After couple of months i bought my Lumia 535, i saw it in many hands at public places, in my college, buses too.. And this year in my last semester, i saw Lumia 640xl , 730 and 520 in many hands where most of them were my college bus Mates.
Two weeks ago when I was in Las Vegas for a conference I met a guy with a 640 from London. I showed him my 950XL and he said "One of the very few that use Windows!" We talked for a little about what we liked and disliked. It was cool seeing someone else with a Windows phone in the wild.
Actually, I take my last post here back... I'm not sure if this counts but I seen someone last year using the HTC one M8 running Windows. It was a unique looking phone.
I have yet to see anyone in my town with a WP only myself. It's sad. Though I enjoy the compliments I get from people asking me what phone I have. I've had one person mistaken my phone as a iPhone. Rather laughable. Though at times when I'm on a bus I do look over to see what phones other use.
I have a really large family and the day after Xmas we meet to exchange presents. So there comes a time when we do a group picture and all the phones come out, out of 41 Mobile devices two Windows Phones and one BlackBerry. My 68 year old cousin had a Samsung Omnia running windows 6.5. REPRESENT!
Me and my family was traveling home for Xmas from Dublin two weeks ago. In the plane was sitting my wife holding 950, then me holding 930, and a strange guy holding 950. We looked each other and smile.
what a chrismas spirit:smile:
Yes!! I finally met someone in my local coffee shop with a bright red Lumia 720 including a red wireless charging shell. Got chatting and he told me that after 3 years of use he wasn't planning on changing any time soon as the phone was still in pristine condition and working without any problems. Was a guy in his 30's and changing OS was not an option.
1. I was spotted by a friend of a friend (a 25 year old) who as soon as he noticed I have the Lumia 950xl was very impressed for the high end device. He dropped his jaw when I showed the pics and videos but what Got him crazy was Windows HELLO and IRIS unlocking he thought it was only stuff of the movies . He has an android midranger and claimed he would love to get a windows phone. By the way I see kind of one in ten people in NY with a WP...
2. Those watching SHERLOCK might have noticed that on the current season 4, Watson uses a 950 and shots of incoming calls to Mycroff are of WP8.1 incoming calls probably a 830 or 930
If you watch the TV series "Bull" I have seen 2 occasions of Bull using a 950 to Skype his girl friend and to make calls. Maybe Microsoft is a sponsor? Love my 950 XL.