying around.. Not going into detail here.. cos pretty much even more better reviews have been put up..

Presently I've upgraded to Nokia Lumia 920.. Mainly because the WP7 upgraded to WP7.5 and then to WP7.8.. and was the last.. Needed to get my hands on the WP8.. Got my eyes on the Lumia 1520 too.. Since me buying a WP phone.. My friends seeing how well it is, made the #Switch.. I know 3 HTC 8s.. One HTC 8x.. One Nokia Lumia 610.. My Nokia Lumia 710.. Two Nokia Lumia 800.. Sadly no one who has a 900... But 6 People who bought the Nokia Lumia 920 (incl. Me) and one who bought a Nokia Lumia 520.. Two who bought the Nokia Lumia 620.. My cousin who bought the Lumia 720.. And neighbour who bought the Lumia 625.. Another close friend who bought the nokia Lumia 925 and a Lumia 620.. These are just my closest peeps.. Not kidding.. Here all i see is WP..

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