Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Was having dinner, and the father at the next table was fiddling with a not so thin and square-ish deep green phone, which only means ... Lumia435
Went to the plaza today. Looking for DSLR accessories. The fella next to me was holding a SG. Then a phone rang. He whipped out from his pocket, a green L735.... The dazzling colour does stand out...

At another shop, the old guy was holding a black 1020, with the unmistakable camera bulge...
Then a lady walked in... she was using a white 950XL, in a dark brown flip cover .. Of course, this shop is the local MSFT outlet!!! I came for a 950, a colleague had ask me to get a replacement for his 3yr old battle-weary 925....

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For a minute I was going to ask you there if you werent stranded in the Sahara somewhere and beginning to hallucinate Ray. And then I read the local Microsoft store. Smh. :(

-- W
Off topic... I'm in a quandary in deciding my next course of action. My two phones is not fully functioning - a 830 with a dead main camera, and a 1520 with an excellent camera but partially dead screen... At present, the handicapped 830 is my DD, and I use the 1520 when I need to take picture.. Not ideal.
The cost of a 1520 replacement screen, is equivalent to a brand new 640 here (~USD155) or I plunk in for a 950 as well.. that's full price ~USD670.. We don't have sales on WP, or subsidise WP... hardly any retail shops sell em here.... Aargh decisions, decisions..

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Well, depends on how much you have in moneys saved up for such extravagances of life Ray, no? But the 640 is a really good phone. Obviously nowhere close to a 1520. Or even an 830. But its a very good phone. However, 155 is a steep number of Benjamins to pay. I only have mine because it cost me 30-35 a pop. So I purchased four. And that still comes out to far less than what you would end up paying for one of those in your home country. :(

-- W
The one other answer is a mid-ranger, which is an option which we don't have on WP

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frankly since 2013 ( when i became windows `mobile user) , only spotted a couple a peeps using a windows phone. Recently at my workplace, a colleague of mine has a lumia 730. :D
Spotted.. Found a shop clearing out the entire msft old stock. L620s and 630s going for ~USD75... And a couple of 1520s for ~USD250... Looks like my problem is solved. Just hope these 3yr old phones that has been sitting on the shelves are in mint condition, especially the batteries

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Told the shop to charge up the battery so I can test it out.. "30mins he said"...... Never got a chance to return to the shop (hazards of shopping with the missus!!)
all is not lost... my brother, who spots a OnePlus One.. went and grab it for me in double quick time!!!!

Edit: Got that 1520 in my hands .. its in mint condition.... WP8.0, Lumia Black firmware!! It's so weird seeing once again, the beauty of 8.0 pivot layout with the oversized fonts.. notification centre or settings dropdown menu.
... time for some serious updating tonight!!

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I holding on to my brothers' red 1520, on loan, until I decide on my next phone ..
He is passionate of his 1+1, and thinks it has a better camera than the 1520..... LOL

The updates continue .. I'm up to 8.1/ Denim now... next is W10 and beyond. .

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Send him to android purgatory with his 1+1 and find your salvation in that 1520! :D

Also, get that Lumia on that WM10 ASAP! ^_^

-- W
.. and a bit of personalisation... Pinning my contacts on my start screen is basically why I need WP.
I need to see faces I know... not cold icons and widgets


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