Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

When I originally posted this thread a year ago I really didn't know anyone who had one. Since then, I have met 2 people who own them. One of them loves her phone, and the other one is pretty indifferent to it.

I am still on the Titan II, waiting for that next big thing to be released. If they give me something to show off, I will certainly do so. Maybe I can get people to be a little more interested in the OS.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Was at the Sugarloaf Mills mall (NE of Atlanta) today, and told my wife, "That kid's got a Lumia!" She laughed as I nodded toward the approx. 12-year-old with the white Lumia, I think a 520. :grin:
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Here in the Philippines,

I saw a guy holding a Yellow Lumia 920 to his ear while I was walking home last Saturday.

And I took my pet dog to the vet last Sunday and I saw the nurse there holding a Lumia 520
Just converted my mom(got a 920 came from GS3) Dad( came from HTC One got a N1520) Brother(LG viper, also got a 1520) and while I was at it I got me a red 1520 too. So now we are WP family! Also Cousin has a N620 I believe and another friend an HTC 8x.
Why, aren't the 1520 and 1020 show-worthy? There's no smartphone that can match the overall camera performance of the 1020. The 1520 has less quality in low-light shots and videography but it is speedier in terms of shot-to-shot intervals.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520 (RM-937 Malaysia) using Tapatalk
I'm starting to see lots of kids around school having them. At this time last year only one kid had a Nokia Lumia 900. I at the time had an iPhone 3GS. Now myself, another girl, a teacher, and two male students have Windows Phones from what I've seen :)
Saw one at a concert I went to last Friday... It was a Samsung ATIV S if I recall correctly. Other than that, I have not seen another one in public and no one I know has one

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 via Tapatalk
Saw one lawyer with a Lumia 920 and a manager with a Lumia 822 within a span of 2 days. Otherwise I am surrounded by a sea of iPhones.
2 of my colleagues have Lumias. Also 5 of my friends are WP users. I think its market share in Bulgaria is not really small :)
Around my city I've seen people with 520s, a few yellow 1020s and even a 1520 not a while ago. Also I convinced a coworker to buy a 920 after showing her the photos capable with the PureView sensors. Not bad for New Zealand!!
I first bought my lumia 1520 when it came out when I was picking up my xbox one. I fell in love with it.

A friend at work had a windows phone and I liked it so I gave it a shot. I've converted two people so far! Both of them bought the 1520! Both love it so far! I've seen multiple people come to my work place with them. Maybe once a day. Not too bad.
I know tho people, who have a 710, and one friend is planning on buying a 520. Besides them, I've seen a few 'wild' ones too
Me: 920
Dad: 520
Two brothers and gf: 920
Sis in law: 820
Other bro: Focus S
Boss: 8x
Co worker: 920

Overall, I am seeing and HEARING more Windows Phones.

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