Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Went to my friends campground over the weekend. His friend's son (14 yrs old) was showing us some pics on his phone, and I was like, "Wait a minute, you're using a Windows Phone?" He said, "Yeah, Lumia 640, I love this thing!" Someone asked him why the #$%# he had a Windows Phone, and he said "Because it's indestructible, watch this!", and proceeded to throw it repeatedly at the ground! Lol. His dad started yelling at him, it was hilarious. The last throw, his battery popped out. He picked it up, put it back together, and it worked just fine. I would NOT recommend it, even for a $40 phone, lol. But I was amazed to see a teenager who was a Windows Phone fan.
I passed my 950 on to a friend who is a brother in the Lord and gave my old 925 to his 11 yr. old son. They love the OS , but seems his son can't get the win 10 update for his phone. I think I see a young man getting a win 10 phone for his birthday LOL!
So this is old, but inquiring minds would like to know if you ever saw that med student with the Windows Phone again?

@raycpl: congrats!

I didn't.
But i would definitely know that it's her once i see that phone that she was holding. ☺
Well you two just stop pretending its not each other already. You lovebirds you! :P

But jokes aside, good luck with lady love friend. :) ^_^

-- W
I'm currently an android user, and I'm using windows 10 on my pc. I can notice that windows 10 is designed to bring the mobile experience closer. With that in mind, there should be no problem for me to accommodate. I wouldn't have nothing against considering also a windows phone in my next purchase.
Today, I just noticed that a guy I see at church all the time appears to have a 530, I think. The size and shape of the phone looks like that is what it is. No case at all, slightly damaged.
Yeah, I see random people having Windows Phones pretty often. My mom also has one. The friend of mine that got me into Windows Phones has one, and I know many other people who have Windows Phones.

Sent from mTalk on a 535.
Saw two people with two Lumia in the same NYC subway car. Haven't seen a Windows phone in months and then two!

Posted via Xiaomi Mi 5
I sadly almost never see anyone with a windows phone. About the only place I have ever seen them is in product placements on tv or in the movies. Once in a blue moon I will come across someone who looks like a stock IT guy caricature with one.
Saw more than a dozen at a recent expo and conference - they were pretty common actually, even amongst managers and high ranking officials
The kids working in the studio next to mine have two Lumias between their class. I think. There's a Lumia 930. And a Lumia 1020. Both with shattered screens, but the 1020 was a violent sad affair. But yet, they're both hanging onto their Lumias like it means their life to them. Felt very proud associating myself with those little derps. And the kid with the 1020 said this was his first 'professional' camera experience. And that he was blown away basically. The 930 was, surprisingly, on Fast Insider, and the kid didnt even know that he's not supposed to keep it on there. A word of caution to him and he was really surprised by it. Because he had no clue whatsoever about the Fast Rings and what it can do for stability. Next day he comes up to me, "My 930 just crashed". And I was like. Bwahahahahah! Told you bro! :P :D

-- W

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