Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Saw a random white 435 out in the wild, think it was the same one I saw last September but still cool.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who has a bada** Lumia amongst us all"

In my office its sea of Android, the odd iPhone here & there. Just me, my missus and a colleague sporting WP.

There used to be 5 users, but the 720 & 920 gave up on their owners
... !!
I actually have introduced several people at work to WP,I got this one chick one,then her daughter,then her sister,then brother,and I got my friend one,that was 2 650's,1 550 and 2 435's,it's not much but I'm doing what I can,plus I'm a excellent salesmen too,cheers
My sis in law just got a 525
(running W8.1/Denim).. small but really really zippy!!

Here it is next to her brother's 720, and my wife's 1520...
There is suppose to be 640 around, but it in the shop for servicing
Amongst a sea of bland B&W or faux metal android/apples.... yellow easily stands out..


... !!
If you watch the TV series "Bull" I have seen 2 occasions of Bull using a 950 to Skype his girl friend and to make calls. Maybe Microsoft is a sponsor? Love my 950 XL.
Yeah, the NCIS series seems to always have them running around.
I revisited this thread, because I saw someone at my son's pre-school graduation running a windows phone, taking pics. I couldn't make out the model, but it had a clear case on it, and I could see the windows logo. I tried to track him down afterward, but didn't spot him.
Of course, last night reinforced my dislike of my current 950, since it decided not to save one of the videos I took. "Oops, looks like something went wrong!" Yeah, I bought a 950... Such BS, this is the second time it failed to record an important video for me. Once on device storage, once on memory card storage, plenty of room on both. The only common thing between them was they were over a minute long. Unacceptable.
Although I an no longer using a Windows phone I was with the girlfriend today at a diagnostic facility and the older gentleman sitting next to us was using an HP Elite X3 in a beat up case (not sure what case it was). I first noticed the live tiles then the silver ring at the bottom of the phone. Very interesting to see because I very rarely see any Windows phones in the wild much less a non advertised HP Elite X3.

I did notice he was struggling to open facebook, terrible opening time still on the official facebook app I take it. Seemed like he tried 3 or 4 times and then just gave up.
Although I an no longer using a Windows phone I was with the girlfriend today at a diagnostic facility and the older gentleman sitting next to us was using an HP Elite X3 in a beat up case (not sure what case it was). I first noticed the live tiles then the silver ring at the bottom of the phone. Very interesting to see because I very rarely see any Windows phones in the wild much less a non advertised HP Elite X3.

I did notice he was struggling to open facebook, terrible opening time still on the official facebook app I take it. Seemed like he tried 3 or 4 times and then just gave up.

His struggle experience aside, that is very cool! I have never seen one outside of the internet before lol.
At one time most of us here were using Windows phone, but now I'd guess that most of us are not.

What?? You mean there are people here in WC who don't use a Windows phone?? Nooooooo!!

... !
I use my L830 and always will for as long as it works, which it doesn't always nowadays. I also know 2 ladies in their late 70's who use and love theirs. Their relatives have pinned to the start screen every app they use, together with ever contact phone number they need with a photo to to make it nice and easy to recognise. Plus the photo app full of favorite pictures. They don't even know they're using a Windows phone or that there are a couple of other os's. All they know and care about is that it works for them. Long may it continue. I've just helped my 84 year old neighbour set up an Android phone and she struggles with its complexity every day
I use my L830 and always will for as long as it works, which it doesn't always nowadays. I also know 2 ladies in their late 70's who use and love theirs. Their relatives have pinned to the start screen every app they use, together with ever contact phone number they need with a photo to to make it nice and easy to recognise. Plus the photo app full of favorite pictures. They don't even know they're using a Windows phone or that there are a couple of other os's. All they know and care about is that it works for them. Long may it continue. I've just helped my 84 year old neighbour set up an Android phone and she struggles with its complexity every day

Aww this sounds so sweet! Why fix what isn't broken, right?
The only ones I ever see (other than my 950XL of course) are my wife's 950XL, and her sister's 1020.

As for still using one, yes, if my 950XL dies, I have a 640XL, two 640, a 1020, a 920 and a 520 - all of which are running the latest Windows 10 - that I will use, in that order, before ever touching another iPhone or Android phone.

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