Wish we had more Windows phones to see and talk about.
Today if someone woke up in the morning then went shopping for a Windows phone where would that person go?
The options for a casual smartphone buyer aren't present.
For this reason I've always held on to my opinion that phones running Windows should have attacked the impulse market with unlocked low cost semi-disposable devices.
I'm probably wrong besides that train has left the station anyway.
I know I was watching a crime show when I noticed they were all using Windows phones, but I can't seem to remember witch show. May have been Bones or NCIS.
- M
I have definitely seen them on all versions of NCIS. I can't remember if I've seen the phones, but I know on "Arrow" they had an episode showing off the 1st Surface tablet. Felicity used it to hack into Malcom Merlin's servers. It was cool, but highly laughable, lol. My dad has one of those. He loves it, but c'mon, a hacking tool? MS pushed that shameless plug a little hard...They also use Windows phones and Surfaces on Ray Donovan.
Wait...how?!Oh and there was a guy there who mistaked my Lumia 640XL for a black Note 7.
Nice! So the 1520s are a new project for you?Helped a friend along to a 950XL. Complete with a dock too. Acquired a couple of unicorn 1520s in the process. On their last legs. Lets just say made for two happy campers altogether.^_^
-- W
They don't even look the same lol.