Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Re: Seen a WP lately?

I spotted a 928 at the grocery store the other day. I don't see many WP's so I was actually excited. I am not a devoted WP fan or anything but I am rooting for WP big time. After my good experience with the 822, I am looking for a quality 928 to pick up off contract.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I see them on occasion. Funny thing - one day last week a coworker from another part of the office came to me asking if I had a charger (because she has a 920 and knows I'm a WP nut). I have a wireless charger that is mounted under the homemade wooden stand that I built to raise my monitors up, so I can just drop my phone onto the shelf to charge. She left her phone sitting on my desk to charge for a couple hours. LOL
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I'm seeing more WP's on campus, though they are either of the 520/21 or 920/8X. I have not spotted any mid-range devices yet, but the fact is at least a few people are switching to WP.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I see them on occasion. Funny thing - one day last week a coworker from another part of the office came to me asking if I had a charger (because she has a 920 and knows I'm a WP nut). I have a wireless charger that is mounted under the homemade wooden stand that I built to raise my monitors up, so I can just drop my phone onto the shelf to charge. She left her phone sitting on my desk to charge for a couple hours. LOL

Re: Seen a WP lately?

One of the tables I was waiting on had a yellow 920 and I sparked up a conversation with he and his wife. They probably had most of my attentions simply due to the fact that they had a WP. Now that I think about it, I may have forgotten about all my other tables. They were too busy hovering their hands over their Galaxy S4's . . . unsuccessfully ;)
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I live in israel and there is only 4 windows phones in my high school :P
Htc 8s ATIV S(me:)) and lumia 920
I dont see here alot but its starting to grow here :)
Re: Seen a WP lately?

One of the moms in my kids' preschool rocks an 8S which she likes very much. Otherwise, in this economically well off city of mine, everyone is rocking an iPhone, and a decent number of S3/S4/N4. Apple has an overwhelming command here.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

in boston on my commute to and from work. i see 920s, 520s, and there were even some guys in tmobile stores when i go to pay my bills rocking 925's. on the bus i was listening to tunes on my puritys, and some guy in front of me had the same pair, as well as a cyan 920 i love that they are becoming more abundant.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Ran into a girl at the grocery store self checkout. She had an 8x with a shattered screen :'( but she said she loved it.
Some guy with an iphone came up to me at a park a while ago asking if I had the new microsoft phone cause he noticed the camera bump on my lumia 1020.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Yes! Last year at college I was the only person who had a WP, this year there are like 3 out of a class of 18.

No its not much, but I ask them what they think of them and they love them, persuaded my best one into getting one, all of my family has one, they have told their friends, some of them have got them and so on.

It appears its word of mouth that are pushing people into getting WP's rather than advertising.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Unfortunately where I live I rarely see them, and in fact the local Best Buy stopped carrying them, and the Mall kiosks that had been prominently displaying them no longer display them at all. :cry:
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Every day more, a few friends bought them lately. Two 920, one 620 and one 8S.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I walked into the Caterpillar warehouse Monday where I am doing some work in Waco, TX this week. The receptionist had her L520 sitting face up on her desk next to her keyboard.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

A person in spanish class was sneakily using a 521.
i think i caught a glimpse of a white 900 too.

otherwise, havent seen much
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Work among health professionals. Among perhaps 60-70 people I come across, there is one with a 1020 and another with a 900. Most everyone has an iPhone. A few with Android. When I'm out in public, I haven't seen anyone with a WP8 phone.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I see a few every now and then; but then I am really not worried. I think in the long run they are going to do just fine. I remember when Android first came out you never saw any of them either. And look at now they are everywhere. I think in time it will be Android #1, and WP8 and IOS about even for #2. WP will overtake IOS in most of the rest of the world and IOS will remain strong in the USA. Oh me, I have a 820, and my wife has a 520, and I have two android tablets (kindle fires)
Re: Seen a WP lately?

One of the moms in my kids' preschool rocks an 8S which she likes very much. Otherwise, in this economically well off city of mine, everyone is rocking an iPhone, and a decent number of S3/S4/N4. Apple has an overwhelming command here.

Its not her (mom's) fault, the 8s is the most beautiful designed thing 'ever', it takes a deep hit when it comes to hardware.

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